The Province uses a range of templates and processes to compete opportunities, create multi-use lists, and gather market information.
Stay informed about updates or changes to these templates. Subscribe for notifications.
Explore solicitation processes and corporate templates that align with the Procurement Policy in the Core Policy and Procedure Manual (CPPM).
Multi-Use List Request for Qualifications (MULRFQ) - template with its standard appendices: the Respondent Qualification Form and Resource Qualification Form.
This is the Province’s Multi-Use List Request for Qualifications (MULRFQ) template for use with BC Bid. It is used to establish a multi-use list of qualified suppliers that may be invited to respond on an ongoing basis for more than one (multiple) subsequent procurements.
Please note that the appendices are part of the MULRFQ. Appendix A is required to be used with the MULRFQ. Appendix B is used if the intention is to evaluate and qualify specific resources.
Multi-Use List Request for Qualifications (MULRFQ) template (DOC, 91.5KB)
Multi-Use List Request for Qualification (MULRFQ) Summary of Changes (PDF, 61.2KB)
Notice of Intent (NOI) - template with its standard appendices: the Challenge Form
This is the Province’s Notice of Intent (NOI) template to use with BC Bid. The Province may issue a NOI in some situations when it intends to award a contract without a competition. A NOI will disclose why the direct award is being contemplated, why it is justified, and will invite suppliers to challenge the potential direct award.
A ministry that receives a challenge pursuant to a NOI must assess whether the challenge is justified and whether a competitive process should be undertaken. In any case, the issuing Ministry is required to comply with the requirements of Section 39 of the Procurement Policy and document its file accordingly.
Please note that there is a separate Appendix A: Challenge Form. This appendix is part of and is required to be used with the NOI corporate template.
Notice of Intent (NOI) template (DOC, 69.3KB)
Notice of Intent (NOI) Appendix A Challenge Form (DOC, 46.4KB)
Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) - template and award letter
This is the Province's Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) template that enables buyers to make low-value purchases using a consistent and flexible process. This template is not used with BC Bid.
Ministry buyers can use the NRQ when:
The quote obtained by using the NRQ does not bind the Province as it would through a binding procurement process, such as RFP, RFQ, ITT, or others.
For more information on the NRQ and how to use it, please see the guidance and training material, including instructions and case studies.
Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) template (DOC, 64.4KB)
Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) Quote Selection Letter template (DOC, 100KB)
Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) Regret Letter Template (DOC, 99.5KB)
Non-Binding Request for Quote (NRQ) Summary of Changes (PDF, 36.6KB)
Request for Information (RFI) - template with its standard appendix: the Submission Declaration Form
This is the Province’s Request for Information (RFI) template to use with BC Bid. The RFI is intended to solicit information from a particular supplier community regarding specific information being sought. It may be market sounding regarding whether or not the supplier community offers a particular service or product. It may solicit information on the types of licensing arrangements a supplier community might employ or seek information and market sounding as to whether a supplier community is interested in a particular procurement opportunity that might be described at a high level in the RFI.
RFIs can be used to sound out technical information regarding a contemplated procurement or may enquire if there is supplier interest in a particular opportunity. For example, high interest might help to inform the buyer whether a shortlisting pre-qualification process such as a Single-Use Request for Qualifications (SURFQ) might be used as part of the procurement process.
Please note that there is a separate Appendix A: Submission Declaration Form (used only for email or hard copy delivery). This appendix is part of and is required to be used with the RFI corporate template, if email and/or hardcopy submissions are permitted.
Note: the RFI does not have a templated response form.
Request for Information (RFI) template (DOC, 75.1KB)
Request for Information (RFI) Appendix A Submission Declaration Form (DOC, 35.2KB)
Request for Information (RFI) Summary of Changes (PDF, 52.1KB)
Note: the RFI does not have a templated response form.
Request for Proposals (RFP) - template with its standard appendix: the Proposal Response Form
This is the Province's standard Request for Proposals (RFP) template and is used for non-negotiated procurement processes held on BC Bid. Please note there is a separate Appendix B: Proposal Response Form. This Appendix is required to be used with the corporate RFP template.
Request for Proposals (RFP) template (DOC, 102.9KB)
Request for Proposals (RFP) Appendix B Response Form (DOC, 54.8KB)
Request for Proposals (RFP) Summary of Changes (PDF, 62.9KB)
Single Use Request for Qualifications (SURFQ) - template with its standard appendix: the Respondent Qualifications Response Form
This is the Province’s Single Use Request for Qualifications (SURFQ) template to use with BC Bid. It is used to establish a shortlist of qualified suppliers that are eligible to respond to a specific procurement that may follow.
Please note that there is a separate Appendix A: Respondent Qualification Response Form. This appendix is part of and is required to be used with the SURFQ corporate template.
Single-Use Request for Qualifications (SURFQ) template (DOC, 89.3KB)
Single-Use Request for Qualifications (SURFQ) Summary of Changes (PDF, 62.3KB)
Invitation to Tender (ITT)
Primarily used for construction services and BC Timber Sales’ (BCTS) contracted services, the ITT generally results in a contract awarded to the lowest-priced bidder that satisfies the buyer’s specifications.
Please contact the Procurement Services Branch for information about construction services.
Please contact BC Timber Sales for BCTS contracted services.
Invitation to Quote for Goods (ITQ)
Primarily used to acquire goods in a contract awarded to the lowest-priced bidder that satisfies the buyer's specifications.
Please contact the Procurement Services Branch for more information.
Request for Standing Arrangement (RSA)
An arrangement where suppliers agree to provide goods or services, on an as requested basis, in accordance with an established contractual framework. This is a custom form of solicitation created for the particular opportunity by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services Procurement and Supply Division together with legal advice from Legal Services Branch.
Please contact the Procurement Services Branch for more information.
Solicitations must be posted on BC Bid unless one or more of the conditions in Section 39 of the Procurement Policy (CPPM) apply.
Competitions to qualified suppliers
Certain procurement processes compete opportunities only among suppliers who met the criteria for pre-qualification, such as through a Multi-Use List Request for Qualifications or a Single Use Request for Qualifications. Procurement opportunities made available to pre-qualified suppliers are not posted to BC Bid. See the Procurement Policy (CPPM), Section 39 (b).
Direct awards
A direct award is a contract awarded to a supplier without a competitive process. Section 39 of the Procurement Policy (CPPM), describes when the Province may issue a direct award.
Summaries of directly awarded contracts are posted to the Province’s Open Information website under the applicable Ministerial directives for the release of government information.
Under specified value thresholds
When an opportunity is valued below specified monetary thresholds set out in Section 39 of the Procurement Policy (CPPM), the Province may not be required to post the procurement opportunity on BC Bid, but may compete it otherwise in accordance with policy. For example, in certain circumstances the Province might invite three or more suppliers to provide quotes on an opportunity.
In circumstances where the Province may want to negotiate the price, scope, or any other aspect of the contract with the selected supplier before signing, the Province might use the Non-binding Request for Quote (NRQ) template to invite three or more suppliers to provide quotes on an opportunity.
Subject to the Procurement Policy (CPPM) the Province will use one of the following corporate templates for all of its contracts. Legal Services Branch must prepare or advise on new contract templates or changes to existing contract templates. Other forms of contracts, including those provided by suppliers, may be used only if Legal Services Branch has prepared or advised on the alternative.
Information Technology and Management Consulting Professional Services Agreement (IT/MC-GSA)
*Note: the links/pages below work better in Google Chrome*
The IT/MC-GSA is used for the following:
Further information, refer to the guidelines for using the ITMC-GSA, or contact Legal Services Branch.
Financial Review and Assurance Services Agreement (FRASA)
*Note: the links/pages below work better in Google Chrome*
Used for contracts for financial assurance services requesting a financial opinion, including financial audits and review engagements that are provided by people with a recognized professional accounting designation.
General Service Agreement (GSA)
*Note: the links/pages below work better in Google Chrome*
Used for all general service contracts, including professional services, except for services that require the use of the Information Technology and Management Consulting Professional Agreement template or for financial review and assurance services.
Purchase orders
A purchase order is a written authorization from a buyer to acquire goods or services. The document authorizes a supplier to deliver to the buyer at the price, quality level, delivery date, and certain other terms specified in the agreement terms that are incorporated into the purchase order. A purchase order and the associated contractual terms set out the purchase order is issued to the successful bidder resulting from an Invitation to Quote for goods. Purchase Orders may be issued in other circumstances.
University research agreements
University research agreements are unique to those situations where the Province enters into an agreement directly with a university (or universities) to have research conducted in an area directly related to government priorities, policies, or individual ministry mandates. More specifically:
The objectives of these resources are to:
These resources do not address:
NOTE: These sample agreements are ONLY to be used for research agreements with BC universities. These agreements are NOT to be used for contracts that do not involve research work. Due to the special nature of the provisions of these agreements, clauses are NOT to be extracted for use in other contracts or agreements.
Questions regarding Province-University Research Agreements can be directed to the ministry procurement specialist, Legal Services Branch, or the manager of the University Research Agreements Toolkit.
The information contained in these BC Procurement Resources is provided as general information related to the Province's procurement resources. This information is not exhaustive and may become out of date. This information is not legal, policy, or business advice and users should make further enquiries they deem necessary with their legal, policy, business or other advisors. The provisions of the Procurement Policy (CPPM) and the associated Practice Standard take precedence over any information contained in these resources that may be inconsistent.
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