Occupational safety and health COVID-19 vaccination policy: contractors and other parties

Last updated on July 10, 2024

Effective December 13, 2021, all contractors and other parties entering employee-only areas of indoor BC Public Service workplaces while employees are present must provide proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 before entering.

FAQs for contractors and other parties

On this page

  • Effective December 13, 2021, all contractors and other parties entering employee-only areas of indoor BC Public Service workplaces while employees are present must provide proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 before entering
  • Full vaccination means the person has a B.C. Vaccine Card showing a fully vaccinated status or can provide equivalent proof from another province or country
  • Proof of vaccination does not apply to clients or the public receiving a direct ministry service

Throughout the pandemic, the BC Public Service has aligned its response to support the overall provincial pandemic response and follow the guidance of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO).

Updates to HR policy 04 – Occupational safety and health (PDF, 124KB) are consistent with that direction and is an additional measure to ensure our workplaces are as safe as possible.

Essential steps for contract managers


Step 1: notify contractors about the policy

For contracts in place before December 13, 2021

Contract managers must send a notice to contractors to all existing contract holders to inform them of the vaccination policy requirement if workers will be entering employee-only areas of BC Public Service workplaces.

If you have not already received the notice to send contractors, download a copy from the procurement services support page.

You can also contact a BC Public Service safety specialist for assistance using AskMyHR (IDIR restricted). Select the service category COVID-19 > Contractor Vaccination when submitting a request.

For contracts awarded after December 13, 2021

Information about the vaccination policy is now provided in contracts and corporate supply arrangements.

If you have a previously finalized contract where work is commencing after December 13, 2021, use the original contract and send the contractor the notice to contractors to inform them of the new requirements.


Step 2: confirm proof of vaccination

BC Public Service workplaces are encouraged to create a system for verifying proof of vaccination best suiting their business needs:

  • The notice to contractors includes a certification form the contractor can use to certify their employees are fully vaccinated and any new employees will also be fully vaccinated
  • In both cases, this applies only to the contractor employees entering employee-only areas of indoor BC Public Service workplaces
  • Place the completed certification form with the contract file
  • Workplaces may also use a proof of vaccination check to verify anyone entering employee-only areas is fully vaccinated
  • Contract managers should consult the impacted workplaces on the best method to verify vaccination status and review the FAQs for Contractors and Other Parties (PDF, 264KB) for the procedure to verify vaccination status

Step 3: manage contractor requests for exemption

Contractors have a duty to accommodate their employees and determine reasonable accommodation.

The BC Public Service is not the employer of the individual requesting accommodation for vaccination exemption and it's not our role to verify the validity or details of the accommodation. 

The notice to contractors requires contractors to inform the contract manager of any exemptions and the impacted work locations.

They must also include proposed safety measures if they wish to have an exempted employee in an employee-only area of a BC Public Service workplace when employees are present.

The contractor should not share any private information regarding the request for accommodation.

Criteria to review

In consultation with the impacted workplace, contract managers must review the request for access and the proposed safety measures for an unvaccinated individual to enter an employee-only area of a BC Public Service indoor workplace while employees are present.

Each request must be reviewed with the following criteria:

  1. Does the individual have to be on the worksite or can they provide service remotely?
  2. Can the contractor reassign the job to a fully vaccinated employee?
  3. If they need to be on site, is it in an employee-only area?
  4. Can the service be provided in the employee-only area when BC Public Service employees are not present, such as after hours or on weekends?

Review the criteria directly with the contractor to see if changes can be made to allow them to continue delivering services without having the unvaccinated individual in the employee-only area of an indoor BC Public Service workplace while employees are present or having another person deliver the service.

A contractor can propose safety measures for their employee to enter an employee-only area of an indoor workplace while BC Public Service employees are present.

The proposed measures must ensure the safety of BC Public Service employees. All proposals must be reviewed by a workplace health and safety specialist.

Assistance with contractor exemption

If none of the criteria questions provide a solution, contact a BC Public Service Agency (PSA) safety specialist for assistance via AskMyHR (IDIR restricted). Use the category COVID-19 > Contractor Vaccination.

Safety specialists can assist contract managers and workplaces to create safety protocols to balance the contractor’s exemption request and the health and safety of BC Public Service employees.


Step 4: document outcome of requests for exemption

After reaching a solution with the contractor, use the appropriate letter template below to email them a summary of the changes.

Ensure you receive confirmation from the contractor and place a copy of the correspondence in the contract file:


Step 5: manage non-compliance

If a contractor refuses to confirm proof of vaccination or is unable to comply with the proposed protocols, the contractor employee must not have access to the affected BC Public Service workplace until a resolution can be reached.

Notify your ministry procurement specialist, the office of your ministry chief financial officer, as well as PSA workplace health and safety of any situations where you have to deny contractor access to a BC Public Service workplace.


Workplace scenarios: when is proof of vaccination required?

The following are various workplace scenarios where the COVID-19 vaccination policy applies to contractors and other parties entering a BC Public Service workplace.

If you have questions about a particular situation, contact workplace health and safety via AskMyHR (IDIR restricted).

Client and contractor meetings


Clients attending meetings or receiving service in an employee-only area of a workplace

  • Proof of vaccination is not required if clients are accessing a direct service
  • All parties must wear masks during the interaction, including while transitioning to the meeting or service area
  • Masks may be removed if clients and employees are separated by a barrier during service
  • Follow your workplace’s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan for further measures

Working with clients or contractors in a publicly accessible client service area

  • Proof of vaccination is not required
  • All parties must wear masks during the interaction, including while transitioning to the meeting or service area
  • Masks may be removed if clients and employees are separated by a barrier during the interaction
  • Follow your workplace’s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan for further measures

Meetings with contractors or stakeholders in an employee-only area of the workplace (such as a board room)

  • Proof of vaccination is required if the person or group entering the employee-only area is only contributing to the work of the ministry or agency
  • Proof of vaccination is not required if the person or group is there due to legislation or policy, are compelled to participate or are receiving a service as part of the meeting
  • All parties must wear masks during the interaction, including while transitioning to the meeting or service area
  • Masks may be removed if clients and employees are separated by a barrier during the interaction
  • Follow your workplace’s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan for further measures


Service providers


BC Mail

  • Proof of vaccination is not required
  • BC Mail staff are BC Public Service employees and vaccination has been verified by their supervisor

Courier and delivery services

  • Proof of vaccination is required if the person is entering an employee-only area of a workplace
  • If necessary, modify protocols to enable courier drop-off in a publicly accessible area

Building maintenance and janitorial services (including day porters)

  • Proof of vaccination is not required
  • The Ministry of Citizens’ Services Real Property Division worked with CBRE to ensure all employees and contractors are fully vaccinated


  • Proof of vaccination is not required when working on the building exterior or in a public area, such as a lobby and if workers never enter indoor employee-only areas

Onsite telecommunications support (e.g. Wireless/wired network and telephone support)

  • The Ministry of Citizens’ Services Office of the Chief Information Officer Enterprise Services Division worked with telecommunications providers to ensure all onsite employees and contractors are fully vaccinated
  • The workplace is not required to confirm proof of vaccination 

Onsite workstation support

  • The Ministry of Citizens’ Services Office of the Chief Information Officer Enterprise Services Division worked with workstation support providers to ensure all onsite employees and contractors are fully vaccinated
  • The workplace is not required to confirm proof of vaccination 


Facilitated sessions and learning events


Presentations or learning events held in a BC Public Service workplace with guest speakers or instructors not from the BC Public Service

  • Proof of vaccination is required from all participants who are not BC Public Service employees
  • Follow your workplace’s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan for further protocols

Presentations or learning events held in offsite spaces with attendees or presenters who are not BC Public Service employees or clients

  • The owner of the offsite space may require attendees and presenters to provide proof of vaccination
  • BC Public Service employees must follow protocols established by the offsite space and any PHO or Medical Health Officer orders
  • Ensure a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan is in place


Offsite and field work settings


A client receiving a direct service in their own home

  • Proof of vaccination from the client is not required since a direct service is being provided


Vehicle use with contractors and clients


Traveling in a vehicle

  • Proof of vaccination is not required from a client or person in custody when being transported by a BC Public Service employee since they're providing a direct service
  • Proof of vaccination is required from contractors or other parties when sharing a vehicle with a BC Public Service employee


Warehouse settings


Loading docks

  • Proof of vaccination is not required if the driver of contractor stays on the dock or platform, in the truck, or in the parking area and does not enter the warehouse, including bay doors
  • Proof of vaccination is required if the driver or contractor enters the warehouse or other indoor work area

Public areas in the warehouse

  • Proof of vaccination is required if the driver or contractor enters any indoor employee space other than a publicly accessible area, such as a lobby or reception area


Construction sites


Renovations in BC Public Service workplaces

  • Proof of vaccination is required if employees are present in the same indoor work area where a contractor is working, or if there's no separation of the construction area from the employee-only area of the workplace
  • Proof of vaccination is not required if no BC Public Service employees are present in the workplace, or if the construction area is separated by barriers between the contractors and BC Public Service employees

New workplace construction

  • The worksite may require attendees to provide proof of vaccination
  • Visiting the site of a new workplace build for quality assurance or inspection is not controlled by the BC Public Service
  • Employees visiting the site must follow the contractors’ site rules


Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) contractors


Tendered contracts where the general contractor is the prime contractor and MOTI has contractor supplied office on site

  • A MOTI supervisor (or delegate) is responsible to ensure everyone entering the site office is vaccinated
  • The site office is the BC Public Service workplace for MOTI field staff
    • Anyone entering the site office must show proof of vaccination
  • The rest of the site is under the control of the primary contractor
    • Everyone on site must follow the site safety plan

Day labour where MOTI is the prime contractor

  • Proof of vaccination is not required for hired equipment operators working outside
  • Proof of vaccination is required if workers are traveling in vehicles together or a site office is added
  • Continue to use safety protocols

Day labour where MOTI consultant is the prime contractor

  • If there are no MOTI field staff present, anyone entering the office or worksite is required to follow the site safety plan of the contractor
  • It’s the responsibility of the contract supervisor (or delegate) to ensure everyone on site is following the site safety plan, including MOTI employees

Maintenance contractors

  • Proof of vaccination is required for maintenance contractors entering a BC Public Service workplace
    • The meeting organizer (or a delegate) is responsible for verifying proof of vaccination
  • MOTI employees visiting a maintenance contractor site must follow the maintenance contractor’s safety plan
  • It’s the responsibility of each maintenance contractor to establish and follow their own employer’s safety plans while at their own worksites

MOTI employees entering non-BC Public Service workplaces

  • MOTI employees must follow the safety plans of the workplaces they're visiting
  • MOTI employees should confirm the other workplace’s safety protocols prior to visiting


Contractors and others in the workplace

Watch this video for key information and common questions related to the COVID-19 vaccination policy for contractors and other parties in BC Public Service workplaces.

BC Public Service COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Contractors and Others in the Workplace

Please review the FAQs for Contractors and Other Parties (PDF, 264KB) for more information.

Corporate supply arrangements

The person accessing a corporate supply arrangement (CSA), such as a contract manager, is required to ensure the agreement holder’s employees provide proof of vaccination if they're entering an employee-only area of an indoor BC Public Service workplace.

The person accessing the CSA must send the notice to contractors document to the CSA holder.

The CSA holder can either use the certification form in the document to confirm proof of vaccination or provide proof of vaccination upon arriving at the worksite.

Contact us


Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request using the categories Myself (or) My Team or Organization > COVID-19.

If you're a B.C. government employee without an IDIR, call the BC Public Service Agency to submit your service request.