Social research and statistics

Last updated on September 21, 2024

Review data, statistics and research details on various social-based topics.

BC Demographic Survey

Launched on June 14, 2023, this survey helped to identify systemic racism and improve public services for everyone in B.C.  

This voluntary survey was created through engagement with Indigenous and other racialized communities. It included questions related to race, ethnicity, ancestry and other areas of identity. 

Anti-racism research priorities

In spring 2023, we introduced 10 research priorities. Here you will find research related to two of these research priorities.

This is a first glance and gives us a starting point for future work to advance racial equity. This research is a small but important step forward.

Data Innovation Program

BC Stats’ Data Innovation Program partners with Population Data BC to provide researchers with securely linked and de-identified data for population-level analysis. This data is used for many different social research projects.

BC Students Outcomes 

Each year, tens of thousands of former post-secondary students are asked about their educational experiences, subsequent employment, and further studies. Find out what former students are doing one to two years after their B.C. post-secondary education.

BC Public Service Workforce Profiles

The Workforce Profiles dataset provides important perspective on representation of equity groups within the B.C. Public Service and all of its ministries and organizations.  

BC Public Service Work Environment Survey Ministry Results 

Results from the BC Public Service Work Environment Survey dating back to 2013. The survey is administered biennially (every 2 years) to all active employees in the BC Public Service that are under the Public Service Act.


About BC Stats

Learn more about how BC Stats' supports data in B.C.