School District 47 - Edgehill Elementary

Last updated on August 9, 2024

Project Status: Design

City/Town: Powell River

Project Scope: Through $16.5 million in provincial funding and $250,000 from the school district, the addition and renovations will add five classrooms, opening up 120 new elementary spaces for students at Edgehill Elementary. They also include sustainable and energy-efficient designs that align with the Province’s CleanBC emissions-reduction goals. A new multipurpose room, a media-technology room, dedicated learning spaces for students with disabilities or diverse abilities, and the new classrooms are expected to be ready for students by spring 2026.

Estimated Project Value: $16.71million 

News Release: More spaces coming for elementary students in Powell River

School Website:

Estimated Project Milestones

Construction Initiation: February/2025

Occupancy: Spring/2026

Project Updates

School District Project Contact

Jared Formosa

Director of Operations

qathet School District
