StrongStart BC Early Learning Centre

Last updated on August 16, 2024

Date came into force or revised

May 1, 2009. Revised May 2017.



Policy statement

StrongStart BC early learning centres  provide school-based, high quality early learning programs for children not yet eligible for kindergarten accompanied by a parent or caregiver.  These programs are designed to support the success of students when they enter Kindergarten.

Rationale or purpose of policy

The years between birth and school age are a critical time in a child’s life. The experiences that children have in the early years influence their future health, well being, and life-long learning. Investment in children’s early years can positively affect the future lives of British Columbians. Children who are exposed to language rich environments and play-based early learning experiences are more likely to develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions to support their success in school.


Section 1 (1) of the School Act (PDF) provides a definition of early learning program.

Section 86(5) of the School Act (PDF) indicates that a board may operate an early learning program with the prior agreement of the Minister.

Section 170.1(2)(e) of the School Act (PDF) allows the Minister to assign a personal education number to a child participating in an early learning program.

Policy in full

StrongStart BC early learning centres provide school-based, high quality early learning programs for children not yet eligible for kindergarten accompanied by a parent or caregiver.  These programs are designed to support the success of students when they enter Kindergarten.

StrongStart BC early learning centres should be designed and operated to meet the following standards:


  • StrongStart BC early learning centres are situated in appropriate, available school space, preferably schools offering Kindergarten.


  • Be free of charge
  • Open five days per week for 3-4 hours per day
  • Operate as per district’s school calendar, or throughout the calendar year
  • A parent, family member, or caregiver accompanies the child in the StrongStart BC early learning centre at all times. The service in the StrongStart BC early learning centre is not designated child care


  • Promote the following areas of children’s development: physical health and well-being, social and emotional development, language and cognitive development and communication skills of  preschool-aged children 
  • Use the British Columbia Early Learning Framework
  • Include the following activities: 
    • organized activities such as story time, music, singing
    • access to books, art materials, and puzzles 
    • play areas that promote creativity and exploration, including individual and group play activities
    • movement and large muscle play activities, and 
  • Offer family-friendly environments for parents/caregivers
  • Provide opportunities for parents/caregivers to observe and practice activities that support early learning


  • Demonstrate collaboration with community to meet the unique needs of the neighbourhood
  • Provide opportunities for other service providers to connect with parents/caregivers and children in order to provide them with information and services (e.g. public health, libraries)
  • Where possible, link parents/caregivers to services offered by health authorities, community agencies and other social service providers (e.g., early screening, libraries, English Language Learning services, BC Family Resource Programs, child care services, referrals for children who may have developmental or other disabilities or diverse abilities)
  • Identify strategies to reach the most hard to serve families
  • Link and work in partnership with other approved StrongStart BC Early Learning programs in the school district.

Other requirements

School districts should ensure that: 

  • The program is run by a certified Early Childhood Educator (ECE) with a current license to practice or by a person actively enrolled in an approved ECE training program and mentored by an ECE with a current license to practice 
  • All facilitator(s) at the StrongStart BC early learning centre have undergone and passed a Criminal Records Check
  • School Principals are well informed by school district staff about the goals of the StrongStart BC program and are committed to welcoming and contributing to the effectiveness of the program
  • A StrongStart BC early learning centre sign that meets the Ministry standard is posted in a location at the school, or mutually-agreed upon location, and is visible to families
  • The school district complies with the "Communications Protocol Agreement" for StrongStart BC early learning centres between the Ministry of Education and Child Care and School Districts for all graphics, news releases and announcements
  • A risk management plan is in place for the centre.

Procedures related to policy

School districts are responsible for creating and maintaining accurate StrongStart BC data and records.

School districts are required to ensure each child attending a StrongStart BC Centre is assigned a Personal Education Number (PEN). PENs will be assigned to these children using the established PEN request process schools currently use.

School districts are required to use the MyEducationBC system to report enrolment and attendance data to the Province. To do this, school districts must collect enrolment and attendance information about the children attending the centre, including names, birthdates, and gender of children.

The Ministry extracts StrongStart BC attendance data annually from MyEdBC on July 10.

Contact information

If you have any questions relating to the StrongStart BC Early Learning Centre policy please contact the Ministry at: