Education Data Exchange (EDX)

Publication date: September 22, 2023


Education Data Exchange

Welcome to the info hub for the new Education Data Exchange (EDX). This resource is for staff in schools and districts responsible for providing 1601 and 1701 data to the Ministry of Education & Child Care.

Subscribe at the bottom of this page for news and updates.

If you have questions about timelines, onboarding or engagement, email

If you have questions related to collections, email 

Last updated: September 9, 2024

EDX actions for September


1. 1601 updates should now be completed in EDX. Schools and districts can update their own details and contact info in the system at any time, eliminating the need for forms. Updates completed in EDX will automatically show on the School & District Contact Information website.

2. Schools should use secure messaging to share confidential student information or documents for updating Personal Education Numbers. NOTE: The process for requesting new PENs remains the same.

3. If you need to be onboarded to EDX, or if you were onboarded last school year and are having issues, connect with your school or district account manager. If you still need help, email The EDX team is also following up directly with districts and schools to offer onboarding assistance if needed. 

4. Schools should follow the current 1701 collection process. There are NO changes this fall. The first 1701 collection through EDX is targeted for February 2025.


What's coming up: 

1701 training resources will be released this fall/winter to ensure schools and districts are comfortable and confident with the new submission process through EDX. The EDX team will also be offering a series of demos in the run up to February. A calendar of events will be posted here. Subscribe at the bottom of the page to be notified.

On this page: 

What is EDX?

EDX is a new data collection platform that's modernizing how schools and districts submit 1601 and 1701 data to the ministry. 

DYK? 1601 & 1701 collections are named for the original forms used to collect the different data sets. 

  • 1601 verifies data from schools, such as school names and addresses. 
  • 1701 collects information about individual students, including name, birth date, and grade level. 

Timeline & phases

Phase 1: Winter 2023 to Fall 2024

Phase 1 launched in December 2023   

Phase 1 features: 

  • Self-serve information updates (1601): The ability for schools and districts to update their own details and contact information directly in the system at any time of year, replacing the need to submit forms. 
  • Secure messaging: A  protected avenue for schools to share personal student information with the ministry. Examples include, providing student ID to update demographic information. 

What you need to know: 

Effective immediately, EDX's self-serve information feature replaces the existing 1601 collection process. Rather than submitting change forms to the ministry, schools and districts can now update their own details and contact information within the system. 

Information updates in EDX will auto-populate the new School & District Contact Information (SDCI) page. Schools and districts are responsible for ensuring the public-facing information is correct. 

By the start of the 2024/2025 school year in September, schools and districts should be using the secure messaging feature to share personal student information with the ministry related to PEN updates. 

Training materials are posted under resources to help guide users through the improvements. 

Phase 2: Targeted for February 2025

Phase 2 is still in development. When released it will introduce:

  • Streamlined 1701 collections: A simplified process for submitting 1701 data through EDX. 

What you need to know: 

1701 collections will proceed under the existing process until February 2025. That means the September 2024 collection will run as usual. 

The ministry is engaging with a school district working group to complete phase 2. 

Training materials will be posted under resources when the new features are launched. 

Resources & FAQs

School districts  

EDX login

EDX roles & features

1. District account manager: District account managers are super users with access to all EDX features. Staff with this role are responsible for managing EDX users at the district level. They also have the ability to oversee EDX roles at the school level. 

2. District info administrator: Staff assigned this role have the ability to edit both district and school contacts and details. 

3. Secure messaging: District users assigned this role can access both district and school secure messaging inboxes. 

Getting started


Account Manager Dashboard

As an account manager, you'll see three icons for District Details, District Contacts, and Schools. 

  • District Details: Physical district office addresses and mailing addresses, if different. 
  • District Contacts: Superintendents, secretary treasurers, etc. 
  • Schools: District schools and corresponding contacts. 

Adding Secure Messaging to the Dashboard 

1. From your dashboard, click Menu in the top lefthand corner. 

2. Click on Administration from the drop down, followed by District User Management.

3. Click Edit under your name. A form will pop up showing EDX's three roles.

  • Account Manager: Can manage users at both districts and schools, including assigning roles. The account manager also has access to all system features. 
  • Info Administrator: Can edit district or school details and contacts. 
  • Secure Messaging: Users assigned this role can access secure messaging inboxes at the district and school level. 

4. Check the Secure Messaging box and click Save. For the changes to take effect, you will need to log out and log back in. 

5. Once that's complete, you will see the Secure Messaging Inbox on your EDX dashboard.  


Adding District Users 

1. From your dashboard, click Menu in the top lefthand corner.

2. Click on Administration from the drop down, followed by District User Management. 

3. Click Add New User. A form will pop up. Enter the required fields and roles the user will have. You can assign more than one role to a single user. 

  • Account Manager: Can manage users at both districts and schools, including assigning roles. The account manager also has access to all system features. 
  • Info Administrator: Can edit district or school details and contacts. 
  • Secure Messaging: Users assigned this role can access secure messaging inboxes at the district and school level. 

4. You can also add an expiry date if the new user is temporary or only needs short-term access to EDX. 

5. Click Invite, which will turn blue when the fields are complete. 

6. An email will be sent to the new user with steps to activate their account. 

7. You'll also need to send the Primary Activation Code to the user you're adding. You'll find the code in green in the top righthand corner of the page. The code should be sent via a separate email for security purposes. 


  • Emails for new users must be unique each time for the privacy and security of student data. Multiple users cannot use the same email address, for example a generic office inbox.

Adding School Users 

1. From your dashboard, click Menu in the top lefthand corner.

2. Click on Administration from the drop down, followed by School User Management. 

3. Click Add New User. A form will pop up. Enter the required fields and roles the school user will have. You can assign more than one role to a single user.

  • Account Manager: Can manage users at the school. 
  • Info Administrator: Can edit school details and contacts. 
  • Secure Messaging: Users assigned this role can access the school's Secure Messaging inbox. 

4. You can also add an expiry date if the new user is temporary or only needs short-term access to EDX. 

5. Click Invite, which will turn blue when the fields are complete. 

6. An email will be sent to the new user with steps to activate their account. 

7. You'll also need to send the Primary Activation Code to the user you're adding. You'll find the code in green in the top righthand corner of the page. The code should be sent via a separate email for security purposes. 


  • Emails for new users must be unique each time for the privacy and security of student data. Multiple users cannot use the same email address, for example a generic office inbox.


District training videos 

1. EDX dashboard and roles: A dashboard overview and run down of system roles and features for district users.

2. Adding district and school users to EDX: A step-by-step for adding district and school users to EDX.

3. Editing and managing district and school contacts: A walk through of how to add, edit and manage school and district contacts, such as principal names and phone numbers. 

4. Using secure messaging: A how-to on using EDX's secure messaging feature to share private student data with the ministry. 

5. Editing and managing school and district details: A walk through of editing and managing school and district details, such as addresses and phone numbers. 

District FAQs


What will change with the launch of EDX and when? 

Effective immediately, EDX replaces the existing 1601 collection process. Rather than submitting change forms to the ministry, schools and districts can now update their own details and contact information in the system. These updates will automatically show on the new School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage. Going forward, schools and districts are responsible for ensuring the public-facing information is correct.

EDX will also replace the 1701 data submission process, but not until February 2025. Until then, 1701 collections will follow the current process. 


What positions should be onboarded to EDX? 

Who has access to EDX is at the discretion of districts, but it is recommended that staff already responsible for 1601 be onboarded ASAP. Staff responsible for 1701 can be onboarded closer to February 2025 when the streamlined collections process launches.


How will the ministry support districts in communicating EDX onboarding to schools? 

The ministry has provided a primer for school district account managers to share with school users as they're onboarded to EDX. 

Training videos are also available. Presentations and help sessions will be offered as needed. 


Can one EDX account be assigned to a position versus an individual to help manage staff turnover?

For optimum protection of student data, accounts are bound to one individual using their own email and Microsoft credentials. Read the full EDX terms of use.

If needed, a staff member’s individual user account can be granted access to multiple schools and districts.

If a staff member is leaving a school or district, and no longer requires access, the account manager will need to remove them.

To assist with managing staffing changes, EDX has an expiry date feature. This can be set for staff with finite work terms. 


Can districts constrain EDX access to the district level? Do districts have to onboard schools?

Districts have full discretion over how they want to manage 1601, and eventually 1701, collections.

Districts do not have to onboard schools to EDX if they’d prefer to centralize both processes, which is possible through EDX.


How is EDX connected to the new School & District Contact Information webpage? 

School and district contact information added to EDX by school and district users will directly populate the new School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage

Going forward, schools and districts will be responsible for ensuring the public-facing information is correct. 


Does EDX replace the existing process for requesting Personal Education Numbers (PEN)?

EDX will not replace the process for requesting new PENs.

What is different, is that EDX’s secure messaging function will be used for updating information for students with existing PENs. The intent is to strengthen protection of student data and ensure compliance with provincial privacy legislation. 


What does Student Registration refer to in EDX? 

Student Registration is the new name for a school's PEN contact. 


Will EDX replace existing ministry systems, such as TRAX or the School Secure Web.

In the short term, no. Other ministry systems will continue to function as they do now. 

The only impact will be to School Level Data web (SLD), but not until February 2025 when a streamlined 1701 process through EDX is introduced. 


Will I be notified of secure messages? Do I have to be logged into to EDX to see them?

Yes you'll be notified when the ministry responds to a secure message, and no, you don't need to be in the system to receive it. A notification will go to the email associated with your account. 


Public Schools 

1. Activating your account

When you receive your activation email: 

  • Click the registration link. Only click once. Multiple clicks will block access. 
  • Choose Microsoft to log in and enter your credentials. 
  • Enter your school's mincode. If you don't know it, it can be found on the School & District Contact Information webpage.
  • Enter your school's Primary Activation Code, which will come in a separate email. 
  • Enter your Personal Activation Code, which will be included in your activation email. 

2. EDX roles & features

EDX login

Depending on your position, you will be onboarded with access to one, two or all of EDX's roles and features. 

1. School account manager: School account managers are responsible for managing users and assigning roles at the school level. They can also give others permission to be account managers. 

2. School info administrator: Those assigned this role can edit school contacts and school details. Exceptions are changing the name of a school or amending its designation as open or closed. 

3. Secure messaging: Users assigned this role can access the school's secure messaging inbox, used for sharing personal student information with the ministry. Examples include, providing ID to update a student's demographic information and/or finding PENs for students. It is important to note, however, that EDX does not replace the existing process for requesting PENs.

3. Public school training videos 

The following modules provide a step-by-step overview of EDX's key features. 

1. EDX dashboard & roles 

2. Adding school users to EDX

3. Editing & managing school contacts

4. Using secure messaging 

5. Editing and managing school details 

4. Public school FAQs


What will change with the launch of EDX and when? 

Effective immediately, EDX replaces the existing 1601 collection process. Rather than submitting change forms to the ministry, schools and districts can now update their own details and contact information in the system.

Examples are:

  • Amending the name of a principal or vice principal when they leave a school or change positions.
  • Updating school details, such as a change in phone number or website address.

These updates will automatically show on the new School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage. Going forward, schools and districts are responsible for ensuring the public-facing information is correct.

EDX will also replace the 1701 data submission process, but not for some time. The target for that to occur is February 2025. Until then, 1701 collections will occur as per usual.  


Will I be onboarded to EDX? 

Who has access to EDX is at the discretion of schools and districts, but it is recommended that staff already responsible for 1601 be onboarded ASAP. Onboarding staff responsible for 1701 submissions can be completed closer to February 2025, when the streamlined collections process is introduced. 


How will I be onboarded to EDX?

You will receive two emails from your district or school EDX account manager.

  1. The first will be an activation email that’s generated by EDX and contains a personal activation code.
  2. The second will come directly from your district or school account manager and include your school’s primary activation code.

To launch your account, click on the registration link and log in using your Microsoft credentials.

Once that is complete, you’ll be prompted to enter your school’s mincode, the primary school activation code and your personal activation code. If you don’t know your school’s mincode, it can be found on the School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage.


Can multiple people use one account? 

For optimum protection of student data, accounts are bound to one individual using their own email and Microsoft credentials. Read the full EDX terms of use.


Does EDX replace the existing process for requesting Personal Education Numbers (PEN)?

EDX will not replace the process for requesting new PENs.

What is different, is that EDX’s secure messaging function will be used for updating information for students with existing PENs. The intent is to strengthen protection of student data and ensure compliance with provincial privacy legislation. 


What does Student Registration refer to in EDX? 

Student Registration is the new name for a school's PEN contact. 


Will EDX replace existing ministry systems, such as TRAX or the School Secure Web?

In the short term, no. Other ministry systems will continue to function as they do now. 

The only impact will be to School Level Data web (SLD), but not until February 2025, when a streamlined 1701 process through EDX is introduced. 


Will I be notified of secure messages? Do I have to be logged into  EDX to see them?

Yes you'll be notified when the ministry responds to a secure message, and no, you don't need to be in the system to receive it. A notification will go to the email associated with your account. 


Independent schools

1. Onboarding

Step one: Getting ready 

Pre-identified EDX school account managers will receive an introductory email to initiate the onboarding process. 

The email will outline two options for accessing the system. 

Option 1: Microsoft credentials

  • These are what you use to access your school's networks and applications. If you're not sure whether your school uses Microsoft credentials, check with your IT team or manager.
  • To use Microsoft credentials for EDX, you must first register your school's tenancy with the ministry. Registration steps will be provided. This is the recommended option for added security. 

Option 2: Basic BCeID

  • If your school doesn't use Microsoft credentials, you will log into EDX using a Basic BCeID. This is a government issued credential that offers secure access to ministry services. 
  • To use Basic BCeID, you must first set up an account

Step two: Activating your account 

Once your school's Microsoft tenancy has been registered, or your Basic BCeID established, you will receive an email to activate your account. 

In addition to your Microsoft or Basic BCeID log in credentials, you will need:

  • Your school's mincode. If you don't know it, it can be found on the School & District Information webpage.
  • Your school's Primary Activation Code, which will come in a separate email. 
  • Your Personal Activation Code, which will be included in your activation email. 

2. EDX roles & features

EDX login

Depending on your position, you will be onboarded with access to one, two or all of EDX's roles and features. 

1. School account manager: School account managers are responsible for managing users and assigning roles at the school level. They can also give others permission to be account managers. 

2. School info administrator: Those assigned this role can edit school contacts and school details. Exceptions are changing the name of a school or amending its designation as open or closed. 

3. Secure messaging: Users assigned this role can access the school's secure messaging inbox, used for sharing personal student information with the ministry. Examples include, providing ID to update a student's demographic information and/or finding PENs for students. It is important to note, however, that EDX does not replace the existing process for requesting PENs.

3. Independent school training videos

The following modules provide a step-by-step overview of EDX's key features. 

1. EDX dashboard & roles 

2. Adding school users to EDX

3. Editing & managing school contacts

4. Using secure messaging 

5. Editing and managing school details 

4. Independent school FAQs


What will change with the launch of EDX and when? 

Effective immediately, EDX replaces the existing 1601 collection process. Rather than submitting change forms to the ministry, schools can now update their own details and contact information within the system.

Examples are:

  • Amending the name of a principal or vice principal when they leave a school or change positions.
  • Updating school details, such as a change in phone number or website address.

These updates will automatically show on the new School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage. Going forward, schools are responsible for ensuring the public-facing information is correct.

EDX will also replace the 1701 data submission process, but not for some time. The target for that to occur is February 2025. Until then, 1701 collections will occur as per usual. 


Will I be onboarded to EDX? 

Who has access to EDX is at the discretion of your school account manager, but it is recommended that staff already responsible for 1601 be onboarded ASAP. Onboarding staff responsible for 1701 can be completed closer to February 2025, when the streamlined process launches.  


How will I be onboarded to EDX? 

You will receive two emails from your school EDX account manager.

  1. The first will be an activation email that’s generated by EDX and contains a personal activation code.
  2. The second will come directly from your school account manager and include your school’s primary activation code.

To launch your account, click on the registration link and log in using your Microsoft credentials or Basic BCeID, depending on your organization. 

Once that is complete, you’ll be prompted to enter your school’s mincode, the primary school activation code and your personal activation code. If you don’t know your school’s mincode, it can be found on the School & District Contact Information (SDCI) webpage.


Do I use my Personal BCeID to access to EDX? 

No. You will need a Basic BCeID, which is a government issued credential that offers secure access to ministry services, but doesn't require verification of your identify with official documentation. Learn more


Can multiple people use one account? 

For optimum protection of student data, accounts are bound to one individual using their own email and Microsoft credentials. Read the full EDX terms of use.


Does EDX replace the existing process for requesting Personal Education Numbers (PEN)?

EDX will not replace the process for requesting new PENs.

What is different, is that EDX’s secure messaging function will be used for updating information for students with existing PENs. The intent is to strengthen protection of student data and ensure compliance with provincial privacy legislation. 


What does Student Registration refer to in EDX? 

Student Registration is the new name for a school's PEN contact. 


Will EDX replace existing ministry systems, such as TRAX or the School Secure Web?

In the short term, no. Other ministry systems will continue to function as they do now. 

The only impact will be to School Level Data web (SLD), but not until February, 2025 when a streamlined 1701 process through EDX is introduced. 


Will I be notified of secure messages? Do I have to be logged into  EDX to see them?

Yes you'll be notified when the ministry responds to a secure message, and no, you don't need to be in the system to receive it. A notification will go to the email associated with your account. 


Is secure messaging used to communicate with school inspectors? 

No. Secure messaging is for the purpose of sharing personal student information with the ministry. Communication with school inspectors will continue as it does now.  


What is the role of authorities in EDX? Will they have access?

Onboarding to EDX will only occur at the school level. Changes to authority information will be managed by the ministry's Independent Schools Office. Details for that process are to come. 


What do I do if I haven't been onboarded yet, but need to update my school's information? 

If you represent an independent school or independent authority and have not yet been onboarded to EDX, please email the Independent Schools Office to update your contact information.


First Nation and offshore schools

EDX roles & features

1. School account manager: School account managers are responsible for managing users and assigning roles at the school level. They can also give others permission to be account managers. 

2. School info administrator: Those assigned this role can edit school contacts and school details. Exceptions are changing the name of a school or amending its designation as open or closed. 

3. Secure messaging: Users assigned this role can access the school's secure messaging inbox, used for sharing personal student information with the ministry.

Terms of use

All users are required to read and understand the terms for accessing EDX with a Microsoft or Basic BCeID credential. Each EDX user must have their own log in credential. Sharing of passwords or other access details are prohibited to protect student privacy. 


EDX terms of use 


(version 1.0, November 29, 2023)

These Terms of Use are between the individual accessing EDX (“you”, “You”, “your” or “Your”) and His Majesty the King in Right of the Province of British Columbia, represented by the Minister of Education (the “Province”, “our”, “Our”, “we” or “We”), and govern your use of the Province’s Education Data Exchange (“EDX”).

Subject to these Terms of Use, EDX (the “Service”) is made available by the Province for use by the personnel of the following entities, each a “District” for the purposes of these Terms of Use: (a) a “school district” as that term is defined in the British Columbia School Act, (b) an offshore educational organization that has been “pre-certified” or “certified” by the British Columbia Offshore School Program; (c) a “school board” as that term is defined in the Yukon Education Act; (d) a “school authority” as that term is defined in the British Columbia Independent School Act; and (e) a “First Nations Education Authority” as that term is defined in the British Columbia First Nations Education Act. You may access the Service using the Microsoft ID issued to you by your District (the “EDX Credential”) or your BCeID (where permitted by the Province, in its sole discretion). The extent of your access to the Service depends on the permissions assigned by your District in the profile associated with your Microsoft ID or BCeID.

By indicating that you agree to these Terms of Use or using the Service, and in consideration of the use of the Service, you agree unconditionally to these Terms of Use.

1. Authority and Ability to Accept Terms of Use

You represent and warrant that: (a) you are at least 19 years of age; and (b) you are authorized to access and use the Service in connection with your responsibilities on behalf of the District.

2. Your Obligations

2.1 General

You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for:

  1. complying with these Terms of Use;
  2. unauthorized use of your EDX Credential;
  3. complying with policies and procedures for the acceptable use of Province and District technology, including the Province’s Appropriate Use Policy or your District’s equivalent policy;
  4. immediately reporting any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your EDX Credential to your District;
  5. seeking any and all necessary support you may require in connection with your use of your EDX Credential from your appropriate District resource.

2.2 Compliance with Laws, Policies and Standards

When using the Service, you must comply with all applicable laws, as well as any policies and standards applicable to you.

3. Ownership 

The Service, and all other information and works made available, displayed or transmitted in connection with the Service, including without limitation data, text, audio, video, trademarks, trade names, logos, domain names, images, graphics, graphical user interface elements and designs, in any form or medium whatsoever (collectively, the “Content”), are owned by the Province or its licensors and are protected by copyright, patent, trademark and other laws protecting intellectual property rights. You must not, and must ensure that Your Users do not, use any Content except as expressly permitted under these Terms of Use.

4. Right to Access

Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use, the Province grants you a non-exclusive, revocable, limited right to access and use the Service and the Content for authorized District purposes, and for no other purpose. You must not copy, distribute, republish, transmit or otherwise exploit any part of the Service or the Content, and the Province expressly reserves all intellectual property rights in and to the Service and the Content. If your use of the Service is terminated under section 6, the rights described in this section 4 automatically terminate.

5. Our Obligations

We will:

  1. provide the Service as described in these Terms of Use; and
  2. provide you with information with respect to your use of the Service, which may include a Province contact.

6. Suspension or Termination

The Province may at any time, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate your use of the Service, in whole or in part:

  1. if you fail to comply with any provision of these Terms of Use;
  2. as a security measure;
  3. for administrative purposes; or
  4. for any other reason.

Where the Province suspends the use of the Service under this section 6, the Province may, in its sole discretion, restore such use where the Province is satisfied that the reason for the suspension has been resolved.

7. Changes to Service and/or Terms of Use

Notwithstanding anything else in these Terms of Use, the Province may at any time, in its sole discretion and without direct notice to you:

  1. discontinue the Service; or
  2. make changes to the Service and/or these Terms of Use.

By continuing to use the Service, you will be conclusively deemed to have accepted any changes to these Terms of Use.

8. Acceptable Use

Without limiting any other term of these Terms of Use, you must not take any action in connection with the use of the Service that would jeopardize the security, integrity and/or availability of the Service, including without limitation:

  1. using the Service for any unlawful or inappropriate purpose;
  2. decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering or otherwise copying any software associated with the Service;
  3. tampering with any portion of the Service;
  4. using the Service to transmit any virus or other harmful or destructive computer code, files or programs or to conduct hacking and/or intrusion activities;
  5. attempting to circumvent or subvert any security measure associated with the Service;
  6. taking any action that might reasonably be construed as likely to adversely affect other users of the Service; or
  7. removing or altering any proprietary symbol or notice, including any copyright notice, trademark or logo, displayed in connection with the Service.

9. Service Provided “As Is”

The Service is provided to you “as is”, and the Province disclaims all representations, warranties, conditions, obligations and liabilities of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Service, including without limitation implied warranties with respect to merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Without limiting the general nature of the previous sentence, the Province does not represent or warrant that:

  1. the Service will be available;
  2. the Service will be secure;
  3. your use of the Service will be timely, uninterrupted or error free;
  4. any errors in the Service will be corrected; or
  5. the Service will meet your expectations and requirements.

10. No Liability

  1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will the Province be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other loss, claim, injury or damage, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable (including without limitation claims for damages for loss of profits or business opportunities, use or misuse of, or inability to use, the Service, interruptions, deletion or corruption of files, loss of programs or information, errors, defects or delays) arising out of or in any way connected with your or any of Your Users’ use of the Service and whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory.  The previous sentence will apply even if the Province has been specifically advised of the possibility of any such loss, claim, injury or damage.
  2. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft expressly disclaims all warranties or liabilities in connection with the Service.

11. General

These Terms of Use  are the entire agreement between you and the Province with respect to the Service. The headings in these Terms of Use are inserted for convenience only and will not be used in interpreting or construing any provision of these Terms of Use. In these Terms of Use: (a) “including” is not intended to be limiting, regardless of whether it is expressly stated not to be so; and (b) terms defined in the singular include the plural and vice versa, as the context requires. If any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision will be severed from these Terms of Use and all other provisions will remain in full force and effect. These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of British Columbia and the applicable laws of Canada. By using the Service, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the province of British Columbia, sitting in Victoria, for the hearing of any dispute arising from or related to these Terms of Use and their subject matter.


Related projects 

EDX is just one part of the ministry's work to build a new data management program that's more flexible, integrated and catered to emerging needs. 

The TRAX to GRAD Modernization Project is another stream of work aimed at transforming the management of student graduation records and achievement data for grades 10 to 12 to make the information collected clearer and more accessible to schools and students.