Framework for Enhancing Student Learning

Last updated on August 21, 2024

The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning consists of legislation that guides the approach to continuous improvement within British Columbia’s K-12 public education sector through a combination of accountability and evidence-informed decision making. The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning formalizes planning and reporting expectations for all school districts with a focus on improving equity of learning outcomes and enhancing the intellectual, social, and career development of all students in the K-12 public system.

Submissions of the Enhancing Student Learning Report can be made to the Ministry between June 30 and September 30 via: 

If submitting via email, please include: 

  •  Final report as a PDF 
  •  Link to the final report on the district’s website
  •  Link to the district’s Strategic Plan on the website
  •  Link to the district’s School Plans on the website
  •  Report Section C, if opting to include

Due to National Day of Truth & Reconciliation on Monday, September 30, 2024, the submission window for the 2023-24 Enhancing Student Learning Report will be extended until Tuesday, October 1, 2024. 

On this page

Program Overview

The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Policy (the Policy), the Enhancing Student Learning Reporting Order (Reporting Order), and the Guiding Principles were developed in collaboration with First Nations rightsholders and education partners.

Statutory Requirements

Program Details

Enhancing Student Learning Report - NEW

As part of a continuous improvement cycle, each district writes an Enhancing Student Learning Report each year.

This Report has two required components:

  1. Disaggregated Student Achievement Data

To fulfil this requirement, districts are expected to complete Section A: Pre-Populated Data Template, which is available on each district’s secure SharePoint site. Districts are encouraged to append relevant local data to the final report. 

  1. Information on the Board’s Approach to Continuous Improvement of Student Achievement

To fulfil this requirement, districts may use the Section B: Guiding Questions Template below or a use a format of choice. Districts are encouraged to include relevant district context in this section. 

Submissions of the Enhancing Student Learning Report can be made to the Ministry between June 30 and September 30 via: 

If submitting via email, please include: 

  •  Final report as a PDF 
  •  Link to the final report on the district’s website
  •  Link to the district’s Strategic Plan on the website
  •  Link to the district’s School Plans on the website
  •  Report Section C, if opting to include

Due to National Day of Truth & Reconciliation on Monday, September 30, 2024, the submission window for the 2023-24 Enhancing Student Learning Report will be extended until Tuesday, October 1, 2024. 

Notes on Data- NEW

  • The graphs in the Section A - Pre-Populated Data Template are high-level and are not intended to be the district’s source of data during the preparation of the Enhancing Student Learning Report (Report). For analysis while preparing the Report, district teams should refer to the Framework Dashboard and the other available tools in the BC K-12 Education Data Portal.

  • Ministry data sets are released at various points throughout the year and can be found on the data release schedule in the BC K-12 Education Data Portal. The Framework Dashboard is updated annually in early June.

  • The Enhancing Student Learning Report is part of the district’s continuous improvement cycle; it serves as a reflection on the progress of the district’s current Strategic Plan and an opportunity to adjust strategies as needed to improve student outcomes based on currently released data. Reports are not driven by the data release schedule. As not all data for the current school year will be available at the time of report creation, districts are not expected to include or report on ministry data sets that are released after the June update of the Framework Dashboard.

Templates and Reporting Resources - NEW

Information to Read First: 

Templates and Worksheets:

Data Resources

In addition to accessing data to write the Enhancing Student Learning Report, districts should access and use available ministry and local data throughout the year to inform planning and continuous improvement processes. The data release schedule shows when ministry data sets are updated throughout the year.

These resources are intended to support districts to access and analyze student performance data to inform continuous improvement planning:

Effective Strategic Planning Resources

These resources are intended to support boards of education in the development of strategic plans.

Sector Talk Videos Series

Sector Talks are short learning bursts from sector leaders and support on-going capacity building in the education system.

Additional Resources

These links are intended to provide additional information for boards of education to reference in strategic planning and continuous improvement cycles.

First Nations and Indigenous Education:

Supporting Legislation:

Education Sector Partners:

Additional Resources:

Contact Information

For further information about the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, please contact:


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