Information on Refugee Students for Administrators

Last updated on August 13, 2024

Students from Refugee Backgrounds – A Guide for Teachers and Schools

The Students from Refugee Backgrounds Guide provides you with some general information about the refugee experiences, offers insight into potential psychological effects for those who have experienced violence, and describes how their escape from conflict and refugee experience can impact their transition, from a life of instability to a life of new normalcy in a new country and new culture.

The guide suggests ways all members of your school community can help ease a student’s transition into life in British Columbia and make them and their family feel welcome and safe. 

Welcome Letters

This welcome letter for new arrivals to B.C. provides an overview on our school system, how to register children in classes, how to access language classes, inclusive education accommodations and how to get involved as a parent. The letter also connects the recipient to the Welcome BC website where parents are able to access the Newcomers Guide in 13 languages.