Apply for a First Nations Language Teacher Certificate

Apply for a First Nations Language Certificate


A First Nations Language Teacher Certificate is for teachers who are proficient First Nations language speakers and have been recommended by a First Nations Language Authority.

The First Nation Language Authority plays an important role in the certification of First Nations language and culture teachers in British Columbia as they testify to an individual applicant’s fluency and proficiency in a language or dialect and culture. 


To apply for the First Nations Language Teaching Certificate you must:

If you intend to teach in a B.C. public school, you may want to apply to the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) at the same time that you apply for teacher certification. TQS places certificate holders into a category for pay purposes. If you are eligible for a First Nations Language Teaching Certificate, you can download a copy of your certificate from your account to share with TQS.  


Register for a BCeID to create your teacher certification account

If you do not have a Basic BCeID you will need to create one for secure access to Your Account.
Inside Your Account you can 

  • Submit an application
  • Check on the status of your application
  • Pay your annual fee and more...

Log in to your teacher certification account

If you have a Basic BCeID or you have started an application you can log in to check on the progress of your application.

Application Fee

The non-refundable application fee for a First Nations Language Teacher Certificate is $245.

Please Note:

  • Applications cannot be processed until the fee is paid
  • Application fees are non-refundable
  • Pay when you submit your application in your account by using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Visa Debit or Debit Mastercard. You can also use pre-paid Visa or Mastercard

Contact information

Contact the Service BC Help Desk by phone Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Pacific time.

Vancouver Phone
Toll Free Phone