Get a criminal record check to maintain your teaching certificate

Last updated on March 7, 2025

All educators who want to maintain their B.C. teaching certificate must authorize a criminal record check every five years – even if you recently had one done with another employer or organization. If you don't, your certificate will be suspended and eventually cancelled.

On this page

Submit your criminal record check


Step 1: Give your permission to have a criminal record check completed

Give your permission for a criminal record check to be completed every five years. Fill out the Consent to Criminal Record Check Authorization Form. You will need your certificate number. Enter up-to-date contact information, including your email address. We will forward your authorization to the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for processing. The CRRP will not process authorization forms that do not contain an email address.



Step 2: Receive notification that your authorization has been submitted

You will be notified when it's time to submit your authorization for a criminal record check to the CRRP. If you've given consent for an automatic submission every five years, the Ministry of Education and Child Care will notify you before sending your authorization to the CRRP. Make sure that your contact information in Your Account is correct and current.  

While you wait for the check to be completed, you can continue teaching as long as you:

  • Have paid your annual practice fee and are in good standing
  • Comply with any requests for additional information as part of the criminal record check in a timely manner

Step 3: Provide fingerprinting, if necessary

Fingerprinting may be required if a person with a criminal record shares your birth date and gender.

You will receive an email from the CRRP if you need to submit your fingerprints to confirm your identity.

It's important that you complete this step and notify the CRRP within 90 days. Otherwise your teaching certificate will be suspended and you will not be able to work with children or vulnerable adults.

The fees for fingerprinting vary according to individual police agencies and are not covered by your annual practice fee.


Step 4: Criminal record check is completed

The Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) will perform the criminal record check. It is difficult to estimate how long this process will take. 

Once the check is complete, the CRRP will provide electronic confirmation that there is nothing on your record to suggest that you pose a risk to the safety of children or vulnerable adults. This confirmation is only sent to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.

If there are any relevant offenses on your record, the CRRP will notify both you and the Ministry.

Sharing results: The Ministry of Education and Child Care does not share the results of criminal record checks with other organizations. 


Resubmit your criminal record check

If you submit your criminal record check form with missing or incorrect information, you may need to resubmit the form. If you are told to resubmit it and you are applying for a teaching certificate, you will see this requirement show up in your list of required documents. 

Contact information

Contact the Service BC Help Desk by phone Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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