History and social studies teaching tools

Last updated on December 2, 2020

Human rights in the Asia Pacific

A resource guide, lesson plans, resources and handouts for portions of the senior social studies curriculum.


The rush to B.C.

Rediscover B.C. Explore teaching materials centered on the dramatic events of 1858 – the Fraser River gold rush and the founding of the Crown Colony of British Columbia. This pivotal year did much to shape the future of our province. 

Far West teacher’s guide

See this teacher’s guide aimed at using the textbook Far West: The Story of British Columbia in elementary and middle school classrooms. The guide covers all nine chapters of the textbook, plus a list of resources and ideas for student follow-up.

B.C. history in action

Get students involved and bring our history to life using drama. These two guides are roadmaps toward integrating drama as an approach to learning. Includes several lessons covering important aspects of British Columbia’s past:

Heritage education

Help your students discover the concept of heritage planning and conservation and how it applies to their own communities. Use these classroom resources designed by teachers and heritage professionals.