Student Safety and Wellness Resources for Teachers

Publication date: December 13, 2023

On this page:



erase is all about building safe and caring school communities . This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

BC School Trustees Association

BCSTA maintains a searchable database of school district policies


MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Our vision is that children and youth have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens.

BC Teachers' Federation

BC Teachers' Federation maintains a list of LGBTQ Websites.

SOGI 1 2 3

SOGI 1 2 3 shares proven SOGI-inclusive tools and resources in the areas of policy and procedures, inclusive environments and curriculum resources.

Mental Health Support in B.C.

Mental Health and Substance Use Supports in B.C.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection

Their goal is to reduce child victimization by providing programs and services to Canadians.





Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools: A Guide 

This document describes the vision for schools toward which school boards, schools and school communities must continually strive. The Guide identifies attributes of safe, caring and orderly schools, and provides provincial standards for codes of conduct. It also outlines strategies for informing appropriate members of the school community of safety concerns in a timely manner.



When Words are not Enough

Precursors to Threat: An Early Warning System for School Counsellors

This booklet focuses on behavioural indicators that often precede worrisome behaviour and prompt timely intervention. Based on the threat assessment protocols developed by Kevin Cameron (2004), When Words are not Enough has been created as an early warning system that may increase early intervention to prevent, delay, or de-escalate impending behaviour that is threatening. 



Developing and Reviewing Codes of Conduct

A Companion to the Provincial Standards for Codes of Conduct Ministerial Order And Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools: A Guide (2004)

This document is a companion to the Provincial Standards for Codes of Conduct Ministerial Order and Safe Caring and Orderly Schools: A Guide.

It has been created to assist boards of education in meeting their obligation to ensure that codes of conduct in their districts meet the provincial standards and comply with the School Act and the Provincial Standards for Codes of Conduct Order. It offers information to assist boards to meet their responsibilities under the law and work to make the schools of our province as safe, caring and orderly as possible.



Call it Safe: A parent guide for dealing with bullying in elementary schools

A guide for parents of elementary school students and Parent Advisory Council (PAC) leaders. It will:

answer some of the questions you may have about bullying, and give you information about what you need to know and do to help your children provide information that you and your PAC can use to work with your school to help ensure that the school is safe.



Call it Safe: A parent guide for dealing with harassment and intimidation in secondary schools


Manual of School Law

Contains the School Act which describes roles and responsibilities of educators, students and parents. Of particular interest:

  • STATEMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY ORDER (Mandate for the School System) Authority: School Act s.169 (3) (OIC 1280/89 (Manual of School Law location is D-81)
  • School Act s. 76 (2) (3) (conduct, discipline in schools) (Manual of School Law - location is C-45)
  • School Act s. 85 (2) (c) (school boards) (Manual of School Law - location is D-81)
  • School Act s. (6) (duties of students) (Manual of School Law - location is C-14)
  • School Act s. 7 and 8 (parents and parents' advisory council) (Manual of School Law - location is C-15)
  • PROVINCIAL STANDARDS FOR CODES OF CONDUCT ORDER Authority: School Act, sections 85(1.1) 168 (2) (s.1)

Review the Manual of School Law


Naloxone Risk Assessment Tool – for Public Sector Organizations

British Columbia is currently experiencing a public health emergency related to the unprecedented increase in opioid overdoses across the province. Ministries and other public sector organizations within the Government of British Columbia are assessing whether their staff should carry or stock naloxone in the event employees, clients, or members of the public experience an overdose. This assessment provides tools for decision making including a template, a reporting template, and background information on naloxone and the public health emergency response.



Making Space

Making Space is designed to help K-12 teachers in virtually every subject area find ways to promote awareness and understanding of the diversity that exists within our society - differences that are visible (e.g., race, ethnicity, sex, age, physical ability) and differences that are less visible (e.g., culture, ancestry, language, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic background, mental ability) support for the achievement of social justice for all people and groups - particularly in ensuring that people's backgrounds and circumstances do not prevent them from achieving the full benefits of participation in society, and in addressing injustice faced by those who historically have been and today frequently continue to be marginalized, ignored, or subjected to discrimination or other forms of oppression.
