This change applies if you (the licensee or applicant) participate in a licensing, compliance, or enforcement decision hearing.
The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) has updated the rules that apply to the three types of hearings conducted under both the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act:
Key updates to the hearing rules include:
These hearing rules only apply to the LCRB’s internal hearing process and don’t include a process to pursue regulatory offences or enforcement actions for non-compliance.
Learn more about the different types of hearings.
Access the updated Hearing Rules [PDF, 344KB].
These updated Hearing Rules take precedence over any other LCRB document that touches on hearing procedures and are effective immediately.
Bulletins are for general information and may not apply to all situations. Bulletins do not constitute legal advice nor are they a comprehensive statement of the legal obligations that arise under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, regulations, or any other applicable laws.
When interpreting and applying the information contained in the Bulletins, you are encouraged to seek advice from your professional advisors as appropriate in the circumstances.