Bulletin 23-09: Physical separation between liquor retailer and other businesses

Publication date: November 27, 2023

Who's impacted

This change applies only to the following licences: 

  • Liquor Retail Stores (LRS)
  • Wine Stores 
  • Rural Licensee Retail Stores (RLRS)

What's changing

Liquor retail licensees were previously required to physically separate their stores from other businesses using floor-to-ceiling walls.

In response to licensee feedback, the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation has been amended to allow Licensee Retail Stores and Wine Stores to be separated from any other business in a manner satisfactory to the general manager. 

When reviewing the proposed separation method, the general manager will review:

  • the method of separation;
  • the nature of the adjoining business(es) (e.g., whether the adjacent businesses cater to minors);
  • how patrons are prevented from entering the other business and accessing products from the other business; and,
  • Other factors that may be relevant to public safety and interest.

This change provides more flexibility in how liquor retail licensees are separated from other businesses.

Helpful information

The updates can be found in the: 

If you plan to change the way your establishment is separated from another business, you must submit an application through the liquor and cannabis licensing portal


Bulletins are for general information and may not apply to all situations. Bulletins do not constitute legal advice nor are they a comprehensive statement of the legal obligations that arise under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, regulations, or any other applicable laws.

When interpreting and applying the information contained in the Bulletins, you are encouraged to seek advice from your professional advisors as appropriate in the circumstances.



If you have questions about this policy change, email LCRBLiquorPolicy@gov.bc.ca.  

If you have questions about a structural change application, email LCRBStructural@gov.bc.ca

If you have questions about a relocation application, email: LCRBLiquor@gov.bc.ca