Bulletin 23-10: Accompanying minors in liquor stores and liquor primary establishments

Publication date: November 27, 2023

Who's impacted

This change applies only to the following licences: 

  • Liquor Primary (LP)
  • Manufacturer (on-site store)
  • Licensee Retail Store (LRS)
  • Wine Store 

What's changing

Previously, minors needed to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to be allowed in some liquor licensed establishments.

The Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation is amended to allow minors to be accompanied by a variety of responsible adults, including a: 

  • parent,
  • guardian,
  • stepparent,
  • grandparent,
  • spouse of the minor, or
  • adult who could reasonably be expected to act in place of a parent and be responsible for supervision of the minor.

Helpful information

The updates can be found in the: 

The change is in line with the level of risk posed to minors and with current practices. For example, minors are often already accompanied by a responsible adult, such as a grandparent. 

Licensees still have discretion to refuse service if, for example, a minor does not have adequate supervision or if the licensee believes a patron is attempting to purchase liquor for a minor. 


Bulletins are for general information and may not apply to all situations. Bulletins do not constitute legal advice nor are they a comprehensive statement of the legal obligations that arise under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, regulations, or any other applicable laws.

When interpreting and applying the information contained in the Bulletins, you are encouraged to seek advice from your professional advisors as appropriate in the circumstances.



If you have questions about this policy change, email LCRBLiquorPolicy@gov.bc.ca.