electronic Tax Credit Application (eTCA)

Last updated on August 29, 2023

eTCA allows new program applicants to submit VCC and EBC applications, and existing VCCs and EBCs to submit Equity Authorization requests, input online investment data to the provincial government, retrieve tax credit certificates for their investors, and submit Annual Returns as required under section 20 of the Small Business Venture Capital Regulation and section 28.97 of the Small Business Venture Capital Act.

The eTCA is accessed through the BCeID Online Services Directory.

Each VCC and EBC must have a Business BCeID account before they can access eTCA.


The Province of British Columbia does not in any way guarantee nor express an opinion as to the value of any shares issued by a Venture Capital Corporation or an Eligible Business Corporation, the financial condition of the corporation or the merits of any investment or business proposal.