Train Derailment Boston Bar

Last updated on January 23, 2025


  • Information provided is based on reports received by Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR)
  • Information provided is considered to be current at the time of posting, but is subject to change

Incident description

Incident Date December 22, 2024
Name DGIR: 245149
Source Locomotive
Nearest Community Boston Bar, B.C.
Spilled Content Grain
Who is involved

Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV), Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR), Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) Rail, Canada Nation Railway Company (CN), Lytton First Nation, Boston Bar First Nation, Ashcroft First Nation, Boothroyd Indian Bann, GHD

Response phase details

The responsible person or spiller is legally required to cleanup or manage the cleanup of a spill.

In incidents where the responsible person is unknown, unable or unwilling to manage the cleanup, the Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV) may assume the role. 

The updates below reflect the ministry’s oversight of the spillers’ actions. Details describe the spill response phase only and not the complete lifecycle of the spill. Visit the 'More information' page for other reports. 

Updates are in reverse chronological order with the most recent at the top.

Industry-specific language may be explained in the Glossary of Terms (PDF, 106KB).

Most recent updates

January 23

The Responsible Person (RP) has addressed site safety by making the slope and rock conditions more stable.

A submerged rail car has been successfully recovered from the Fraser River. A recovery plan has been completed to address the remaining rail cars.

As the situation has stabilised and the RP is taking positive action to address the situation, no further updates are anticipated.

January 04

The Responsible Person (RP) is working to address responder safety by making the slope and rock conditions more stable by adding scaling and mesh to the slope. 

The RP is actively working with the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS) and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to obtain the necessary permits to work in the river.

The RP and the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) are working on a recovery plan.

A rail car that floated downstream and sank is expected to be removed next week, pending permits from WLRS and DFO. Equipment mobilization is currently underway.

Further updates will be made when more information is available.

December 24

CN are the Responsible Person (RP) for this incident and provided updated details about the derailment late on December 23rd:

  • A total of 14 grain cars have derailed
  • 8 cars are visible on the embankment (between the track and the Fraser River)
  • 2 rail cars are visible but partially submerged at the bottom of the embankment
  • 1 rail car is 6 kilometers downstream and is submerged
  • 3 rail cars have an unknown location

CN have retained GHD as a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) to support the response operations.

GHD, CN, and contractors have mobilized to the site, and have been able to:

  • Complete two drone flyovers to document site conditions
  • Complete boom deployment in the Frasier River
  • Complete rail debris clean up
  • Complete notification of local First Nations

A Geotech assessment will be completed to determine the safety of the embankment. It is likely this work will take 2 to 3 days to complete before removal of the railcars can commence.

Plans are being developed to recover released grain and to undertake a visual confirmation of the submerged railcars below the embankment.

GHD will continue to document site conditions and conduct periodic flyovers, weather permitting.

A provincial Response Officer attended site today to assess and monitor the situation.

December 22

On December 22nd, the Environmental Emergency Branch (EEB) received a report of grain cars derailing along the Fraser River near Boston Bar. The rail cars are from a Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) train traveling on a Canadian National (CN) line.

The reports indicate that there are no leaks or dangerous goods spilled.

One railcar floated down the river approximately 2 kilometers, but came to rest on the river bank.

Two additional cars are in the river at the derailment site. 

All rail cars are reported to be stable. Response crews have been deployed and are on scene working to further secure the cars.

EEB is continuing to monitor the situation.

Spill Incident Site



Contact information

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