Search for fish and fish habitat data about an individual lake or stream or about all the lakes and streams in a watershed.
Watershed Dictionary Query | Instructions (PDF)
Get waterbody locator information including waterbody name (if one exists), watershed code, waterbody identifier, UTM position, mapsheet number, region and physical attributes. Results are based on the 1:50,000 Watershed Dictionary.
Single Waterbody Query | Instructions (PDF)
Use this query to get all information for an individual waterbody.
Multiple Waterbodies Query | Instructions (PDF)
Find theme information about fish presence, individual fish data, physical site survey data, obstacle data, and stocking data for more than one waterbody. The intent of this query is to get data at a watershed scale by forest district or by TRIM mapsheet.
Bathymetric Maps Query | Instructions (PDF)
Search for lakes that have bathymetric (depth) maps - over 2,600 bathymetric PDF maps are available for lakes that have been surveyed.
Use this query to access fish stocking records for any stocked waterbody.
This query returns a list of fish species by common name or scientific name - it's sorted by species type and includes, species, sub-species, and extinct, general and hybrid classifications. The default query is set to list all species.
Get a list of recent projects, including the number of stream surveys, lake surveys, site surveys and fish collections for each project.
Please contact our team to provide feedback, report data errors and omissions, or request fish/fish habitat data.