Recovery documents for species and ecosystems at risk in B.C. are accepted by the provincial government as science advice. The table below contains direct links to view both provincially and federally produced recovery plans.
They can also be found by searching the databases of the lead government who published the document:
More information about these species can also be found in the BC Species & Ecosystems Explorer.
Provincial wildlife stewardship frameworks and regional wildlife stewardship plans for priority species (wildlife species with generally secure populations that have cultural or social significance and/or are hunted or trapped) can be found on the Wildlife Stewardship Planning Documents page.
Species Name (English) |
Species Name (Scientific) |
Recovery Planning Document |
Year Published |
acuteleaf small limestone moss |
Seligeria acutifolia |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Acuteleaf Small Limestone Moss (Seligeria acutifolia) in British Columbia |
2021 |
alkaline wing-nerved moss |
Pterygoneurum kozlovii |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Alkaline Wing-nerved Moss (Pterygoneurum kozlovii) in British Columbia |
2015 |
American Badger |
Taxidea taxus |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Badger (Taxidea taxus) in British Columbia |
2016 |
American Badger, |
Taxidea taxus jeffersonii |
Federal |
2023 |
Ancient Murrelet |
Synthliboramphus antiquus |
Federal Management Plan for the Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) in Canada |
2018 |
Audouin's Nightstalking Tiger Beetle |
Omus audouini |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Audouin’s Night-stalking Tiger Beetle (Omus audouini) in Canada |
2022 |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
Patagioenas fasciata |
Federal Management Plan for the Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata) in Canada |
2019 |
banded cord-moss |
Entosthodon fascicularis |
B.C. Management Plan for banded cord-moss (Entosthodon fascicularis) in British Columbia |
2010 |
banded cord-moss |
Entosthodon fascicularis |
Federal Management Plan for Banded Cord-moss (Entosthodon fascicularis) in Canada |
2011 |
Bank Swallow |
Riparia riparia |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) in Canada |
2022 |
Barn Owl |
Tyto alba |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba), Western Population, in Canada |
2022 |
Barn Owl |
Tyto alba |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Basking Shark |
Cetorhinus maximus |
Federal Action Plan for the Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in Canadian Pacific waters |
2020 |
Basking Shark |
Cetorhinus maximus |
Federal Multi-species Action Plan for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada |
2017 |
Basking Shark |
Cetorhinus maximus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maxiumus) in Canadian Pacific Waters |
2011 |
batwing vinyl |
Scytinium platinum (syn. Leptogium platynum) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Batwing Vinyl Lichen (Leptogium platynum) in Canada |
2019 |
bearded owl-clover |
Triphysaria versicolor ssp. versicolor |
Federal |
2006 |
Behr’s Hairstreak |
Satyrium behrii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Behr’s Hairstreak (Satyrium behrii) in British Columbia |
2008 |
Behr’s Hairstreak |
Satyrium behrii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Behr’s Hairstreak (Satyrium behrii) in Canada |
2016 |
bent spike-rush (Southern Mountain Population) |
Eleocharis geniculata |
Federal |
2019 |
Black-footed Albatross |
Phoebastria nigripes |
Federal Management Plan for the Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) in Canada |
2017 |
Blotched Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma mavortium |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Blotched Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma mavortium) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Blue Whale |
Balaenoptera musculus |
Federal |
2017 |
Blue Whale |
Balaenoptera musculus |
Federal |
2006 |
Blue-grey Taildropper |
Prophysaon coeruleum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Blue-grey Taildropper (Prophysaon coeruleum) in Canada |
2018 |
Blue-grey Taildropper |
Prophysaon coeruleum |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Blue-grey Taildropper (Prophysaon coeruleum) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Bluntnose Sixgill Shark |
Hexanchus griseus |
Federal |
2012 |
bog bird's-foot trefoil |
Hosackia pinnata (syn. Lotus pinnatus) |
Federal |
2006 |
branched phacelia |
Phacelia ramosissima var. ramosissima |
B.C. |
2008 |
branched phacelia |
Phacelia ramosissima var. ramosissima |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Branched Phacelia (Phacelia ramosissima var. ramosissima) in Canada |
2012 |
brook spike-primrose |
Epilobium torreyi |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Brook Spike-primrose (Epilobium torreyi) in Canada |
2013 |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper |
Calidris subruficollis (syn. Tryngites subruficollis) |
Federal Management Plan for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) in Canada |
2022 |
Bull Trout |
Salvelinus confluentus |
B.C. Management Plan for Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in British Columbia |
2023 |
Burrowing Owl |
Athene cunicularia |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in Canada |
2012 |
California buttercup |
Ranunculus californicus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the California Buttercup (Ranunculus californicus) in Canada |
2013 |
Canada Warbler |
Cardellina canadensis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) in Canada |
2016 |
Carey’s small limestone moss |
Seligeria careyana |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Carey's Small Limestone Moss (Seligeria careyana) in British Columbia |
2022 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) |
Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
B.C. Implementation Plan for the Ongoing Management of Boreal Caribou in British Columbia |
2010 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) |
Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2020 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2018 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2018 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2018 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2017 |
Caribou (Boreal Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop. 14 |
Federal |
2024 |
Caribou (Northern Mountain Population) |
Rangifer tarandus pop.15 |
Federal |
2012 |
Caribou (Southern Mountain Population) |
Rangifer tarandus pop.1 |
Federal |
2014 |
Caribou (Southern Mountain Population) | Rangifer tarandus pop.1 |
Federal |
2020 |
cliff paintbrush |
Castilleja rupicola |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the cliff paintbrush (Castilleja rupicola) in British Columbia |
2009 |
cliff paintbrush |
Castilleja rupicola |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Cliff Paintbrush (Castilleja rupicola) in Canada |
2017 |
coast manroot |
Marah oregana (syn. Marah oreganus) |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Manroot (Marah oreganus) in British Columbia |
2012 |
coast microseris |
Microseris bigelovii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Coast Microseris (Microseris bigelovii) in Canada |
2013 |
Coastal Giant Salamander (syn. Pacific Giant Salamander) |
Dicamptodon tenebrosus |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Pacific Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in British Columbia |
2010 |
coastal Scouler’s catchfly |
Silene scouleri ssp. scouleri (syn. Silene scouleri grandis) |
Federal |
2006 |
Coastal Tailed Frog |
Ascaphus truei |
Federal Management Plan for the Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) in Canada |
2018 |
Coastal Tailed Frog |
Ascaphus truei |
B.C. Management Plan for the Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) in British Columbia |
2015 |
coastal wood fern |
Dryopteris arguta |
B.C. Management Plan for the coastal wood fern (Dryopteris arguta) in British Columbia |
2010 |
coastal wood fern |
Dryopteris arguta |
Federal Management Plan for Coastal Wood Fern (Dryopteris arguta) in Canada |
2011 |
Coeur d’Alene Salamander |
Plethodon idahoensis |
B.C. Management Plan for the Coeur d’Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Coeur d’Alene Salamander |
Plethodon idahoensis |
Federal Management Plan for the Coeur d’Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) in Canada |
2017 |
Collared Pika |
Ochotona collaris |
Federal Management Plan for the Collared Pika (Ochotona collaris) in Canada |
2023 |
Columbia quillwort |
Isoetes minima |
B.C. |
2021 |
Columbia Sculpin |
Cottus hubbsi |
Federal Management Plan for the Columbia Sculpin (Cottus hubbsi) in Canada |
2012 |
Columbian carpet moss |
Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum |
B.C. Management Plan for Columbian carpet moss (Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum) in British Columbia |
2010 |
Columbian carpet moss |
Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum |
Federal Management Plan for the Columbian Carpet Moss (Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum) in Canada |
2012 |
Common Nighthawk |
Chordeiles minor |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) in Canada |
2016 |
contorted-pod evening-primrose |
Camissonia contorta |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Contorted-pod Evening-primrose (Camissonia contorta) in Canada |
2011 |
Cowichan Lake Lamprey (syn. Vancouver Lamprey) |
Entosphenus macrostomus (syn. Lampetra macrostoma) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Vancouver Lamprey (Lampetra macrostoma) in Canada |
2007 |
Cowichan Lake Lamprey (syn. Vancouver Lamprey) |
Entosphenus macrostomus (syn. Lampetra macrostoma) |
Federal Action Plan for the Vancouver Lamprey (Entosphenus macrostomus) in Canada |
2019 |
crumpled tarpaper |
Collema coniophilum |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Crumpled Tarpaper (Collema coniophilum) in British Columbia |
2013 |
crumpled tarpaper |
Collema coniophilum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Crumpled Tarpaper Lichen (Collema coniophilum) in Canada |
2022 |
cryptic paw |
Nephroma occultum |
B.C. Management Plan for Cryptic Paw (Nephroma occultum) in British Columbia |
2011 |
cryptic paw |
Nephroma occultum |
Federal Management Plan for the Cryptic Paw Lichen (Nephroma occultum) in Canada |
2012 |
Coastrange Sculpin (Cultus Lake Population) (syn. Cultus Pygmy Sculpin ) |
Cottus aleuticus pop. 1 (syn. Cottus sp.2) |
Federal Action Plan for the Cultus Pygmy Sculpin (Cottus aleuticus, Cultus Population) in Canada |
2017 |
Coastrange Sculpin (Cultus Lake Population) (syn. Cultus Pygmy Sculpin) |
Cottus aleuticus pop. 1 (syn. Cottus sp.2) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Cultus Pygmy Sculpin (Cottus sp.) in Canada |
2007 |
Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle, |
Cicindela parowana |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle (Cicindela parowana) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle, |
Cicindela parowana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Wallis’ Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle (Cicindela parowana wallisi) in Canada |
2017 |
deltoid balsamroot |
Balsamorhiza deltoidea |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
dense spike-primrose |
Epilobium densiflorum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Dense Spike-primrose (Epilobium densiflorum) in Canada |
2013 |
dense-flowered lupine |
Lupinus microcarpus var. microcarpus (syn. Lupinus densiflorus) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Dense-flowered Lupine (Lupinus densiflorus) in Canada |
2011 |
Desert Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena chlorophaea |
Federal |
2019 |
Desert Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena chlorophaea |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Desert Nightsnake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Dromedary Jumping-slug |
Hemphillia dromedarius |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Dromedary Jumping-slug (Hemphillia dromedarius) in British Columbia |
2008 |
Dromedary Jumping-slug |
Hemphillia dromedarius |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Dromedary Jumping-slug (Hemphillia dromedarius) in Canada |
2017 |
drooping-leaved beard-moss |
Chionoloma recurvifolium (syn. Oxystegus recurvifolius) |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Drooping-leaved Beard-moss (Oxystegus recurvifolius) in British Columbia |
2022 |
Dun Skipper |
Euphyes vestris |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Dun Skipper (Euphyes vestris) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Dun Skipper |
Euphyes vestris |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Dun Skipper vestris subspecies (Euphyes vestris vestris) in Canada |
2017 |
dwarf hesperochiron |
Hesperochiron pumilus |
B.C. |
2021 |
dwarf sandwort |
Sabulina pusilla (syn. Minuartia pusilla) |
Federal |
2006 |
dwarf woolly-heads |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus |
B.C. |
2008 |
dwarf woolly-heads |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus |
Federal |
2013 |
Edith’s Checkerspot, |
Euphydryas editha taylori |
Federal |
2006 |
Edwards’ Beach Moth |
Anarta edwardsii |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Edwards’ Beach Moth (Anarta edwardsii) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Edwards’ Beach Moth |
Anarta edwardsii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Edwards’ Beach Moth (Anarta edwardsii) in Canada |
2017 |
Enos Lake Limnetic and Benthic Stickleback Species Pairs |
Gasterosteus sp. 2 Gasterosteus sp. 3 |
Federal |
2019 |
Haida Ermine (syn.haidarum subspecies) |
Mustela haidarum (syn. Mustela erminea haidarum) |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Ermine, haidarum subspecies (Mustela erminea haidarum) in British Columbia |
2009 |
Haida Ermine (syn. Ermine, haidarum subspecies) |
Mustela haidarum (syn. Mustela erminea haidarum) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Ermine, haidarum subspecies (Mustela erminea haidarum), in Canada |
2011 |
Evening Grosbeak |
Coccothraustes vespertinus |
Federal Management Plan for the Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) in Canada |
2022 |
Fin Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Federal |
2017 |
Fin Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Federal |
2006 |
Flammulated Owl |
Psiloscops flammeolus (syn. Otus flammeolus) |
B.C. Management Plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in British Columbia |
2011 |
Flammulated Owl |
Psiloscops flammeolus (syn. Otus flammeolus) |
Federal Management Plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in Canada |
2012 |
foothill sedge |
Carex tumulicola |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Foothill Sedge (Carex tumulicola) in Canada |
2013 |
fragrant popcornflower |
Plagiobothrys figuratus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Fragrant Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys figuratus) in Canada |
2013 |
Georgia Basin Bog Spider |
Gnaphosa snohomish |
Federal Management Plan for the Georgia Basin Bog Spider (Gnaphosa snohomish) in Canada |
2021 |
Georgia Basin Bog Spider |
Gnaphosa snohomish |
B.C. Management Plan for Georgia Basin Bog Spider (Gnaphosa snohomish) in British Columbia |
2018 |
giant helleborine |
Epipactis gigantea |
B.C. Management Plan for Giant Helleborine (Epipactis gigantea) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Giant Threespine Stickleback |
Gasterosteus sp. 1 (syn. Gasterosteus aculeatus) |
Federal |
2022 |
golden paintbrush |
Castilleja levisecta |
Federal |
2006 |
Gopher Snake, |
Pituophis catenifer deserticola |
B.C. |
2016 |
Grand Coulee owl-clover |
Orthocarpus barbatus |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Grand Coulee owl-clover (Orthocarpus barbatus) in British Columbia |
2007 |
Butterfly bearing lomatium (syn. Gray’s desert-parsley) |
Lomatium papilioniferum (syn. Lomatium grayi) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Gray’s Desert-parsley (Lomatium grayi) in Canada |
2014 |
Great Basin Gophersnake |
Pituophis catenifer deserticola |
Federal |
2019 |
Great Basin Spadefoot |
Spea intermontana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Great Basin Spadefoot (Spea intermontana) in Canada |
2017 |
Great Basin Spadefoot |
Spea intermontana |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Great Basin Spadefoot (Spea intermontan) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Great Blue Heron, |
Ardea herodias fannini |
Federal Management Plan for the Great Blue Heron fannini subspecies (Ardea herodias fannini) in Canada |
2020 |
Great Blue Heron, |
Ardea herodias fannini |
Federal Multi-species Action plan for Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada |
2018 |
Great Blue Heron, |
Ardea herodias fannini |
Federal Multi-species Action Plan for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada |
2017 |
Great Blue Heron, |
Ardea herodias fannini |
Federal Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada |
2017 |
Great Blue Heron, |
Ardea herodias fannini |
Federal |
2016 |
Greater Sage-grouse, |
Centrocercus urophasianus phaios |
Federal |
2017 |
Green Sturgeon |
Acipenser medirostris |
Federal Management Plan for the Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) in Canada |
2017 |
Greenish Blue, (syn. Island Blue) |
Plebejus saepiolus insulanus |
B.C. |
2008 |
Greenish Blue, (syn. Island Blue) |
Plebejus saepiolus insulanus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Island Blue (Plebejus saepiolus insulanus) in Canada |
2008 |
Grey Whale |
Eschrichtius robustus |
Federal Management Plan for the Eastern Pacific Grey Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) in Canada |
2011 |
Grizzly Bear |
Ursus arctos |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Grizzly Bears in the North Cascades of British Columbia |
2004 |
Haida Gwaii Slug |
Staala gwaii |
Federal Management Plan for the Haida Gwaii Slug (Staala gwaii) in Canada |
2023 |
Haida Gwaii Slug |
Staala gwaii |
B.C. Management Plan for Haida Gwaii Slug (Staala gwaii) in British Columbia |
2022 |
hairy paintbrush |
Castilleja tenuis |
B.C. |
2021 |
Half-moon Hairstreak |
Satyrium semiluna |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Half-moon Hairstreak (Satyrium semiluna) in British Columbia and Alberta |
2011 |
Half-moon Hairstreak |
Satyrium semiluna |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Half-moon Hairstreak (Satyrium semiluna) in Canada |
2016 |
Haller’s apple moss |
Bartramia halleriana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Haller’s Apple Moss (Bartramia halleriana) in Canada |
2010 |
Harbour Porpoise |
Phocoena phocoena |
Federal Management Plan for the Pacific Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Canada |
2009 |
Horned Grebe (Western Population) |
Podiceps auritis |
Federal Management Plan for the Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus), Western population, in Canada |
2022 |
Horned Lark, |
Eremophila alpestris strigata |
Federal |
2016 |
Hotwater Physa |
Physella wrighti |
Federal Action Plan for the Hotwater Physa (Physella wrighti) in Canada |
2018 |
Hotwater Physa |
Physella wrighti |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Hotwater Physa (Physella wrighti) in Canada |
2007 |
Howell’s triteleia |
Triteleleia howellii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
Humpback Whale |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the North Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Canada |
2014 |
Island Tiger Moth |
Grammia complicata |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Island Tiger Moth (Grammia complicata) in British Columbia |
2017 |
Keeled Jumping-slug (syn. Warty Jumping-slug) |
Hemphillia burringtoni (syn. Hemphillia glandulosa) |
B.C. Management Plan for the Warty Jumping-slug (Hemphillia glandulosa) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Keeled Jumping-slug (syn. Warty Jumping-slug) |
Hemphillia burringtoni (syn. Hemphillia glandulosa) |
Federal Management Plan for the Warty Jumping-slug (Hemophillia glandulosa) in Canada |
2015 |
Kellogg’s rush |
Juncus kelloggii |
Federal |
2006 |
Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Northern Resident Population) |
Orcinus orca pop.6 |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in Canada |
2018 |
Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Offshore Population) |
Orcinus orca pop.2 |
Federal Management Plan for the Offshore Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in Canada |
2009 |
Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Southern Resident Population) |
Orcinus orca pop.5 |
Federal Action Plan for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in Canada |
2017 |
Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Southern Resident Population) |
Orcinus orca pop.5 |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in Canada |
2008 |
Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Transient Population) |
Orcinus orca pop.3 |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Transient Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in Canada |
2007 |
Large Marble, |
Euchloe ausonides insulanus |
Federal |
2006 |
Leatherback Sea Turtle |
Dermochelys coriacea |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in Pacific Canadian Waters |
2007 |
Leatherback Sea Turtle | Dermochelys coriacea |
Federal Action Plan for the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) in Canada (Pacific population) |
2019 |
Lemmon’s holly fern |
Polystichum lemmonii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Lemmon’s holly fern (Polystichum lemmonii) in British Columbia |
2007 |
Lemmon’s holly fern |
Polystichum lemmonii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Lemmon’s Holly Fern (Polystichum lemmonii) in Canada |
2013 |
Lewis’s Woodpecker |
Melanerpes lewis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in Canada |
2017 |
Lewis’s Woodpecker |
Melanerpes lewis |
Federal Management Plan for the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in Canada |
2014 |
Lindley’s microseris (syn. Lindley’s false silverpuffs) |
Uropappus lindleyi (syn. Microseris lindleyi) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Lindley’s False Silverpuffs (Uropappus lindleyi) in Canada |
2013 |
Little Brown Myotis |
Myotis lucifugus |
Federal |
2018 |
Long-billed Curlew |
Numenius americanus |
Federal Management Plan for the Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) in Canada |
2013 |
Longspine Thornyhead |
Sebastolobus altivelis |
Federal |
2012 |
Lyall’s mariposa lily |
Calochortus lyallii |
Federal Management Plan for the Lyall’s Mariposa Lily (Calochortus lyallii) in Canada |
2018 |
Lyall’s mariposa lily |
Calochortus lyallii |
B.C. Management Plan for Lyall’s Mariposa Lily (Calochortus lyallii) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Macoun’s meadow-foam |
Limnanthes macounii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Macoun’s Meadow-foam (Limnanthes macounii) in British Columbia |
2011 |
Macoun’s meadow-foam |
Limnanthes macounii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Macoun’s Meadowfoam (Limnanthes macounii) in Canada |
2013 |
Magnum Mantleslug |
Magnipelta mycophaga |
Federal |
2023 |
Magnum Mantleslug |
Magnipelta mycophaga |
B.C. |
2018 |
Marbled Murrelet |
Brachyramphus marmoratus |
Federal Amended Recovery Strategy for the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Canada |
2023 |
Marbled Murrelet |
Brachyramphus marmoratus |
B.C. |
2018 |
Marbled Murrelet |
Brachyramphus marmoratus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Canada |
2014 |
margined streamside moss |
Scouleria marginata |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Margined Streamside Moss (Scouleria marginata Britt) in British Columbia |
2007 |
margined streamside moss |
Scouleria marginata |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Margined Streamside Moss (Scouleria marginata) in Canada |
2008 |
Mexican mosquito fern |
Azolla mexicana |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Mexican Mosquito Fern (Azolla mexicana) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Mexican Mosquito-fern |
Azolla mexicana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Mexican Mosquito-fern (Azolla mexicana) in Canada |
2017 |
Misty Lake Stickleback, Lake and Stream Species Pair |
Gasterosteus sp. 18 Gasterosteus sp. 19 (syn. Gasterosteus aculeatus) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Misty Lake Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Canada |
2018 |
Misty Lake Stickleback, Lake and Stream Species Pair |
Gasterosteus sp. 18 Gasterosteus sp. 19 (syn. Gasterosteus aculeatus) |
Federal Action Plan for the Misty Lake Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Canada |
2020 |
Monarch |
Danaus plexippus |
Federal Management Plan for the Monarch (Danaus plexippus) in Canada |
2016 |
Mormon Metalmark |
Apodemia mormo |
B.C. |
2008 |
Mormon Metalmark |
Apodemia mormo |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Mormon Metalmark (Apodemia mormo), Southern Mountain Population, in Canada |
2017 |
Mountain Beaver |
Aplodontia rufa |
B.C. Management Plan for the Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Mountain Beaver |
Aplodontia rufa |
Federal Management Plan for the Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa) in Canada |
2015 |
mountain crab-eye |
Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides |
B.C. Management Plan for Mountain Crab-eye (Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides) in British Columbia |
2021 |
Mountain Goat |
Oreamnos americanus |
B.C. Management Plan for the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) in British Columbia |
2010 |
Mountain Holly Fern |
Polystichum scopulinum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Mountain Holly Fern (Polystichum scopulinum) in Canada |
2017 |
mountain holly fern |
Polystichum scopulinum |
B.C. |
2009 |
Mountain Sucker |
Catostomus platyrhynchus |
Federal Management Plan for the Mountain Sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus), Pacific populations, in Canada |
2021 |
Muhlenberg’s centaury |
Zeltnera muehlenbergii (Syn. Centaurium muehlenbergii) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Muhlenberg’s Centaury (Centaurium muehlenbergii) in Canada |
2013 |
Multi-species Action Plans for Parks Canada Agency administered lands in British Columbia |
Federal Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada |
2017 |
Multi-species Action Plans for Parks Canada Agency administered lands in British Columbia |
Federal Multi-species Action Plan for Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada |
2017 |
Multi-species Action Plans for Parks Canada Agency administered lands in British Columbia |
Federal |
2016 |
Multi-species at risk in Garry oak woodlands in Canada |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
Multi-species at risk in maritime meadows associated with Garry oak ecosystems in Canada |
Federal |
2006 |
Multi-species at risk in vernal pools and other ephemeral wet areas associated with Garry oak ecosystems in Canada |
Federal |
2006 |
Multi-species Princeton landscape |
B.C. |
2008 |
Multi-species Princeton landscape |
Federal |
2013 |
Nooksack Dace |
Rhinicthys cataractae ssp. |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Nooksack Dace (Rhinicthys cataractae ssp.) in Canada) |
2020 |
Nooksack Dace |
Rhinicthys cataractae ssp. |
Federal |
2020 |
North American Racer (syn. Western Yellow-bellied Racer) |
Coluber constrictor |
B.C. Management Plan for Racer (Coluber constrictor) in British Columbia |
2013 |
North American Racer (syn. Western Yellow-bellied Racer) |
Coluber constrictor |
Federal Management Plan for the Western Yellow-bellied Racer (Coluber constrictor mormon) in Canada |
2015 |
North Pacific Right Whale |
Eubalaena japonica |
Federal |
2017 |
North Pacific Right Whale |
Eubalaena japonica |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) in Pacific Canadian Waters |
2011 |
Northern Abalone |
Haliotis kamtschatkana |
Federal Action Plan for the Northern Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) in Canada |
2012 |
Northern Abalone |
Haliotis kamtschatkana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Northern Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) in Canada |
2007 |
Northern Goshawk, |
Accipiter gentilis laingi |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Northern Goshawk laingi subspecies (Accipiter gentilis laingi) in Canada |
2018 |
Northern Goshawk, |
Accipiter gentilis laingi |
B.C. |
2018 |
Northern Goshawk, |
Accipiter gentilis laingi |
B.C. |
2013 |
Northern Goshawk, |
Accipiter gentilis laingi |
B.C. |
2008 |
Northern Leopard Frog |
Lithobates pipiens |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Northern Leopard Frog (Rocky Mountain Population) |
Lithobates pipiens |
Federal |
2017 |
Northern Myotis |
Myotis septentrionalis |
Federal |
2018 |
Northern Red-legged Frog |
Rana aurora |
B.C. Management Plan for the Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Northern Red-legged Frog |
Rana aurora |
Federal Management Plan for the Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) in Canada |
2017 |
Northern Rubber Boa |
Charina bottae |
B.C. Management Plan for the Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Northern Rubber Boa |
Charina bottae |
Federal Management Plan for the Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) in Canada |
2017 |
Northern Saw-whet Owl, |
Aegolius acadicus brooksi |
Federal |
2014 |
northwest waterfan |
Peltigera gowardii |
B.C. Management Plan for northwest waterfan (Peltigera gowardii) in British Columbia |
2015 |
nugget moss |
Microbryum vlassovii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the nugget moss (Microbryum vlassovii) in British Columbia |
2009 |
nugget moss |
Microbryum vlassovii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Nugget Moss (Microbryum vlassovii) in Canada |
2012 |
Nuttall’s Cottontail |
Sylvilagus nuttallii |
B.C. Management Plan for the Nuttall’s Cottontail (Sylvilagus nuttallii) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Nuttall’s Cottontail |
Sylvilagus nuttallii |
Federal |
2015 |
Okanagan Efferia (syn. Okanagan Robber Fly, Okanagan Hammertail) |
Efferia okanagana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Okanagan Efferia (Efferia okanagana) in Canada |
2022 |
Okanagan Efferia (syn. Okanagan Robber Fly, Okanagan Hammertail) |
Efferia okanagana |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Okanagan Robber Fly (Efferia okanagana) in British Columbia |
2016 |
oldgrowth specklebelly |
Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis |
Federal Management Plan for the Oldgrowth Specklebelly Lichen (Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis) in Canada |
2017 |
oldgrowth specklebelly |
Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis |
B.C. Management Plan for Oldgrowth specklebelly (Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Olive Clubtail |
Stylurus olivaceus |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Olive Clubtail (Stylurus olivaceus) in British Columbia |
2017 |
Olive Clubtail |
Stylurus olivaceus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Olive Clubtail (Stylurus olivaceus) in Canada |
2022 |
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
Contopus cooperi |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) in Canada |
2016 |
Olympia Oyster |
Ostrea lurida (syn. Ostrea conchaphila) |
Federal Management Plan for the Olympia oyster (Ostrea conchaphila) in Canada |
2009 |
Oregon Forestsnail |
Allogona townsendiana |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Oregon Forestsnail (Allogona townsendiana) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Oregon Forestsnail |
Allogona townsendiana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Oregon Forestsnail (Allogona townsendiana) in Canada |
2016 |
Oregon Spotted Frog |
Rana pretiosa |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Oregon Spotted Frog |
Rana pretiosa |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa) in Canada |
2015 |
Pacific Gophersnake |
Pituophuis catenifer catenifer |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Pacific Gophersnake (Pituophuis catenifer catenifer) in Canada |
2017 |
Pacific Water Shrew |
Sorex bendirii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Pacific Water Shrew (Sorex bendirii) in British Columbia |
2009 |
Pacific Water Shrew |
Sorex bendirii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Pacific Water Shrew (Sorex bendirii) in Canada |
2014 |
Painted Turtle (Pacific Coast Population) (syn. Western Painted Turtle, Pacific Coast Population) |
Chrysemys picta pop. 1 (syn. Chrysemys picta bellii) |
B.C. |
2016 |
Painted Turtle (Intermountain – Rocky Mountain Population) (syn. Western Painted Turtle, Intermountain – Rocky Mountain Population) |
Chrysemys picta pop. 2 (syn. Chrysemys picta bellii) |
B.C. |
2017 |
Pallid Bat |
Antrozous pallidus |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Pallid Bat |
Antrozous pallidus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in Canada |
2017 |
Paxton Lake Limnetic and Benthic Stickleback Species Pairs |
Gasterosteus sp. 4 Gasterosteus sp. 5 |
Federal |
2019 |
peacock vinyl |
Scytinium polycarpum (syn. Leptogium polycarpum) |
B.C. Management Plan for Peacock Vinyl (Leptogium polycarpum) in British Columbia |
2015 |
peacock vinyl |
Scytinium polycarpum (syn. Leptogium polycarpum) |
Federal Management Plan for the Peacock Vinyl Lichen (Leptogium polycarpum) in Canada |
2021 |
Peregrine Falcon, |
Falco peregrinus pealei |
Federal Management Plan for the Peregrine Falcon pealei subspecies (Falco peregrinus pealei) in Canada |
2017 |
Peregrine Falcon, |
Falco peregrinus pealei |
B.C. |
2016 |
Peregrine Falcon, |
Falco peregrinus anatum/tundrius |
Federal |
2017 |
phantom orchid |
Cephalanthera austiniae |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae) in British Columbia |
2017 |
phantom orchid |
Cephalanthera austiniae |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae) in Canada |
2020 |
pink sand-verbena |
Abronia umbellata breviflora |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Pink Sand-verbena (Abronia umbellata) in Canada |
2007 |
Pink-footed Shearwater |
Ardenna creatopus (syn. Puffinus creatopus) |
Federal |
2008 |
poor pocket moss |
Fissidens pauperculus |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Poor Pocket Moss (Fissidens pauperculus M. Howe) in British Columbia |
2007 |
poor pocket moss |
Fissidens pauperculus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Poor Pocket Moss (Fissidens pauperculus) in Canada |
2010 |
Porsild’s bryum |
Haplodontium macrocarpum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Porsild’s Bryum (Haplodontium macrocarpum) in Canada |
2017 |
prairie lupine |
Lupinus lepidus |
Federal |
2006 |
Puget Oregonian |
Cryptomastix devia |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Puget Oregonian Snail (Cryptomastix devia) in British Columbia |
2008 |
Puget Oregonian |
Cryptomastix devia |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Puget Oregonian Snail (Cryptomastix devia) in Canada |
2010 |
purple sanicle |
Sanicula bipinnatifida |
Federal |
2006 |
pygmy pocket moss |
Fissidens exilis |
Federal Management Plan for the Pygmy Pocket Moss (Fissidens exilis) in Canada |
2016 |
Pygmy Short-horned Lizard |
Phrynosoma douglasii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Pygmy Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglasii) in Canada |
2017 |
Pygmy Slug |
Kootenaia burkei |
Federal |
2023 |
Pygmy Slug |
Kootenaia burkei |
B.C. |
2018 |
rayless goldfields |
Lasthernia glaberimma |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Rayless Goldfields (Lasthenia glaberrima) in Canada |
2012 |
Red Knot |
Calidris canutus |
Federal Recovery Strategy and Management Plan for the Red Knot (Calidris canutus) in Canada |
2017 |
Red-necked Phalarope |
Phalaropus lobatus |
Federal Management Plan for the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) in Canada |
2023 |
rigid apple moss |
Bartramia aprica (syn. Bartramia stricta) |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Rigid Apple Moss (Bartramia stricta Bridel) in British Columbia |
2007 |
rigid apple moss |
Bartramia aprica (syn. Bartramia stricta) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Rigid Apple Moss (Bartramia stricta Bridel) in Canada |
2011 |
Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel |
Gonidea angulata |
Federal Management Plan for the Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel (Gonidea angulata) in British Columbia |
2011 |
Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Westslope Population) |
Cottus sp. 9 |
Federal Management Plan for the Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.), Westslope populations, in Canada |
2021 |
Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog |
Ascaphus montanus |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog (Ascaphus montanus) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Roell's brotherella |
Brotherella roellii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Roell’s Brotherella Moss (Brotherella roellii) in Canada |
2022 |
Roell’s brotherella |
Brotherella roellii |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Roell’s Brotherella (Brotherella roellii) in British Columbia |
2013 |
rosy owl-clover |
Orthocarpus bracteosus |
Federal |
2006 |
Rougheye Rockfish / Blackspotted Rockfish |
Sebastes aleutianus, Sebastes melanostictus |
Federal |
2012 |
Rusty Blackbird |
Euphagus carolinus |
Federal Management Plan for the Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) in Canada |
2015 |
rusty cord-moss |
Entosthodon rubiginosus |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Rusty Cord-moss (Entosthodon rubiginosus) in British Columbia |
2008 |
rusty cord-moss |
Entosthodon rubiginosus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Rusty Cord-moss (Entosthodon rubiginosus) in Canada |
2012 |
Sage Thrasher |
Oreoscoptes montanus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) in Canada |
2014 |
Salish Sucker |
Catostomus sp. cf. catostomus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Salish Sucker (Catostomus sp. cf. Catostomus ssp.) in Canada |
2020 |
Salish Sucker |
Catostomus sp. cf. catostomus |
Federal |
2020 |
Sand-verbena Moth |
Copablepharon fuscum |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Sand-verbena Moth (Copablepharon fuscum) in British Columbia |
2008 |
Sand-verbena Moth |
Copablepharon fuscum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Sand-verbena Moth (Copablepharon fuscum) in Canada |
2012 |
scarlet ammannia |
Ammannia robusta |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the scarlet ammannia (Ammannia robusta) in British Columbia and Ontario |
2008 |
scarlet ammannia |
Ammannia robusta |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Scarlet Ammannia (Ammannia robusta) in Canada |
2015 |
Sea Otter |
Enhydra lutris |
Federal Management Plan for the Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) in Canada |
2014 |
seaside bird’s-foot trefoil |
Hosackia gracilis (syn. Lotus formossimus) |
Federal |
2006 |
seaside bone |
Hypogymnia heterophylla |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Seaside Bone Lichen (Hypogymnia heterophylla) in Canada |
2017 |
seaside centipede |
Heterodermia sitchensis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Seaside Centipede Lichen (Heterodermia sitchensis) in Canada |
2007 |
Sei Whale |
Balaenoptera borealis |
Federal |
2017 |
Sei Whale |
Balaenoptera borealis |
Federal |
2006 |
Sharp-tailed Snake |
Contia tenuis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Sharp-tailed Snake (Contia tenuis) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Sharp-tailed Snake |
Contia tenuis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Sharp-tailed Snake (Contia tenuis) in Canada |
2020 |
Sheathed Slug |
Zacoleus idahoensis |
Federal |
2023 |
Sheathed Slug |
Zacoleus idahoensis |
B.C. |
2018 |
Short-eared Owl |
Asio flammeus |
Federal Management Plan for the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in Canada |
2018 |
short-rayed aster |
Symphyotrichum frondosum (syn. Aster frondosus) |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the short-rayed alkali Aster (Symphyotrichum frondosum) in British Columbia |
2009 |
Short-tailed Albatross |
Phoebastria albatrus |
Federal |
2008 |
Shorthead Sculpin |
Cottus confusus |
Federal Management plan for the Shorthead Sculpin (Cottus confusus) in Canada |
2019 |
showy phlox |
Phlox speciosa spp. occidentalis |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the showy phlox (Phlox speciosa spp. occidentalis) in British Columbia |
2012 |
silky beach pea |
Lathyrus littoralis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Silky Beach Pea (Lathyrus littoralis) in British Columbia |
2017 |
silver hair moss |
Fabronia pusilla |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Silver Hair Moss (Fabronia pusilla Raddi) in British Columbia |
2007 |
silver hair moss |
Fabronia pusilla |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Silver Hair Moss (Fabronia pusilla) in Canada |
2008 |
slender collomia |
Collomia tenella |
B.C. |
2008 |
slender collomia |
Collomia tenella |
Federal |
2013 |
slender yoke-moss |
Zygodon gracilis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Slender Yoke-moss (Zygodon gracilis) in British Columbia |
2021 |
small-flowered lipocarpha |
Cyperus subsquarrosus (syn. Lipocarpha micrantha) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Small-flowered Lipocarpha (Lipocarpha micrantha) in Canada |
2018 |
small-flowered lipocarpha |
Cyperus subsquarrosus (syn. Lipocarpha micrantha) |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Small-flowered Lipocarpha (Lipocarpha micrantha) in British Columbia |
2011 |
small-flowered tonella |
Tonella tenella |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
smoker's lung |
Lobaria retigera |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Smoker's Lung (Lobaria retigera) in British Columbia |
2023 |
smooth goosefoot |
Chenopodium subglabrum |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Smooth Goosefoot (Chenopodium subglabrum) in Canada |
2015 |
bear’s-foot sanicle |
Sanicula arctopoides |
Federal |
2006 |
Sonora Skipper |
Polites sonora |
B.C. Management Plan for Sonora Skipper (Polites sonora) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Sonora Skipper |
Polites sonora |
Federal Management Plan for the Sonora Skipper (Polites sonora) in Canada |
2015 |
southern maiden-hair fern |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the southern maiden-hair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) in British Columbia |
2007 |
southern maiden-hair fern |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Southern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) in Canada |
2012 |
Spalding’s campion |
Silene spaldingii |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for Spalding’s Campion (Silene spaldingii) in British Columbia |
2008 |
Speckled Dace |
Rhinicthys osculus |
Federal Action Plan for the Speckled Dace (Rhinicthys osculus) in Canada |
2020 |
Speckled Dace |
Rhinicthys osculus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus) in Canada |
2018 |
Spotted Bat |
Euderma maculatum |
B.C. Management Plan for the Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Spotted Bat |
Euderma maculatum |
Federal Management Plan for the Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) in Canada |
2015 |
Spotted Owl |
Strix occidentalis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia |
2004 |
Spotted Owl | Strix occidentalis |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia |
2004 |
Spotted Owl | Strix occidentalis |
B.C. British Columbia Spotted Owl Recovery Action Plan |
2006 |
Spotted Owl | Strix occidentalis |
B.C. British Columbia Spotted Owl Management Plan (SOMP 2) |
2009 |
Steller Sea Lion |
Eumetopias jubatus |
Federal Management Plan for the Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus) in Canada |
2011 |
stoloniferous pussytoes |
Antennaria flagellaris |
B.C. |
2008 |
stoloniferous pussytoes |
Antennaria flagellaris |
Federal |
2013 |
streambank lupine |
Lupinus rivularis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Streambank Lupine (Lupinus rivularis) in British Columbia |
2014 |
streambank lupine |
Lupinus rivularis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Streambank Lupine (Lupinus rivularis) in British Columbia |
2017 |
tall bugbane |
Actaea elata var. elata (syn. Cimicifuga elata) |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Tall Bugbane (Actaea elata var. elata) in British Columbia |
2014 |
tall woolly-heads |
Psilocarphus elatior |
Federal |
2006 |
Threaded Vertigo |
Vertigo rowellii (syn. Nearctula sp.) |
Federal Management Plan for the Threaded Vertigo (Nearctula sp.) in Canada |
2019 |
Threaded Vertigo |
Vertigo rowellii (syn. Nearctula sp. 1) |
B.C. Management Plan for Threaded Vertigo (Nearctula sp.) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma mavortium (syn. Ambystoma tigrinum) |
Federal |
2017 |
tiny tassel |
Crossidium seriatum |
Federal Management Plan for the Tiny Tassel (Crossidium seriatum) in Canada |
2022 |
tiny tassel |
Crossidium seriatum |
B.C. Management Plan for tiny tassel (Crossidium seriatum) in British Columbia |
2016 |
toothcup |
Rotala ramosior |
B.C. Recovery Strategy for the toothcup (Rotala ramosior) in British Columbia and Ontario |
2008 |
toothcup |
Rotala ramosior |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Toothcup (Rotala ramosior) in Canada |
2015 |
Soupfin Shark (syn. Tope Shark) |
Galeorhinus galeus |
Federal |
2012 |
Townsend’s Mole |
Scapanus townsendii |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Townsend’s Mole (Scapanus townsendii) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Townsend’s Mole |
Scapanus townsendii |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Townsend’s Mole (Scapanus townsendii) in Canada |
2016 |
Tweedy’s Lewisia |
Lewisiopsis tweedyi |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Tweedy’s Lewisia (Lewisiopsis tweedyi) in Canada |
2021 |
Tweedy’s lewisia |
Lewisiopsis tweedyi (syn. Lewisia tweedyi; Cistanthe tweedyi) |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Tweedy’s Lewisia (Lewisiopsis tweedyi) in British Columbia |
2015 |
twisted oak moss |
Syntrichia laevipila |
B.C. Management Plan for twisted oak moss (Syntrichia laevipila) in British Columbia |
2010 |
twisted oak moss |
Syntrichia laevipila |
Federal Management Plan for Twisted Oak Moss (Syntrichia laevipila) in Canada |
2011 |
Charlotte Unarmoured Threespine Stickleback |
Gasterosteus aculeatus pop. 1 |
Federal |
2022 |
Ute lady’s tresses |
Spiranthes diluvialis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Ute Lady’s Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in British Columbia |
2021 |
Vananda Creek Limnetic and Benthic Stickleback species pairs |
Gasterosteus sp. 16 Gasterosteus sp. 17 |
Federal |
2020 |
Vananda Creek Limnetic and Benthic Stickleback Species Pairs |
Gasterosteus sp. 16 Gasterosteus sp. 17 |
Federal |
2019 |
Vancouver Island beggarticks |
Bidens amplissima |
B.C. Management Plan for the Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Vancouver Island beggarticks |
Bidens amplissima |
Federal Management Plan for the Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in Canada |
2015 |
Vancouver Island Marmot |
Marmota vancouverensis |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Vancouver Island Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) in British Columbia |
2017 |
Vancouver Island Marmot |
Marmota vancouverensis |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Vancouver Island Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) in Canada |
2020 |
Vesper Sparrow, |
Pooecetes gramineus affinis |
Federal |
2016 |
Victoria’s owl-clover |
Castilleja victoriae |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Victoria's Owl-clover (Castilleja victoriae) in Canada |
2017 |
Victoria’s owl-clover |
Castilleja victoriae |
B.C. Recovery Plan for Victoria’s Owl-clover (Castilleja victoriae) in British Columbia |
2015 |
Vivid Dancer |
Argia vivida |
Federal Management Plan for the Vivid Dancer (Argia vivida) in Canada |
2022 |
Vivid Dancer |
Argia vivida |
B.C. Management Plan for Vivid Dancer (Argia vivida) in British Columbia and Alberta |
2020 |
Wandering Salamander |
Aneides vagrans |
Federal Management Plan for the Wandering Salamander (Aneides vagrans) in Canada |
2021 |
Wandering Salamander |
Aneides vagrans |
B.C. Management Plan for Wandering Salamander (Aneides vagrans) in British Columbia |
2017 |
water-plantain buttercup |
Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius |
Federal |
2006 |
Western Branded Skipper, oregonia subspecies (syn. Oregon Branded Skipper) |
Hesperia colorado oregonia |
B.C. |
2017 |
Western Brook Lamprey (Morrison Creek population) |
Lampetra richardsoni pop.1 |
Federal |
2018 |
Western Brook Lamprey (Morrison Creek population) |
Lampetra richardsoni pop.1 |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Morrison Creek Lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni var. marifuga) in Canada |
2007 |
Western Grebe |
Aechmophorus occidentalis |
Federal Management Plan for the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) in Canada |
2022 |
Western Harvest Mouse |
Reithrodontomys megalotis |
B.C. Management Plan for the Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Western Harvest Mouse |
Reithrodontomys megalotis |
Federal |
2015 |
Painted Turtle (Intermountain – Rocky Mountain Population) (syn. Western Painted Turtle, Intermountain – Rocky Mountain Population) |
Chrysemys picta bellii (syn. Chrysemys picta bellii) |
Federal |
2018 |
Painted Turtle (Pacific Coast Population) (syn. Western Painted Turtle, Pacific Coast Population) |
Chrysemus picta pop. 1 (syn. Chrysemys picta bellii) |
Federal |
2021 |
Northwestern Pond Turtle (syn. Western Pond Turtle) |
Actinemys marmorata |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata) in British Columbia |
2012 |
Western Rattlesnake |
Crotalus oreganus |
Federal |
2019 |
Western Rattlesnake |
Crotalus oreganus |
B.C. Recovery Plan for the Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) in British Columbia |
2016 |
Western Screech-Owl, |
Megascops kennicottii kennicottii |
B.C. |
2013 |
Western Screech-Owl, |
Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei |
B.C. |
2016 |
Western Skink |
Plestiodon skiltonianus |
B.C. Management Plan for the Western Skink (Plestiodon skiltonianus) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Western Skink |
Plestiodon skiltonianus |
Federal Management Plan for the Western Skink (Plestiodon skiltonianus) in Canada |
2015 |
Western Toad |
Anaxyrus boreas |
B.C. Management Plan for the Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas) in British Columbia |
2014 |
Western Toad (Calling and Non-calling Populations) |
Anaxyrus boreas |
Federal |
2020 |
Northwest waterfan (syn. western waterfan) |
Peltigera gowardii |
Federal Management Plan for the Western Waterfan (Peltigera gowardii) in Canada |
2021 |
Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi |
B.C. Management Plan for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in British Columbia |
2013 |
Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi |
Federal |
2017 |
white meconella |
Meconella oregana |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the White Meconella (Meconella oregana) in Canada |
2013 |
White Sturgeon |
Acipenser transmontanus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in Canada (Amended) |
2023 |
White Sturgeon |
Acipenser transmontanus |
Federal Action Plan for the White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in Canada |
2024 |
white-top aster |
Seriocarpus rigidus Previously: |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
White–headed Woodpecker |
Picoides albolarvatus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the White–headed Woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus) in Canada |
2014 |
Williamson’s Sapsucker |
Sphyrapicus thyroideus |
B.C. |
2012 |
Williamson’s Sapsucker |
Sphyrapicus thyroideus |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Williamson’s Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus) in Canada |
2016 |
Wood Bison |
Bos bison athabascae (syn. Bison bison athabascae) |
Federal Recovery Strategy for the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Canada |
2018 |
yellow montane violet |
Viola praemorsa praemorsa |
Federal Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada |
2006 |
Yellow Rail |
Coturnicops noveboracensis |
Federal Management Plan for the Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) in Canada |
2013 |
Yellow-banded Bumble Bee |
Bombus terricola |
Federal Management Plan for the Yellow-banded Bumble Bee (Bombus terricola) in Canada |
2023 |
Yellow-breasted Chat, |
Icteria virens auricollis |
Federal |
2016 |
Yelloweye Rockfish |
Sebastes ruberrimus |
Federal Management Plan for the Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) in Canada |
2021 |
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