Wildlife Tree Committee Contacts

Last updated on May 23, 2024

If you have questions about:

Subject Contact Name Affiliation E-mail Address
  • Park policies
  • Wildlife dangerous tree assessments in parks or recreation sites and trails
  • Environmental stewardship
Lindsay Vandesteeg

Land and Resource Section Head

BC Parks, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy


  • Worker safety
  • Regulations related to dangerous trees in forestry and other similar activities
Vacant at this time

Worksafe BC

  • Forest practices and policies relating to managing wildlife and dangerous trees
Aaren Ritchie-Bonar

FRPA Values Coordinator

Forest Science, Planning & Practices Branch, Ministry of Forests


  • Forest fire-fighting and the wildlife dangerous tree assessment process
Chris Spronken

Provincial Chainsaw Coordinator

BC Wildfire Services, Ministry of Forests

  • Enrolling in a Wildlife Dangerous Tree Assessor's Course
UNB Continuing Studies   cstudies@unbc.ca