This researcher no longer works for the B.C. Government.
Research papers listed in order of publication date.
2011 to 2015:
- Apps, C.D., B.N. McLellan, T.A. Kinley, R. Serrouya, D.R. Seip, and H.U. Wittmer. 2013. Spatial factors related to mortality and population decline of endangered mountain caribou. J. Wildl. Manage. [online 6 Aug 2013]
2006 to 2010:
- Heard, D.C., L.M. Ciarniello, and D.R. Seip. 2008. Grizzly Bear Behavior and Global Positioning System Collar Fix Rates. J. Wildl. Manage. 72(3):596-602.
- Johnson, C.J. and D.R. Seip. 2008. Relationship between resource selection, distribution, and abundance: a test with implications to theory and conservation. Population Ecology 50(2):145-157.
- Ciarniello, L.M., M.S. Boyce, D.R. Seip, and D.C. Heard. 2007. Grizzly bear habitat selection is scale dependent. Ecol. Applic. 17(5):1424-1440.
- Jones, E.S., M.P. Gillingham, D.R. Seip, and D.C. Heard. 2007. Comparison of seasonal habitat selection between threatened woodland caribou ecotypes in central British Columbia. Rangifer, Special Issue 17:111-128
- Seip, D.R., C.J. Johnson, and G.S. Watts. 2007. Displacement of Mountain Caribou From Winter Habitat by Snowmobiles. J. Wildl. Manage. 71(5):1539-1544.
2000 to 2005:
- Ciarniello, L.M., M.S. Boyce, D.C. Heard, and D.R. Seip. 2005. Denning behavior and den site selection of grizzly bears along the Parsnip River, British Columbia, Canada. Ursus 16(1):47-58.
- Mowat, G., D.C. Heard, D.R. Seip, K.G. Poole, G. Stenhouse, and D.W. Paetkau. 2005. Grizzly Ursus arctos and black bear U. americanus densities in the interior mountains of North America. Wildlife Biology 11(1):31-48.
- Wittmer, H.U., B.N. McLellan, D.R. Seip, J.A. Young, T.A. Kinley, G.S. Watts, and D. Hamilton. 2005. Population dynamics of the endangered mountain ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Zool. 83(3):407-418.
- Seip, D. 2003. Winter distribution and abundance of mountain caribou in relation to habitat management zones in the Robson Valley: Project report. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 4(2):7-15.
- Waterhouse, F.L., M.H. Mather, and D. Seip. 2002. Distribution and abundance of birds relative to elevation and biogeoclimatic zones in coastal old-growth forests in southern British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 2(2):1-13.
- Savard, J.P.-L, D.A. Seip and L. Waterhouse. 2000. Avian diversity in relation to logging in the coastal rainforests of British Columbia. Technical Report Series No. 349. Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, British Columbia
1999 and earlier:
- Seip, D. and K. Parker. 1997. Use of Wildlife Tree Patches by Forest Birds in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) Zone. B.C. Min. For., Prince George. Forest Research Note PG-08.
- Seip, D. 1996. The projected impacts of different biodiversity emphasis options on some forest bird species in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) zone. B.C. Min. For., Prince George. Forest Research Note PG-04.
- Seip, D.R. and D.B. Cichowski. 1996. Population Ecology of Caribou in British Columbia. Rangifer, Special Issue 9:73-80
- Seip, D.R. and K. Brown. 1996. Introduction to the Population Ecology of North American Caribou. Rangifer, Special Issue 9:11-12
- Seip, D.R. 1992. Factors limiting woodland caribou populations and their interrelationships with wolves and moose in southeastern British Columbia. Can. J. Zool. 70(8):1494-1503.
- Seip, D.R. 1992. Habitat use and population status of woodland caribou in the Quesnel Highlands, British Columbia. B.C. Min. Environ., Lands, and Parks, Williams Lake, B.C. Wildl. Bull. B-71.
- Seip, D.R. 1991. Predation and caribou populations. Rangifer, Special Issue 7:46-52.
- Seip, D.R. 1990. Ecology of woodland caribou in Wells Gray Provincial Park. B.C. Min. Environ. and B.C. Min. Parks, Victoria, B.C. Wildl. Bull. B-68.
- Seip, D.R. and F.L. Bunnell. 1985. Foraging behaviour and food habits of Stone's sheep. Can. J. Zool. 63(7):1638-1646.