Marty undertakes research into management issues involving forest soils and associated biota, including threats to productivity, sustainability and conservation.
Position Title: Regional Soil Scientist
Contact: B.C. Government Directory
Current research projects
- Nitrogen and phosphorus constraints on coastal rainforest productivity
- Carbon sequestration as a function of manganese deficiencies and enzyme production
Listed in order of publication date:
2021 to present:
- Winder, R.S., Kranabetter, J.M., and Pedlar, J. 2021. Adaptive management of landscapes for climate change: How soils influence the assisted migration of plants. Soils and Landscape Restoration, Academic Press, Elsevier. pp 275-297.
- McPolin, M.C., and Kranabetter, J.M. 2021. Influence of endemic versus cosmopolitan species on the local assembly of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist 229: 2395-2399.
- Omari, K., Kranabetter, J.M., and de Montigny, L. 2021. Productivity of coastal Douglas-fir and western redcedar in response to species mixture, planting density and soil C:N ratio. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51: 668-674.
- Meeds J., Kranabetter, J.M., Zigg, I., Dunn, D., Miros, F., Shipley, P., and Jones, M.D. 2021. Phosphorus deficiencies invoke optimal allocation of exoenzymes by ectomycorrhizas. The ISME Journal 15: 1478–1489.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Philpott, T., and Dunn, D. 2021. Manganese limitations and the enhanced soil carbon sequestration of temperate rainforests. Biogeochemistry. [Link]
2016 to 2020:
- Kranabetter, J.M., Sholinder A., and de Montigny L. 2020. Contrasting conifer species productivity in relation to soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of British Columbia perhumid rainforests. Biogeosciences 17: 1247-1260.
- Kranabetter, J.M., McKeown K., and Hawkins, B.J. 2020. Post-disturbance conifer tree-ring δ15N reflects openness of the nitrogen cycle across temperate coastal rainforests. Journal of Ecology 109: 342-353.
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2019. Increasing soil carbon content with declining soil manganese in temperate rainforests: is there a link to fungal Mn? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 128: 179-181.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Harman-Denhoed, R., and Hawkins, B.J. 2019. Saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarp stoichiometry (C:N:P) across temperate rainforests as evidence of shared nutrient constraints among symbionts. New Phytologist 221: 482-492.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Berch, S.M., MacKinnon, J.A., Ceska, O., Dunn, D.E., and Ott, P.K. 2018. Species-area curve and distance-decay relationship indicate habitat thresholds of ectomycorrhizal fungi in an old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii landscape. Diversity and Distributions 24: 755-764.
- Hawkins, BJ and Kranabetter JM. 2017. Quantifying inorganic nitrogen uptake capacity among ectomycorrhizal fungal species using MIFETM microelectrode ion flux measurements: theory and applications. Botany, in press
- Wilhelm RC, Cardenas E, Maas KR, Leung H, McNeil L, Berch S, Chapman W, Hope G,Kranabetter JM, Dubé S, Busse M, Fleming R, Hazlett P, Webster KL, Morris D, Scott DA and Mohn WW. 2017. Biogeography and organic matter removal shape long-term effects of timber harvesting on forest soil microbial communities. The ISME Journal 1–17.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Haeussler, S., and Wood, C. 2017. Vulnerability of boreal indicators (ground beetles, understory plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi) to severe soil disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management 402: 213-222.
- Kranabetter, J.M., and Meeds, J.A. 2017. Tree ring δ15N as validation of space-for-time substitution in disturbance studies of forest nitrogen status. Biogeochemistry 134: 201-215.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Dube, S, and Lilles E.B. 2017. An investigation into the contrasting growth response of lodgepole pine and white spruce to harvest-related soil disturbance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 340-348.
- Kranabetter, J.M., McLauchlan, K.K., Enders, S.K., Fraterrigo, J.M. et al. 2016. A framework to assess biogeochemical response to ecosystem disturbance using nutrient partitioning ratios. Ecosystems 19: 387-395.
2011 to 2015:
- Cardenas E, Kranabetter JM, Hope G, Maas KR, Hallam S, and Mohn WW. 2015. Forest harvesting reduces the soil metagenomic potential for biomass decomposition. The ISME Journal 1–12.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Hawkins, B.J., Jones, M.D., Robbins, S., Dyer, T. and Li, T. 2015. Species turnover (β diversity) in ectomycorrhizal fungi linked to NH4+ uptake capacity. Molecular Ecology 24: 5992-6005.
- Klassen, H., S.C. Saunders, J.M. Kranabetter, A. MacKinnon, H. Griesbauer, and O. Fitzpatrick. 2015. Establishment of an interdisciplinary project to evaluate ecological implications of climate change in dry south coast forest ecosystems. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 086. [Link]
- Reid AM, Chapman, WK, Kranabetter, JM, and Prescott, CE. 2015. Response of lodgepole pine health to soil disturbance treatments in British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. For. Res. 45: 1045–1055.
- Hawkins, BJ, Jones, MD, and Kranabetter, JM. 2015. Ectomycorrhizae and tree seedling nitrogen nutrition in forest restoration. New Forests 46: 747-771.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Stoehr, M., O'Neill, G.A., 2015. Ectomycorrhizal fungal maladaptation and growth reductions associated with assisted migration of Douglas-fir. New Phytologist 206: 1135–1144 doi: 10.1111/nph.13287
- Craine, J.M., Elmore AJ, Wang L, Augusto L, Baisden WT, Brookshire ENJ, Cramer MD, Hasselquist NJ, Hobbie EA, Kahmen A, Koba K, Kranabetter JM, Mack MC, Marin-Spiotta E, Mayor JR, McLauchlan KK, Michelsen A, Nardoto GB, Oliveira RS, Perakis SS, Peri PL, Quesada CA, Richter A, Schipper LA, Stevenson BA, Turner BL, Viani RA, Wanek W, and Zeller B. 2015. Convergence of soil nitrogen isotopes across global climate gradients. Scientific Reports 5, 8280; DOI:10.1038/srep08280.
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2014. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and the nitrogen economy of conifers - implications for genecology and climate change mitigation. Botany 92: 417-423.
- Kranabetter, J.M., de Montigny, L., and Ross, G. 2013. Effectiveness of green-tree retention in the conservation of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Fungal Ecology 6: 430-438.
- Kranabetter, J.M., LePage, P., and Banner, A. 2013. Management and productivity of cedar-hemlock-salal scrub forests on the north coast of British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management 308: 161-168.
- Kranabetter, J.M., Saunders, S., MacKinnon, J.A., Klassen, H., and Spittlehouse, D.L. 2013. An assessment of contemporary and historic nitrogen availability in contrasting coastal Douglas-fir forests through δ15N of tree rings. Ecosystems 16: 111-122.
- Ponder, F. Jr., R.L. Fleming, S.M. Berch, M.D. Busse, J.D. Elioff, P.W. Hazlett, R.D. Kabzems, J.M. Kranabetter, D.M. Morris, D. Page-Dumroese, B.J. Palik, R.F. Powers, F.G. Sanchez, D.A. Scott, R.H. Stagg, D.M. Stone, D.H. Young, J. Zhang, K.H. Ludovici, D.W. McKenney, D.S. Mossa, P.T. Sanborn, and R.A. Voldseth. 2012. Effects of organic matter removal, soil compaction and vegetation control on 10th year biomass and foliar nutrition: LTSP continent-wide comparisons. For. Ecol. Manage. 278:35-54 [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., M.U. Stoehr, and G.A. O'Neill. 2012. Divergence in ectomycorrhizal communities with foreign Douglas-fir populations and implications for assisted migration. Ecol. Applic. 22(2):550-560 [Link]
- Kabzems, R., S. Dube, M. Curran, B. Chapman, S. Berch, G. Hope, M. Kranabetter, and C. Bulmer. 2011. Maintaining soil productivity in forest biomass chipping operations best management practices for soil conservation. B.C. Min. For. Range, For. Sci. Prog., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 98. [Link]
2006 to 2010:
- Kranabetter, J.M. and W.H. MacKenzie. 2010. Contrasts Among Mycorrhizal Plant Guilds in Foliar Nitrogen Concentration and d15N Along Productivity Gradients of a Boreal Forest. Ecosystems 13(1):108-117. [Link]
- Berch, S.M. and J.M. Kranabetter. 2010. Compatible management of timber and pine mushrooms. B.C. Min. For. Range, For. Sci. Prog., and Cent. Non-Timber Resources, Royal Roads Univ., Victoria, B.C. Land Manag. Handb. 64. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., S.W. Simard, R.D. Guy, and K.D. Coates. 2010. Species patterns in foliar nitrogen concentration, nitrogen content and 13C abundance for understory saplings across light gradients. Plant Soil 327(1-2):389-401. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2009. Site carbon storage along productivity gradients of a late-seral southern boreal forest. Can. J. For. Res. 39(5):1053-1060. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., D.M. Durall, and W.H. MacKenzie. 2009. Diversity and species distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi along productivity gradients of a southern boreal forest. Mycorrhiza 19(2):99-111. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., H. Williams, and J. Morin. 2009. Ecological descriptions of Pacific golden chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus) habitat and estimates of its extent in Haida Gwaii. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(1):59-67.
- Kranabetter, J.M., J. Friesen, S. Gamiet, and P. Kroeger. 2009. Epigeous fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi as indicators of soil fertility and associated nitrogen status of boreal forests. Mycorrhiza 19(8):535-548. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., and MacKenzie, W.H. 2009. Contrasts among mycorrhizal guilds in foliar nitrogen concentration and δ15N along productivity gradients of a boreal forest. Ecosystems, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-009-9304-y
- Kranabetter, J.M., Simard, S.W., Coates, K.D., and Guy, R. 2009. Species contrasts in foliar N concentrations, leaf size and 13C abundance of saplings across light gradients. Plant and Soil, in press. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0062-6
- Kranabetter, J.M., Williams, H., and Morin, J. 2009. Ecological descriptions of Pacific golden chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus) habitat and estimates of its extent in Haida Gwaii. BC JEM 10: 59-67.
- Bulmer, C., S.M. Berch, M. Curran, B. Chapman, M. Kranabetter, S. Dube, G. Hope, P. Courtin, and R. Kabzems. 2008. Monitoring the effects of forest practices on soil productivity and hydrologic function. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 9(2):48-59.
- Kranabetter, J.M. and S.W. Simard. 2008. Inverse relationship between understory light and foliar nitrogen along productivity gradients of boreal forests. Can. J. For. Res. 38(9):2487-2496. [Link]
- Curran, M.P., C.E. Bulmer, S.M. Berch, S. Dube, B.K. Chapman, G.D. Hope, S. Currie, P.J. Courtin, and J.M. Kranabetter (Compilers). 2008. Protocol for soil resource stewardship monitoring: cutblock level. Version 4.0. Forest and Range Evaluation Program, B.C. Min. For. Range, and B.C. Min. Env., Victoria BC. [PDF 1686KB]
- Kranabetter, J.M., C.R. Dawson, and D.E. Dunn. 2008. Corrigendum to 'Indices of dissolved organic nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate across productivity gradients of boreal forests'. Soil Biol. Biochem. 40(6):1545. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., C.R. Dawson, and D.E. Dunn. 2007. Indices of dissolved organic nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate across productivity gradients of boreal forests. Soil Biol. Biochem. 39(12):3147-3158. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and A.M. Macadam. 2007. Changes in carbon storage of broadcast burn plantations over 20 years. Can. J. Soil Sci. 87(1):93-102. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., P. Williston, and W.H. MacKenzie. 2007. Distribution and diversity of terrestrial mosses, liverworts and lichens along productivity gradients of a southern boreal forest. [PDF 236KB]
- Sanchez, F.G., A.E. Tiarks, J.M. Kranabetter, D.S. Page-Dumroese, R.F. Powers, P.T. Sanborn, and W.K. Chapman. 2006. Effects of organic matter removal and soil compaction on fifth-year mineral soil carbon and nitrogen contents for sites across the United States and Canada. Can. J. For. Res. 36(3):565-576. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., P. Sanborn, W.K. Chapman, and S. Dube. 2006. The Contrasting Response to Soil Disturbance between Lodgepole Pine and Hybrid White Spruce in Subboreal Forests. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70(5):1591-1599. [Link]
- Fleming, R., R. Powers, N. Foster, J.M. Kranabetter, D.A. Scott, F. Ponder Jr., S. Berch, W. Chapman, R.D. Kabzems, K.H. Ludovici, D.M. Morris, D.S. Page-Dumroese, P. Sanborn, F. Sanchez, D.M. Stone, and A.E. Tiarks. 2006. Effects of organic matter removal, soil compaction, and vegetation control on 5-year seedling performance: a regional comparison of Long-Term Soil Productivity sites. Can. J. For. Res. 36(3):529-550. [Link]
- Page-Dumroese, D.S., M.F. Jurgensen, A.E. Tiarks, F. Ponder Jr., F.G. Sanchez, R.L. Fleming, J.M. Kranabetter, R.F. Powers, D.M. Stone, J.D. Elioff, and D.A. Scott. 2006. Soil physical property changes at the North American Long-Term Soil Productivity study sites: 1 and 5 years after compaction. Can. J. For. Res. 36(3):551-564. [Link]
2000 to 2005:
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2005. Understory conifer seedling response to a gradient of root and ectomycorrhizal fungal contact. Can. J. Bot. 83(6):638-646. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and A.M. Macadam. 2005. Twenty-year site carbon budgets for broadcast burn plantations of north-central British Columbia. In: Forests and natural resources in the 22nd century science forum proceedings, August 31-September 1, 2005. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 6(2):103-105.
- Kranabetter, J.M., A. Banner, and A. de Groot. 2005. An assessment of phosphorus limitations to soil nitrogen availability across forest ecosystems of north coastal British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35(3):530-540. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., J. Friesen, S. Gamiet, and P. Kroeger. 2005. Ectomycorrhizal mushroom distribution by stand age in western hemlock - lodgepole pine forests of northwestern British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35(7):1527-1539. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2004. Ectomycorrhizal community effects on hybrid spruce seedling growth and nutrition in clearcuts. Can. J. Bot. 82(7):983-991. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and B.K. Chapman. 2004. An analysis of litter nitrogen dynamics using artificial soils across a gradient of forest soil disturbances. Can. J. Soil Sci. 84(2):159-167. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and K.D. Coates. 2004. Ten-year postharvest effects of silviculture systems on soil-resource availability and conifer nutrition in a northern temperate forest. Can. J. For. Res. 34(4):800-809. [Link]
- Kranabetter, M. and J. Friesen. 2004. Morphotype Descriptions of Common Ectomycorrhizae Fungi. [Web page].
- Kranabetter, J.M. and P. Sanborn. 2003. Short-term effects of forest soil compaction and site organic matter removal on mineralizable soil nitrogen in central British Columbia. B.C. Min. For. LTSPS Res. Note 07. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., A. Banner, and J. Shaw. 2003. Growth and nutrition of three conifer species across site gradients of north coastal British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 33(2):313-324. [Link]
- Kranabetter, M. 2003. Sulphur Fertilizer Trial in the West-Central Interior of British Columbia. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 53.
- Friesen, J. and J.M. Kranabetter. 2002. McCully Creek Adaptive Management Plan for Monitoring Mature Forest Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms Including the Pine Mushroom. Contract report to the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Kispiox Forest District, Hazelton, BC. [PDF 103KB]
- Haeussler, S., L. Bedford, A. Leduc, Y. Bergeron, and J.M. Kranabetter. 2002. Silvicultural disturbance severity and plant communities of the southern Canadian boreal forest. Silva Fennica 36(1):307-327.
- Kranabetter, J.M. and J. Friesen. 2002. Ectomycorrhizal community structure on western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) seedlings transplanted from forests into openings. Can. J. Bot. 80(8):861-868. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., R. Trowbridge, A. Macadam, D. McLennan, and J. Friesen. 2002. Ecological descriptions of pine mushroom (Tricholoma magnivelare) habitat and estimates of its extent in northwestern British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manage. 158(1-3):249-261. [Link]
- Trofymow, J.A., T.R. Moore, B. Titus, C. Prescott, I. Morrison, M. Siltanen, S. Smith, J. Fyles, R. Wein, C. Camire, L. Duschene, L. Kozak, M. Kranabetter, and S. Visser. 2002. Rates of litter decomposition over 6 years in Canadian forests: influence of litter quality and climate. Can. J. For. Res. 32(5):789-804. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and P. Kroeger. 2001. Ectomycorrhizal mushroom response to partial cutting in a western hemlock - western redcedar forest. Can. J. For. Res. 31(6):978-987. [Link]
- Curran, M.P., S.M. Berch, C.E. Bulmer, G.D. Hope, J.M. Kranabetter, P. Sanborn, R.P. Brockley, and D.L. Spittlehouse. 2000. Strategic plan for forest and range soils research and extension in British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., For. Sci. Prog., Victoria, B.C. Work Pap. 32. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. 2000. The effect of refuge trees on a paper birch ectomycorrhiza community. Can. J. Bot. 77(10):1523-1528. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and A. Banner. 2000. Selected biological and chemical properties of forest floors across bedrock types on the north coast of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 30(6):971-981. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and D. Yole. 2000. Alternatives to broadcast burning in the northern interior of British Columbia: Short-term tree results. For. Chron. 76(2):349-353. [Link]
- Kranabetter, M. 2000. The Effect of Refuge Trees on a Paper Birch Ectomycorrhiza Community. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 40. [Prince George Extension Note 40 150KB] BROKEN
- Sanborn, P.T., J.M. Kranabetter, and B. Chapman. 2000. Nutrient removals in woody biomass: preliminary estimates from the sub-boreal spruce long-term soil productivity study. B.C. Min. For. LTSPS Res. Note 04. [Link]
1999 and earlier:
- Kranabetter, M. 1999. Pine Mushroom Habitat in the Prince Rupert Forest Region PR-34. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 34.
- Banner, A., C. Jones, G. Kayahara, D. Maloney, J. Price, M. Kranabetter, and D. Cuzner. 1999. Pattern, Process and Productivity in Hypermaritime Forests: The HyP3 Project. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 38.
- Kranabetter, J.M. 1999. Second year response of plant communities; the SBS long-term soil productivity study. B.C. Min. For. LTSPS Res. Note 01. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and B.K. Chapman. 1999. Effects of forest soil compaction and organic matter removal on leaf litter decomposition in central British Columbia. Can. J. Soil Sci. 79(4):543-550. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M., S. Hayden, and E.F. Wright. 1999. A comparison of ectomycorrhiza communities from three conifer species planted on forest gap edges. Can. J. Bot. 77(9):1193-1198. [Link]
- Sanborn, P., M. Kranabetter, and C. Bulmer. 1999. Soil Rehabilitiation in the Prince George Forest Region: A review of two decades of research. B.C. Min. For., Prince George. Forest Research Note PG-16.
- Moore, T.R., J.A. Trofymow, B. Taylor, C. Prescott, C. Camire, L. Duschene, J. Fyles, L. Kozak, M. Kranabetter, I. Morrison, M. Siltanen, S. Smith, B. Titus, S. Visser, R. Wein, and S. Zoltai. 1999. Litter decomposition rates in Canadian forests. Global Change Biol. 5(1):75-82. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and A.M. Macadam. 1998. Ten-year results from operational broadcast burning trials in northwestern British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Res. Rep. 15. [Link]
- Kranabetter, J.M. and T. Wylie. 1998. Ectomycorrhizal community structure across forest openings on naturally regenerated western hemlock seedlings. Can. J. Bot. 76(2):189-196. [Link]
- Steventon, D., D. Coates, and M. Kranabetter. 1998. Why Do Partial Cutting?. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 31.
- Kranabetter, J.M. and R. Trowbridge. 1998. Soil nitrogen and lodgepole pine seedling responses to five years of legume cover. For. Chron. 74(4):578-582. [Link]
- Kranabetter, M. 1997. Does Soil Resettling Occur After Decompaction?. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 29.
- Kranabetter, M. 1997. Soil Nitrogen and Lodgepole Pine Seeding Responses to Five Years of Legume Cover. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 24.
- Kranabetter, M. and A. Macadam. 1997. Effects of Broadcast Burning on Fuels and Soils Properties after Ten Years. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 27.
- Yole, D., A. Macadam, and M. Kranabetter. 1997. Site Preparation Alternatives to Broadcast Burning. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 28.
- Wright, E., M. Jones, D. Durall, M. Kranabetter, T. Wylie, and P. Kroeger. 1997. The Effects of Timber Harvesting on Mushrooms and Mycorrhizae of the Date Creek Research Forest. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 25.
- Yole, D. and J.M. Kranabetter. 1996. Effects of Site Preparation Treatments on Seedling Shoot and Root Growth - Alternatives to Broadcast Burning in the North-Central Interior. FRDA Memo No. 241. [Link]
- Yole, D. and J.M. Kranabetter. 1996. Effects of Site Preparation Treatments on Soil Disturbance and Microsite Distribution - Alternatives to Broadcast Burning in the North-Central Interior. FRDA Memo No. 231. [Link]
- Kranabetter, M., G. Higginson, and A. Baxter. 1996. Alleviating Compaction of Medium-Textured Soils with the Winged Subsoiler. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 17.
- Macadam, A. and M. Kranabetter. 1996. Data Storage System for the BC Ministry of Forests long-term soil productivity program. B.C. Min. For., Smithers, BC. 43pp. [PDF 4334KB]
- Chapman, B. and M. Kranabetter. 1995. Soil Biodiversity. Forest Sciences, Prince Rupert For. Region. Ext. Note 13.