Her research fills scientific knowledge gaps to improve the success of wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation in forest land use policy, planning and management in coastal B.C.
Position Title: Research Wildlife Ecologist
Contact: B.C. Government Directory
Current research projects
- Wildlife response to alternative silviculture systems
- Population, habitat, and spatial ecology of forest-dwelling coastal amphibians
- Molecular detection of cryptic species
- Coastal forest furbearer response to cumulative disturbance and climate change
- Wildlife response to drought in coastal forests
- Habitat ecology of dead wood in managed forests
Listed in order of publication date:
2021 to present:
Mosher, C.M., C.J. Johnson, B.W. Murray, and Melissa Todd. 2021. Environmental Influences on the larval density and age-class distribution of Ascaphus truei near the northern extent of its range. Ichthyology & Herpetology 109 (4): 1015-1025.
- McEwan, A.L., C.J. Johnson, M. Todd, and P. Govindarajulu. 2021. Resource selection and movement of the coastal tailed frog in response to forest harvesting. For. Ecol. Manag. 497 (2021) 119448
- Breault, D.N., C.J. Johnson, M. Todd, and M.P. Gillingham. 2021. Resource use by an apex mesocarnivore, Pacific marten, in a highly modified forested island ecosystem. For. Ecol. Manag. 492 (2021) 119167
- Breault, D.N., C.J. Johnson, M. Todd, S.S. Verenitch, and M.P. Gillingham. 2021. Spatial and temporal variability in the diet of Pacific marten (Martes caurina) on Haida Gwaii: an apex predatory in a highly modified ecosystem. Can. J. Zool. 99 (6): 459–469 (2021).
2016 to 2020
- F. L. Waterhouse, F.I. Doyle, L. Turney, B. Wijdeven, M. Todd, C. Bergman, and R.G. Vennesland. 2017. Spring and winter home ranges of the Haida Gwaii Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus brooksi). J. Rapt. Res. 51(2):153-164
2012 to 2015
- Gyug, L.W., R.J. Higgins, M.A. Todd, J.M. Meggs, and B. Staffan Lindgren. 2014. Dietary dependence of Williamson’s Sapsucker nestlings on ants associated with dead and decaying wood In British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 44: 628-637
- Berch, S.M., M. Curran, C. Dymond, K. Hannam, M. Murray, S. Tedder, B. Titus, and M. Todd. 2012. Criteria and guidance considerations for sustainable tree stump harvesting in British Columbia. Scand. J. For. Res. 27(8):709-723.
- Mah, S., K. Astridge, C. DeLong, C. Wickland, M. Todd, L. McAuley, P. LePage, D. Coates, B. Heemskerk, A. Banner, and E. Hall. 2012. A Landscape-level Species Strategy for Forest Management in British Columbia: Exploration of Development and Implementation Issues. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 067.