Position title: Tree physiology specialist
Contact: BC Government directory
Listed in order of publication date:
2006 to 2010:
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., D.G. Simpson, and W.D. Binder. 2007. Chlorophyll fluorescence, root growth potential, and stomatal conductance as estimates of field performance potential in conifer seedlings. New Forests 34(3):235-251.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., D.G. Simpson, and W.D. Binder. 2006. Overwinter Storability of Conifer Planting Stock: Operational Testing of Fall Frost Hardiness. New Forests 32(3):307-321.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., D.G. Simpson, and W.D. Binder. 2006. Predicting Planting Stock Quality. B.C. Min. For. Range, Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Poster 078.
2000 to 2005:
- Owens, J.N., J. Bennett, and S. L'Hirondelle. 2005. Pollination and cone morphology affect cone and seed production in lodgepole pine seed orchards. Can. J. For. Res. 35(2):383-400.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J. and W.D. Binder. 2005. Temperature Stress Tolerance of Conifer Seedlings after Exposure to UV-B Radiation. Photochem. Photobiol. 81(5):1094-1100.
- Carlson, M., C. Cartwright, B. Jaquish, J. King, S. L'Hirondelle, G. O'Neill, J. Russell, M. Stoehr, C-Y. Xie, and A. Yanchuk. 2004. British Columbia Ministry of Forests Forest Genetics Research and Tree Breeding Program. In: Simpson, J.D. (editor). Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. July 26-29, 2004, Kelowna, BC. pp.91-100.
- Benowicz, A., S.J. L'Hirondelle, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2001. Patterns of genetic variation in mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr.) with respect to height growth and frost hardiness. For. Ecol. Manage. 154(1-2):23-33.
1999 and earlier:
- Binder, W.D. and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1999. Ultraviolet-B risks to British Columbia trees. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 35. http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/pubs/Docs/En/En35.htm
- Krol, P.M., D.P. Ormrod, W.D. Binder, and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1999. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on needle anatomy and morphology of western larch, interior spruce, and lodgepole pine. J. Sustainable For. 10(2):141-148.
- Simpson, D.G., W.D. Binder, and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1999. Paper Birch Genecology and Physiology: Spring Dormancy Release and Fall Cold Acclimation. J. Sustainable For. 10(1-2):191-198.
- Stoehr, M.U., S.J. L'Hirondelle, W.D. Binder, and J.E. Webber. 1998. Parental environment after-effects on germination, growth and adaptive traits in selected white spruce families. Can. J. For. Res. 28(3):418-426.
- Binder, W.D., P. Fielder, G.H. Mohammed, and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1997. Applications of chlorophyll fluorescence for stock quality assessment with different types of fluorometers. New Forests 13(1-3):63-89.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., W.D. Binder, M.U. Stoehr, and J.E. Webber. 1995. Seed orchard after-effects: Morphological and physiological traits of interior spruce progeny from two breeding environments. 15th Annual Forest and Tree Related Research Colloquium, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
- Binder, W. and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1995. Physiological tests of conifer seeding quality: implementing operational measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence and electrolyte leakage. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Newsletter 3:5-10
- Binder, W.D., P. Fielder, and S.J. L'Hirondelle. 1994. Variable chlorophyll fluorescence as a fast screen for frost hardiness and frost damage in white spruce seedlings. making the grade: an international symposium on planting stock performance and quality assessment. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. September 11-15, 1994. 69 p.
- Jacobson, J.S., L.I. Heller, S.J. L'Hirondelle, and J.P. Lassoie. 1992. Phenology and cold tolerance of Picea rubens Sarg. seedlings exposed to sulfuric and nitric acid mist. Scand. J. For. Res. 7:331-344.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., J.S. Jacobson, and J.P. Lassoie. 1992. Acidic mist and nitrogen fertilization effects on growth, nitrate reductase activity, gas exchange, and frost hardiness of red spruce seedlings. New Phytol. 121(4):611-622.
- Addison, P.A., S.J. L'Hirondelle, D.G. Maynard, S.S. Malhotra, and A.A. Khan. 1986. Effects of oil sands processing emissions on the boreal forest. Envir. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Res. Cent., Edmonton, Alta. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-284.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J., P.A. Addison, and D.B. Huebert. 1986. Growth and physiological responses of aspen and jack pine to intermittent SO2 fumigation episodes. Can. J. Bot. 64(11):2421-2427.
- Higginbotham, K.O., J.M. Mayo, S.J. L'Hirondelle, and D.K. Krystofiak. 1985. Physiological ecology of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in an enriched CO2 environment. Can. J. For. Res. 15(2):417-421.
- Huebert, D.B., S.J. L'Hirondelle, and P.A. Addison. 1985. The effects of sulphur dioxide on net CO2 assimilation in the lichen Evernia mesomorpha Nyl. New Phytol. 100(4):643-651.
- L'Hirondelle, S.J. and P.A. Addison. 1985. Effects of SO2 on leaf conductance, xylem tension, fructose and sulphur levels of jack pine seedlings. Environ. Pollut. A 39(4):373-386.