O'Neill, G., V. Berger, M. Carlson, and N. Ukrainetz. 2011. Assisted Migration Adaptation Trial (AMAT). B.C. Min. For., Lands and Nat. Resourc. Ops., Tree Improve. Br., Assisted Migration Bulletin 01, Vernon, BC.
2006 to 2010:
O'Neill, G., M. Carlson, V. Berger, and N. Ukrainetz. 2008. Assisted Migration Adaptation Trial. TICtalk 9(1):3-4.
Carlson, M., V. Berger, and N. Ukrainetz. 2007. Paper birch makes the team. TICtalk 8(1):7-8.
O'Neill, G., M. Carlson, V. Berger, and A. Yanchuk. 2007. Responding to Climate Change: Assisting seedlot migration to maximize adaptation of future forest plantations. TICtalk 8(1):9-12.
O'Neill, G.A., M.R. Carlson, V.G. Berger, and A.D. Yanchuk. 2007. Responding to climate change: assisting seedlot migration to maximize adaptation of future forest plantations. TICtalk 8:9-12.
Corrigan, J., M. Carlson, G. Giampa, V. Berger, C. Walsh, and W. Strong. 2006. They’re Heeeere! - Observations of the First Mountain Pine Beetle Attacks Recorded at the Kalamalka Forestry Centre. TICtalk 7(1):4-8.
2000 to 2005:
Carlson, M.R., V.G. Berger, and C.D.B. Hawkins. 2000. Seed Source Testing of Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) in the Interior of British Columbia. J. Sustainable For. 10(1-2):25-34.
1999 and earlier:
Carlson, M.R., J.C. Murphy, V.G. Berger, and L.F. Ryrie. 1999. Genetics of Elevational Adaptations of Lodgepole Pine in the Interior. J. Sustainable For. 10(1-2):35-44.