Asset Limits Table

Last updated on May 15, 2024

Asset Limits

Effective: July 1, 2019

This table is not an exhaustive summary of asset exemptions. For more information on assets and asset exemptions, visit the Assets & Exemptions policy topic.

The asterisk indicates that most recent table changes


Income Assistance1

Disability Assistance2


Couple, and One or Two Parent families

Family Unit with One PWD Designation

Family Unit with Two PWD Designations

Basic Limits


Equity in property, investments or other financial instruments, and in trust where the applicant or recipient has control over disbursements







*Exempt: One vehicle used for day to day transportation needs

*Not exempt: Subsequent vehicles – equity included as part of cash or equity (see above).

Registered Savings and Trusts Limits

Redeemable RRSP

Not Exempt – same treatment as cash or equity (see above).

Non-Redeemable RRSP






Non-Discretionary Trusts: Not Exempt same treatment as cash or equity (see above).

Discretionary Trusts: Exempt in certain narrow circumstances

Non-Discretionary Trusts: Exempt - capital contributions up to $200,000 plus any associated return on investment

Discretionary Trusts: Exempt

Note: Due to the complexity of trust law, before an eligibility decision is made, a legal opinion must be sought by the ministry’s Legislation, Litigation and Appeals Branch. 

Trust Withdrawal: See Trusts policy for information on income treatment.



RDSP Withdrawal: Exempt – Even if is converted to a non-exempt asset. It is the client's responsibility for clearly documenting that the funds originated directly from an RDSP.

Self Employment/Business Assets

Self-Employment/ Business Asset

For both Income Assistance and Disability Assistance recipients participating in the ministry’s Self-Employment Program, please see the policy Self-Employment Program for PPMB & PWD

1 For recipients of income assistance receiving accommodation or care in a private hospital or a special care facility, see disability assistance limits.

2 For recipients of income assistance and disability assistance that have applied for or intend to apply for the PWD designation, see disability assistance limits.

This webpage was last updated: July 1, 2019