Room and Board, Special Care Facility & Allowances Rate Table

Last updated on July 29, 2024

Effective: June 1, 2024

The asterisk indicates the most recent rate table changes



Maximum Amount

Room and board support

Family unit living in a room and board situation, other than in a special care facility

  • $60.00 per calendar month for each adult, plus
  • $40.00 per calendar month for each child, plus
  • $127.00 per calendar month for each person with the Persons with a Disabilities (PWD) Designation, plus
  • Transportation Supplement (see below)  



Licensed Community Care – Long-Term Care Homes


Includes licensed community care facilities, private hospitals and extended care hospitals

Daily rate paid to facility for short-stay services (Respite, Hospice or Convalescent Care)

  • *$46.59 per day (up to a maximum of *$1,417.00 per month)


Monthly Rate paid to facility for long-term care services


  • *$1,417.00 per month, or
  • pro-rated for a partial month as follows:


[Client Monthly Rate divided by Number of Days in the Month] multiplied by [Number of Days in the Facility] = Pro-rated Amount

Community Care - Family Care Homes

Monthly Rate paid to home for long-term care services



  • *$1,417.00 per month, or
  • pro-rated for a partial month as follows:


[Client Monthly Rate divided by Number of Days in the Month] multiplied by [Number of Days in the Facility] = Pro-rated Amount

Registered Community Care - Assisted Living Residences

Monthly Rate paid to facility

  • $631.00 per month

Licensed Mental Health Residential Care Facilities

Daily Rate paid to facility

  • $70.00 per day

Licensed Substance Use Residential Treatment Facilities

Daily Rate paid to facility

  • $70.00 per day

Mental Health Tertiary Residential Care Facilities, and


Mental Health Family Care Homes 

Daily Rate paid to facility/home

  • $60.00 per day

Registered Mental Health Assisted Living Residences 

Daily Rate paid to residence

  • $60.00 per day

Registered Substance Use - Assisted Living Residences aka Supportive Recovery Homes

Daily Rate paid to residence

  • $60.00 per day

Comforts Allowance 

Allowance for clients residing in special care facilities


  • $115.00 per month for each person without the PWD Designation


  • $222.00 per month for each person with the PWD Designation, plus 
  • Transportation Supplement (see below)

Transportation Supplement

Clients living in a room and board situation or residing in special care facilities

An additional Transportation Supplement is provided to a person with the Persons with Disabilities designation as $52.00 in cash or as an in-kind bus pass


This web page was last updated: July 10, 2024