Information Management and Transferring Employees

Last updated on March 6, 2025

Before leaving your position, review your organization's information management policies, including government-wide and ministry-specific requirements. Follow the rules for handling, storing, transferring, and disposing of records. Check the policies listed under Key Resources.

Key information management activities:

  • Review all the information located in your email account, personal drives, as well as your physical workspace.
  • File all non-transitory information, including confidential information, in an appropriate system, following your organization’s established practices and procedures.
  • Name and save information so that it is easily identifiable and accessible to those who need it.
  • Delete any transitory information, including transitory confidential or personal information from devices and accounts.
  • See the Transitory Information (schedule 102901) and Transitory Information Quick Tips & Responsibilities for a definition and examples of transitory information.
  • Remove any document level access restrictions to ensure information is accessible to others when filed.
  • Talk with your supervisor or the relevant project lead or business owner when needing clarification about any of the above.


  • Ensure employees are aware of their obligations.
  • Where necessary, remove employee's access to your organization's information.
  • For short notice departures, information contained in an employee’s account should be reviewed by the supervisor or designate and managed in line with policy.