Section 78 - Appropriation

Last updated on April 27, 2016


Section 78 provides for expenditures for the administration of the Act to be paid out of the government consolidated revenue fund, unless allocations for this purpose are made under another Act.

Section Reference

Section 78 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

In the absence of an appropriation for the purpose under another Act, expenditures incurred in connection with the administration of this Act may be paid out of the consolidated revenue fund.


In the absence of funding, public bodies may determine that expenditures incurred in the administration of the Act be paid out of the consolidated revenue fund, which is used for general expenditures for government administration. This section also allows the public body to provide funds for the administration of the Act through other legislation.

Sectional Index of Commissioner's Orders

For orders organized by the Act's section numbers, Click here.

For a summary of Commissioner's orders and policy interpretation of key points, Click here.

Last updated: July 27, 2007