BCAB 1843 - Dead-end corridor, elevator lobby

Publication date: June 24, 2020

Dead-end corridor, elevator lobby

Project description

The base building is multi-use, classified as Group A Division 2, Group C, and Group F Division 3, using Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered construction criteria. The travel distance from any part of the sprinklered floor area to an exit is not more than 45 m.

The subject is an “elevator lobby” (subject area), approximately 1.9 m wide and 6.8 m long which runs perpendicularly off a public corridor. The end of the subject area terminates at the exterior wall with no exit. There is no doorway between the subject area and the public corridor it connects with. The subject area contains no other doors other than the two elevator doors.

Applicable Code requirements

Clause and Sentence of Division B of the British Columbia Building Code 2018. No fire separation is required in a sprinklered floor area between a public corridor and

a) except as required by Sentences and, and notwithstanding Sentence, the remainder of a storey, provided the travel distance from any part of the floor area to an exit is not more than 45 m, … Except for a dead-end corridor that is entirely within a suite or as permitted by Sentences and, a dead-end corridor is permitted provided it is not more than 6m long.

Decision being appealed (Local authority’s position)

The local authority has determined the subject area is a dead-end corridor with its length exceeding the maximum of 6 m. The local authority considers the subject area be circulation space similar to a corridor, and as there is no physical differentiation from the public corridor it connects with, it being mistaken as an egress route.

Appellant's position

The appellant considers the subject area to be an elevator lobby and is not part of the public corridor. The elevator lobby is part of the remainder of the building that is not required to be fire separated from the public corridor as permitted by Sentence The elevator lobby is similar to an amenity space or other rooms not required to be fire separated.

Appeal Board decision #1843

It is the determination of the Board that the subject area is a dead-end corridor and does not comply with the Building Code as it exceeds 6 m. in length.

Reason for decision

There are no physical characteristics that differentiate the area from the connecting public corridor, and in fire conditions the area could be mistaken as an extension of the public corridor. Sentence limits the length of a dead-end corridor to 6 m.

Lyle Kuhnert

Chair, Building Code Appeal Board