BCAB #1894

Last updated on January 17, 2023

September 15, 2022

Re: Source of Water Supply for NFPA 13 Sprinkler Requirements

Project Description

The proposed project is a three storey hotel/residential building built under Article of the BC Building Code which requires the building to be sprinklered throughout. The
building does not have a standpipe system.
The project requires 113.6 m3 of stored available water for the sprinkler system as specified by
NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems. The project has a water reservoir of 155 m3
filled with well water. It is proposed the additional water supply for the required external hose
streams required by the NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, be provided for by
sourcing adjacent sea water with a pump/storage system.

Applicable Code requirements: (BCBC 2018) Water Supply

1) Every building shall be provided with an adequate water supply for firefighting. (See Note
2) Buildings that are sprinklered throughout with a sprinkler system conforming to Article or have a standpipe system conforming to Article to are deemed to comply with Sentence (1). Automatic Sprinkler Systems

1) Except as permitted by Sentences (2), (3) and (4), an automatic sprinkler system shall be
designed, constructed, installed and tested in conformance with NFPA 13, “Installation of Sprinkler
Systems.” (See Note A-

Decision being appealed (local authority’s position):

The local authority has determined that sea water is not an acceptable source of water supply
required by NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, including that for required
external hose stream demands.

Appellant's position:

The appellant considers the Building Code’s explanatory material in A- permits a natural
source from a bay to be an acceptable source of water for firefighting. The concerns of corrosion
of components from sea water can be mitigated by flushing the sprinkler system with potable water
after being exposed to sea water. Further the appellant considers the use of sea water is permitted
by NFPA13 Standard for Installation
of Sprinkler Systems.

Appeal Board decision #1894

It is the determination of the Board that the use of sea water as the water supply required for
firefighting in Sentence is acceptable.

Reason for decision

Chapter 24, of NFPA13-2013 includes provisions where corrosive water such as sea water may
be introduced into the sprinkler system.

Lyle Kuhnert
Chair, Building Code Appeal Board