The project is the installation of a Park Model Trailer at an RV Resort. The Park Model Trailer is constructed to the CAN/CSA Z241 Standard and is intended for seasonal use.
Applicable Code requirements: (BCBC 2018)
Sentence, Division A, Defined Terms
Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
Dwelling unit means a suite operated as a housekeeping unit, used or intended to be used by one or more persons and usually containing cooking, eating, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities.
Subsection 9.10.15., Division B, Spatial Separation Between Houses Application
1) This Subsection applies to
a) buildings that contain only dwelling units and have no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit,
b) houses with a secondary suite including their common spaces, and
c) accessory buildings that serve a building described in Clauses (a) or (b).
(See Note A-
Decision being appealed (Local Authority’s position)
The CAN/CSA Z241 Park Model Trailer meets the BC Building Code definitions of building and dwelling unit. Building Code requirements for spatial separations between houses, related to preventing the spread of fire between buildings, apply. Adequate separation between buildings is required, or design and construction suitable for closer spacing must be provided.
Appellant's position
The CAN/CSA Z241 Park Model Trailer is not governed by the BC Building Code and the requirements related to spatial separation do not apply.
Appeal Board decision #1914
The Board reverses the decision of the Local Authority. It is the determination of the Board that the CAN/CSA Z241 Park Model Trailer is not governed by the BC Building Code.
Reason for decision
When a Park Model Trailer is used as intended by the CAN/CSA Z241 Standard (i.e., seasonally or recreationally and without site-constructed additions) the BC Building Code does not apply.
Don Pedde
Chair, Building Code Appeal Board