BCAB 1929 - Concealment of combustible water piping in a building of noncombustible construction

Publication date: April 18, 2024

Concealment of combustible water piping in a building of noncombustible construction

Project description

The project consists of an alteration to the water piping for a residential shower. The shower is located in an existing, sprinklered, high building of noncombustible construction. The water piping is combustible and has a flame-spread rating of more than 25 and a smoke developed classification of more than 50. The piping and shower diverter are located next to, but not inside, a rated fire separation wall and will be concealed on the shower side by gypsum board and tile.

Applicable Code requirements (BCBC 2018)

Sentence, Division B, Combustible Piping Materials
1) Except as permitted by Clause and Sentences (2) and (3), combustible piping and tubing and associated adhesives are permitted to be used in a building required to be of noncombustible construction provided that, except when concealed in a wall or concrete floor slab, they

a) have a flame-spread rating not more than 25, and

b) if used in a building described in Subsection 3.2.6. have a smoke developed classification not more than 50.

Decision being appealed (Local authority’s position)

The water piping is only covered by the shower diverter valve escutcheon. In a fire scenario, failure of the escutcheon cover will expose the piping to fire and allow for flame propagation and smoke movement, through the wall and ceiling space above, to other areas of the building.

Appellant's position

The piping will be concealed in a wall and need not fall within the flame-spread or smoke developed limits.

Appeal Board decision #1929

The Board reverses the decision of the local authority.

It is the determination of the Board that the piping is concealed in a wall.

Reason for decision

The photographic evidence provided demonstrates that the piping is concealed in a wall.

Don Pedde
Chair, Building Code Appeal Board