This course reflects the concepts described in the Karst Management Handbook for British Columbia (PDF, 986KB). The handbook is intended to assist in the development of appropriate management practices when conducting forest operations on karst terrain. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:
The course is a self-directed tutorial comprised of 10 lessons or modules. Each lesson contains summarized information from the handbook. You will also find many images presented to help you understand concepts.
All evaluation is in the form of optional self-check exercises. To get the most out of the course, you are encouraged to complete these exercises.
Although you are encouraged to set your own pace through the material, it is anticipated that you will need between four to six hours to complete the course, depending on your prior knowledge and the level of detail you need. The modular design of the course means that you can create your own learning path through the lessons, depending on your requirements. For example, you may only need specific information on post-harvesting operations, or you may want to review information that you have learned previously.