Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative: Stand tending regimes for red alder (EP 1140.01-.02)

Last updated on August 22, 2023

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Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative: Stand tending regimes for red alder (EP 1140.01)

Trial Name: Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative: Stand tending regimes for red alder (EP 1140.01)
Trial objectives Installation name Ecological zone Tree species Silvicultural treatments tested
  • To improve the understanding, management, and production of red alder
  • Enhance silvicultural research on hardwood species and mixed hardwood/softwood stands in the Pacific Northwest (Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative)
  • French Creek (4205)
  • Mohun Creek (4203)
  • Lucky Creek (1202)
  • Sechelt (4101) 
CWH Red Alder
  • Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative
  • Thinned natural stand trials (Type 1) and, planted espacement trials (Type II) ranging in density from 247 sph to 2965 sph
  • Pruning and thinning  treatments post planting


Publication topics Publications
Trial Establishment Summary
  • Courtin, P.J., K.R. Brown, and G.J. Harper. 2002. Red alder management trials in the Vancouver Forest Region. B.C. Min. For., Vancouver For. Reg., Nanaimo, B.C. For. Res. Exten. Note EN-016.
Procedures and Extension
Climate Change
  • Cortini, F., P.G. Comeau, T. Wang, D.E. Hibbs, and A.A. Bluhm. 2012. Climate effects on red alder growth in the Pacific Northwest of North America. For. Ecol. Manag. 277:98–106.

Red alder fertilization trials (EP 1140.02)

Trial Name: Red Alder Fertilization Trials (EP 1140.02)
Trial objectives Installation name Ecological zone Tree species Silvicultural treatments
Red Alder fertilization trials
  • McColl Road
  • Powell River
  • Sayward
  • Snowden
CWH Red Alder

Red alder seedlings were fertilized with phosphorus, as triple super phosphate (0-45-0), with or without a blend of potassium-magnesium-sulphate (0-0-22-11-22) and fritted trace elements.


Publication topics Publications
Establishment and Early Results
  • Brown, K. 1999. First-year growth responses of young red alder stands to fertilization. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 36.    
Early Growth Results
  • Brown, K.R. and P.J. Courtin. 2003. Effects of phosphorus fertilization on the early growth of red alder plantations. B.C. Min. For., Vancouver For. Reg., Nanaimo, B.C. For. Res. Exten. Note EN-019.
13 Year Stand Growth and Yield and Phosphorus Nutrition
  • Brown, K.R. and P.J. Courtin. 2018. Can phosphorus additions increase long-term growth and survival of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) on periodically dry sites? For. Ecol. Manag. 430:545–557.