Project number: EP 1012.01
District: Selkirk Forest District
- To determine the extent and pattern of genetic variability in yellow-cedar between populations to help guide seed transfer
- To determine the feasibility of planting yellow-cedar in the interior wetbelt and to identify seed sources adapted to the interior
30 rangewide populations yellow-cedar.
Randomized complete block with 12 blocks; 5-tree row plots per population per block.
- 1992 test sites fenced and planted with 1+0 415s
- 1993 replanting of approximately 50% of trees due to either vole or deer damage (gate left open) at Wilson Creek. Additional 10 blocks planted
- All trees Vexared for additional protection
- 1994 survival assessment at Wilson Creek. Champion Creek site brushed (woody perennials)
- 1995 height and survival assessment at Champion Creek, survival assessment at Wilson Creek
- 1996 brush removal at Champion Creek
- 2000 10th year height and survival assessment
- Maintenance brushing