Publications that cover multiple values |
- Jull, M., D. Coxson, S. Stevenson, D. Lousier, and M. Walters (compilers). 1998. Ecosystem dynamics and silvicultural systems in Interior wetbelt ESSF and ICH forests. Workshop Proc., June 10–12, 1997, Univ. North. British Columbia, Prince George, B.C. UNBC Press, Prince George, B.C.
- Jull, M., S. Stevenson, and B. Sagar. 1999. Group selection in old cedar hemlock forests: five-year results of the Fleet Creek partial-cutting trial. B.C. Min. For., Prince George For. Reg. Res. Note PG-20.
- Jull, M.J. and S.K. Stevenson (editors). 2001. The Lucille Mountain study: 8-year results of a silvicultural systems trial in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir zone. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Work. Pap. 59.
- Stevenson, S.K., H.M. Armleder, A. Arsenault, D.S. Coxson, C. DeLong, and M.J. Jull. 2011. British Columbia’s inland rainforest: ecology, conservation and management. UBC Press, Vancouver, B.C.
Mountain Caribou |
Lichen |
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2000. Effects of partial cutting on arboreal lichens used by mountain caribou. In: Proc., Biol. Manag. Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15–19 Feb. 1999. L.M. Darling (editor). B.C. Min. Environ. Lands Parks, Victoria, B.C. and Univ. College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C., pp. 663–664.
- Bensen, S. and D.S. Coxson. 2002. Lichen colonization and gap structure in wet-temperate rainforests of northern interior British Columbia. Bryologist 105(4):673–692.
- Coxson, D.S., S.K. Stevenson, and J. Campbell. 2003. Short-term impacts of partial cutting on lichen retention and canopy microclimate in an Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir forest in north-central British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 33:830–841.
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2004. Short-term effects of partial cutting on arboreal forage lichens at Pinkerton Mountain. Univ. North. British Columbia, Prince George, B.C. For. Res. Update NR-3.
- Coxson, D.S. and S.K. Stevenson. 2005. Retention of canopy lichens after partial-cut harvesting in wet-belt interior cedar-hemlock forests, British Columbia, Canada. For. Ecol. Manag. 204:99–114.
- Coxson, D.S. and S.K. Stevenson. 2007. Influence of high-contrast and low-contrast forest edges on growth rates of Lobaria pulmonaria in the inland rainforest, British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manag. 253:103–111.
- Coxson, D.S. and S.K. Stevenson. 2007. Growth rate responses of Lobaria pulmonaria to canopy structure in even-aged and old-growth cedar-hemlock forests of central-interior British Columbia, Canada. For. Ecol. Manag. 242:5–16.
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2003. Litterfall, growth and turnover of arboreal lichens after partial cutting in an Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir forest in north-central British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 33:2306–2320.
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2007. Arboreal forage lichens in partial cuts - a synthesis of research results from British Columbia, Canada. Rangifer 17:155–165.
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2008. Growth responses of Lobaria retigera to forest edge and canopy structure in the inland temperate rainforest, British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manag. 256:618–623.
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.S. Coxson. 2009. Effects of partial cutting on forage lichens for caribou in a subalpine forest: the Pinkerton Mountain silvicultural systems trial revisited 10 years after harvesting. Univ. North. British Columbia, Nat. Resources Environ. Stud. Inst., Prince George, B.C. Res. Exten. Note 3.
Regeneration |
- Eastham, A.M. and M.J. Jull. 1999. Factors affecting natural regeneration of Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii in a subalpine silvicultural systems trial. Can. J. For. Res. 29:1847–1855.
- Eastham, A.M. and M.J. Jull. 2003. Natural regeneration of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir 9-years after seedbed treatment in three harvest treatments. In: Proc. Regen. Issues in Partial Cutting, FERIC Workshop, Oct. 30, 2003. Univ. North. British Columbia, Prince George, B.C.
- Lajzerowicz, C.C., A. Vyse, M. Jull, and T. Newsome. 2006. Performance of planted Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir seedlings in British Columbia's southern mountains. For. Chron. 82:82–94.
Canopy Microarthropods |
- Lindo, Z. and S.K. Stevenson. 2007. Diversity and distribution of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) associated with arboreal and terrestrial habitats in interior cedar–hemlock forests, British Columbia, Canada. N.W. Sci. 81:305–315.
Coarse woody debris and wildlife trees
- Stevenson, S.K. and D.G. Keisker. 2002. Evaluating the effects of partial cutting on wildlife trees and coarse woody debris. In: Proc. Ecol. and Manag. of Dead Wood in West. For., Reno, Nev., 2–4 Nov. 1999. W.F. Laudenslayer, Jr., P.J. Shea, B.E. Valentine, C.P. Weatherspoon, and T.E. Lisle (technical coordinators). U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-181, pp. 753–763.
- Stevenson, S.K., M.J. Jull, and B.J. Rogers. 2006. Abundance and attributes of wildlife trees and coarse woody debris at three silvicultural systems study areas in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock zone, British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manag. 233:176–191.
- Stevenson, S.K and E. Phillips. 2009. Pre-harvest stand structure and wildlife habitat attributes at a group selection site in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock zone. Univ. North. British Columbia, Nat. Resources Environ. Stud. Inst., Prince George, B.C. Res. Exten. Note No. 4.
Harvesting costs |
- Renzie, C. and H.-S. Han. 2008. Harvesting productivity and cost of clearcut and partial cut in interior British Columbia. J. For. Sci. 24:1–14.
- Phillips, E. 2010. Cost and productivity of alternative harvesting in B.C.’s interior wet-belt designed to maintain caribou habitat. FPInnovations FERIC Advantage 11( 27).