Our forests make B.C. one of the best places to live. B.C.’s forests are cherished places for all of us. They nurture plants, wildlife and fish in watersheds, and they have provided good-paying jobs for generations. We all want to leave healthy forests as a legacy for our kids and grandkids. If we take care of our forests, they will take care of us.
Our new vision for forestry in B.C. is one where:
Following the recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review, we are taking steps to fundamentally transform the way we manage our forest lands and resources, including millions of hectares of ancient forests, by moving forward with First Nations.
We're updating the Forest and Range Practices Act to make sure our forests stay healthy. These updates support our vision to put ecosystems first, secure jobs for the future and better share all the benefits for a stronger B.C.
We need to increase economic and land management opportunities for Indigenous Peoples. Doing so aligns with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and advances the well-being of Indigenous communities. We’re taking the next step toward a brighter future where Indigenous Peoples are full partners in managing forests in B.C.
Our new vision for B.C. forests includes help for those affected by changes to the forestry industry. The Province will provide coordinated and comprehensive supports for workers by looking at how we can improve existing programs and through the development of new programs.