Luke provides leadership to Cordilleran geoscientists who collect field and laboratory data about the geological evolution and mineral resources of the province. He also guides ongoing projects and helps initiate and shepherd new programs.
University of Saskatchewan (B.Sc., 2000)
University of New Brunswick (M.Sc. 2004)
Luke joined the BCGS in 2015. Previously he worked for the Government of the NWT; for two years as a Project Geologist conducting bedrock mapping in the Archean Slave craton and 10 years as a Metallogenist/Mineral Deposits Geologist working on projects across the territory.
His research interests and expertise cross the genres of geology to unravel the processes of ore formation and its relationship to tectonics (i.e. metallogeny). This includes structural geology, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and ore petrology, geochemistry and isotope geochemistry, and geochronology; all are reliant on high-quality bedrock mapping. He is an expert in remote field work and collaborative research and has managed, co-managed, and participated on numerous mapping and thematic field programs across the arctic, subarctic, and northern Cordillera. Luke takes an active role in mentoring the next generation of geologists and has advised over 15 B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. studies. During Luke’s period with the GNWT he was part of a pioneering group that developed the first digital data capture systems. In 2015 he was recognized with the William Harvey Gross medal from MDD for contributions to economic geology from a young scientist.
Lockie, J., Ielpi, A., Canam, R., Perrot, M.G., Davies, J.H.F.L., and Ootes, L., 2025. Orogenic unroofing of the Taltson and Thelon orogens depicted through detrital zircon geochronology of the Sosan Group, Great Slave Lake Supergroup (Northwest Territories, Canada). Precambrian Research, 419, 107706
Kovalick, A., Heard, A.W., Johnson, A.C., Chan, C.S., Ootes, L., Nielsen, S.G., Dauphas, N., Weber, B., and Bekker, A., 2024. Living in their heyday: Iron-oxidizing bacteria bloomed in shallow-marine, subtidal environments at ca. 1.88 Ga. Geobiology, 22:e70003
Ootes, L., Cui, Y., Clarke, G., and Hickin, A.S., 2024. British Columbia Geological Survey program review 2023- 2024. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 1-11.
Hickin, A.S., Ootes, L., Orovan, E.A., Brzozowski, M.J., Northcote, B.K., Rukhlov, A.S., and Bain, W.M., 2024. Critical minerals and mineral systems in British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 13-51.
Ootes, L., Rukhlov, A.S., and Han, T., 2024. British Columbia Geological Survey rock geochemical and geochronological data products: Examples of utility. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 123-129.
Ootes, L. and Wall, C., 2024. High-precision U-Pb zircon igneous crystallization and detrital zircon maximum depositional ages from the Toodoggone region, north-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2024-06, 10p.
Ootes, L., 2023. Did epithermal mineralization in the northern Toodoggone region develop synchronously with largescale folding? In: Geological Fieldwork 2022, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2023-01, pp. 13-21.
Kirsten L. Rasmussen, Hendrik Falck, Vanessa Elongo, Jesse Reimink, Yan Luo, D. Graham Pearson, Luke Ootes, Robert A. Creaser, Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez. The source of tungsten-associated magmas in the northern Canadian Cordillera and implications for the basement. Geology 2023 51 (7): 657–662.
Jones, G., Ootes, L., Luo, Y., A. Vezinet, A., Stern, R., Milidragovic, D., and Pearson, D.G., 2023. The relative roles of ancient and juvenile crust in building accretionary orogens – Minimal ancient crust involved in the magmatic evolution of a North American Cordillera accreted terrane indicated by igneous zircon Hf-O. Lithos, article 107213.
Milidragovic, D., Ootes, L., Zagorevski, A., Cleven, N., Wall, C.J., and Luo, Y., 2023. Detrital geochronology of the Cunningham Lake formation: an overlap succession linking Cache Creek terrane to Stikinia at ~205 Ma. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60
Ootes, L., Ferri, F., Milidragovic, D., and Wall, C., 2022. The age and provenance of the Lay Range assemblage provides an indirect record of basement to north-central Quesnellia, British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2021, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2022-01, pp. 31-44.
Van Wagoner, N., and Ootes, L., 2022. Geology and geochemistry of the Kamloops Group (Eocene) in its type area, Kamloops, British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2021, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2022-01, pp. 45-62.
Jones, G., Ootes, L., Luo, Y., Stern, R., Vezinet, A., and Pearson, D.G., 2022. In situ zircon U-Pb, Lu-Hf, δ18O, and trace elements from intrusive units in northern Hogem batholith, Quesnel terrane, north-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia. Geological Survey GeoFile 2022-09, 19p.
Jackson, V.A., Ootes, L., Pierce, K., Bennett, V., Smar, L., Mackay, D., and Sandeman, H.A., 2022. Geology of the south-central Wopmay orogen, Northwest Territories (parts of NTS 86B, 86C, and 86D); results from the South Wopmay Bedrock Mapping Project. Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open File 2017-10.
Ootes, L., Milidragovic, D., Friedman, R., Wall, C., Cordey, F., Luo, Y., Jones, G., Pearson, D.G., and Bergen, A., 2022. A juvenile Paleozoic ocean floor origin for eastern Stikinia, Canadian Cordillera. Geosphere 2022.
Jones, G., Ootes, L., Milidragovic, D., Friedman, R., Camacho, A., Luo, Y, Vezinet, A., Pearson, D.G., and Schiarizza, P., 2021. Geochronology of northern Hogem batholith, Quesnel terrane, north-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2020, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2021-01, pp. 37-56.
Jones, G.O., Pearson, D.G., Vezinet, A., Luo, Y., Stern, R.A., Milidragovic, D., and Ootes, L., 2021: Preliminary zircon geochemistry of northern Hogem batholith, Quesnel terrane, north-central British Columbia (parts of NTS 093M/16, 093N/13, 14, 094C/03–06, 094D/01, 08). In Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2020: Minerals and Mining, Geoscience BC Report 2021-01, pp. 105–120.
Rukhlov, A.S., Ootes, L., Hickin, A.S., and Mashyanov, N.R., 2021. Near-surface mercury vapour haloes in air above ore deposits and faults on Vancouver Island: Insights into buried materials in real-time? In: Geological Fieldwork 2020, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2021-01, pp. 113-143.
Van Wagoner, N., Ootes, L., and Thomson-Gladish, J., 2021. Volcanism and geochemistry of the Kamloops Group, south-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2020, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2021-01, pp. 65-88.
Haugaard, R., Waterton, P., Ootes, L., Pearson, D.G., Yan Luo, Y., and Konhauser, K., 2021. Detrital chromites reveal Slave craton’s missing komatiite. Geology, 49,
Van Wagoner, N., Ootes, L., and Sutcliffe, B., 2021. Geochemical data from the Kamloops Group. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2021-16, 2 p.
Castonguay, S., Ootes, L., Devine, F., and Friedman, R., 2020. Superimposed Late Cretaceous and earliest Eocene gold mineralization and deformation events along the Llewellyn-Tally Ho deformation corridor in northwest British Columbia and southern Yukon. In: Mercier-Langevin, P., Lawley, C.J.M., and Castonguay, S., (Eds.), Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: Contributions to the Understanding of Canadian Gold Systems. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8712, pp. 223–236.
Han, T., Ootes, L., and Yun, K. 2020. The British Columbia Geological Survey geochronologic database: Preliminary release of ages. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-10, 4p.
Ootes, L., Bergen, A.L., Milidragovic, D., and Jones, G.O., 2020. Preliminary geology of the northern Hogem batholith and its surroundings, north-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2020-02, scale 1:50,000.
Ootes, L., Bergen, A.L., Milidragovic, D., Jones, G.O., Camacho, A., and Friedman, R., 2020. An update on the geology of northern Hogem batholith and its surroundings, north-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01, pp. 25-47.
Ootes, L., Jones, G.O., Schiarizza, P., Milidragovic, D., Friedman, R., Camacho, A., Luo, Y., Vezinet, A., Pearson, D.G., and Zhang, S., 2020. Geochronologic and geochemical data from northern Hogem batholith and its surroundings, north-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-01 21p.
Ootes, L., Sandeman, H., Cousens, B.L., Lou, Y., Pearson, D.G., and Jackson, V.A., 2020. Pyroxenitic magma conduits (ca. 1.86 Ga) in Wopmay orogen and slave craton: Petrogenetic constraints from whole rock and mineral chemistry. Lithos, article 105220,
Rukhlov, A.S., Ootes, L., Hickin, A.S., and Mashyanov, N.R., 2020. Supplementary data for near-surface mercury vapour haloes in air above ore deposits and faults on Vancouver Island: Insights into buried materials in real-time? British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-13, 1p.
Ootes, L., Bergen, A.L., Milidragovic, D., and Graham, B., 2019. Preliminary geology of Notch Peak and Ogden Creek (parts of NT S 094C/04 and 093N/13), northern Hogem batholith, Quesnel terrane, north-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2019-02, 1:50,000 scale.
Ootes, L., Bergen, A., Milidragovic, D., Graham, B., Simmonds, R., 2019. Preliminary geology of northern Hogem batholith, Quesnel terrane, north-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2018, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2019-01, pp. 31-53.
Ootes, L., Castonguay, S., Friedman, R., and Devine, F., 2019. Superimposed auriferous structural events along the Llewellyn-Tally Ho deformation corridor in southern Yukon and northwest British Columbia. In: Rogers, N. (Ed), Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2018 Report of Activities Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8549, pp. 49-58.
Sheen, A., Heaman, L.M., Kjarsgaard, B., Ootes, L., Pearson, D.G., and Creaser, R.A., 2019. Athapuscow aulacogen revisited: geochronology and geochemistry of the 2046 Ma Union Island Group mafic magmatism, East Arm of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. Precambrian Research, 321, 85-102.
Toma J., Holmden C., Shakotko, L., Pan Y., and Ootes L., 2019. Cr isotopic insights into oxidative weathering of the continents at 1.9 Ga utilizing the Beaverlodge Lake paleosol, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geobiology, 17, 467-489.
Acosta-Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., Jackson, S.E., and Taylor, B.E., 2018, Origin of sulfur and crustal recycling of copper in polymetallic (Cu-Au-Co-Bi-U±Ag) iron-oxide-dominated systems in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, NWT, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 53, 353-376.
Ootes, L., Castonguay, S., Friedman, R., Devine, F., and Simmonds, R., 2018. Testing the relationship between the Llewellyn fault, Tally-Ho shear zone, and gold mineralization in northwest British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2017, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2018-1, pp. 67-81.
Castonguay, S., Ootes, L., Mercier-Langevin, P., Rowins, S.M., Devine, F., 2017. Orogenic gold along Cordilleran faults: key characteristics and analogies between Phanerozoic and Archean settings. In: Rogers, N (Ed.), Targeted Geoscience Initiative, 2016 report of activities. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8199, 2017 p. 35-37,
Haugaard, R., Ootes, L., and Konhauser, K., 2017. Neoarchaean banded iron formation within a ~2620 Ma turbidite-dominated deep water basin, Slave craton, NW Canada. Precambrian Research, v. 292, p. 130-151.
Haugaard, R., Ootes, L., Heaman, L.M., Hamilton, M.A., Shaulis, B., and Konhauser, K., 2017. Depositional timing of Neoarchean turbidites of the Slave craton – recommended nomenclature and type localities. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 54, p. 15-32, DOI:10.1139/cjes-2016-0098
Ootes, L., Elliott, J.M., and Rowins, S.M., 2017. Testing the relationship between the Llewellyn fault, gold mineralization, and Eocene volcanism in northwest British Columbia: A preliminary report. In: Geological Fieldwork 2016, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2017-1, pp. 49-59.
Ootes, L., Jackson, V.A., Davis, W.J., Bennett, V., Smar, L., and Cousens, B.L., 2017. Parentage of Archean basement within a Paleoproterozoic orogen and implications for on-craton diamond preservation: Slave craton and Wopmay orogen, northwest Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54(2), pp. 203 - 232, 10.1139/cjes-2016-0059
Ootes, L., Jackson, V.A., Davis, W.J., Bennett, V.C., Smar, L., and Cousens, B.C., 2017. Parentage of Archean basement within a Paleoproterozoic orogen and implications for on-craton diamond preservation: Slave craton and Wopmay orogen, NW Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54, p.173-202, DOI:10.1139/cjes-2016-0059.
Ootes, L., Sandeman, H.A.I., and Jackson, V.A., 2017. Ultramafic intrusions (Wopmay pyroxenite pipes) in the southern metamorphic internal zone of the Wopmay orogen and the southwestern Slave craton, Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report, 2015-030, 31 p.
Ootes, L., Snyder, D., Davis, W.J., Acosta-Góngora, P., Corriveau, L., Mumin, A.H., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Montreuil, J.-F., Potter, E., and Jackson, V.A., 2017, A Paleoproterozoic Andean-type iron oxide copper-gold environment, the Great Bear magmatic zone, NW Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 81, p. 123-139. DOI:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.09.024
Berger, A., Cousens, B.C., Ootes, L., and Jackson, V., 2016. Geochemistry of Late Archean volcanic rocks from the Slave craton, Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-029, 41 pp.
Haugaard, R., Ootes, L., Creaser, R.A., and Konhauser, K., 2016. The nature of Mesoarchaean seawater and continental weathering, evidence from ca. 2.85 Ga BIF, Slave craton, NW Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 194, pp. 34-56. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.08.020
Jackson, V.A. and Ootes, L., 2016. Petrographic summary of samples from the Snare River volcanic belt, Northwest Territories (NTS 85 O/13). Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-027.
Jackson, V.A. and Ootes, L., 2016. Petrographic summary of samples from the Sharrie Lake area, southern Beaulieu River volcanic belt, Northwest Territories (Part of NTS 85 I/10 and 11). Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-026.
Williamson, N., Ootes, L., Rainbird, R., and Bédard, J., and Cousens, B., 2016. Initiation and early evolution of a continental flood basalt province preserved in the 720 Ma Natkusiak Formation, Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic. Bulletin of Volcanology, Volume 78, pp. 1-19.
Acosta-Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Ootes, L., and Corriveau, L., 2015. Mechanisms of gold refining at the Au–Co–Bi± Cu-W iron–oxide dominated NICO deposit, NWT, Canada. Economic Geology, Volume 110, pp. 291-314.
Berger, A., Cousens, B.C., Ootes, L., and Jackson, V., 2015. Geochemistry of Late Archean volcanic rocks from the Slave craton, Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-029, 41 p.
Davis, W.J., Ootes, L., Newton, L., Jackson, V.A., and Stern, R., 2015. Characterization of the Paleoproterozoic Hottah terrane, Wopmay Orogen using multi-isotopic (U-Pb, Hf and O) detrital zircon analyses: An evaluation of linkages to northwest Laurentian Paleoproterozoic domains. Precambrian Research, Volume 269, pp. 296-310.
Jackson, V.A., McGoldrick, S., Hamilton, M.A., and Ootes, L., 2015. Geology of part of the Archean Burnt Inlet belt, Indin Lake, Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-009, 29 p.
Jackson, V.A, Ootes, L., and Hamilton, M.A., 2015. Geology of a VMS showing, southern Fenton Lake, Northwest Territories (NTS 85I/15). Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-028, 16 p.
Jackson, V.A., Williams, B., Berger, A., and Ootes, L., 2015. Geology of the volcanic rocks at Sharrie Lake, Southern Slave Craton, NWT (part of NTS 85I/10 and 11). Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-024. 15 p., 1:10,000 scale.
Jackson, VA., Williams, B., Berger, A., Ootes, L., and Hamilton, M.A., 2015. Geology of some of the volcanic rocks at Wijinnedi Lake - Snare river, southern Slave craton, NWT (part of NTS 85O/13). Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-025, 34 p., 1:15,000 scale.
Ootes, L., Davis, W.J., Jackson, V.A., and van Breemen, O., 2015. Chronostratigraphy of the Hottah terrane and Great Bear magmatic zone of Wopmay orogen, Canada, and exploration of a terrane translation model. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 52, pp. 1062-1092.
Acosta-Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Ootes, L., and Corriveau, L, 2014. Trace element geochemistry of magnetite and its relationship to Cu-Bi-Co-Au-Ag-U-W mineralization in the Great Bear magmatic zone, NWT, Canada. Economic Geology, Volume 109, pp. 1901-1928.
Acosta-Góngora, P., Gleeson,S.A., Samson, I.M., Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., Taylor, B.E., Creaser, R.A., and Muehlenbachs, K., 2015. The Paleoproterozoic NICO Iron-Oxide-Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada: evidence from isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusions. Precambrian Research, Volume 268, pp. 168-193.
Jackson, V.A., and Ootes, L., 2014. Preliminary geology of the volcanic rocks at Sharrie Lake, southern Slave craton, NWT (parts of NTS 85I/10 and 11). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2014-007, 1:10,000 scale.
Sandeman, H.A., Ootes, L., Cousens, B., and Killian, T., 2014. Petrogenesis of Gunbarrel magmatic rocks: homogeneous continental tholeiites associated with extension and rifting of Neoproterozoic Laurentia. Precambrian Research, Volume 252, pp. 166-179, DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.07.007.
Hewton, M.L., Marshall, D.D., Ootes, L., Loughrey, L.E., and Creaser, R.A., 2013. Colombian-style emerald mineralization in the northern Canadian Cordillera and revelations on a major Paleozoic fluid flow event. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 50, pp. 857-871.
Jackson, V.A., van Breemen, O., Ootes, L., Bleeker, W., Bennett, V., Davis, W.J., Ketchum, J., and Smar, L., 2013. U-Pb zircon ages and field relationships of Archean basement and Paleoproterozoic intrusions, south-central Wopmay Orogen, NWT: implications for tectonic assignments. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 50, number 10, pp. 979-1006. doi:10.1139/cjes-2013-0046.
Ootes, L., Gleeson, S.A., Turner, E., Rasmussen, K., Gordey, S., Falck, H., Martel, E., and Pierce, K., 2013. Metallogenic evolution of the Mackenzie and eastern Selwyn mountains of Canada’s northern Cordillera, Northwest Territories: a compilation and review. Geoscience Canada, Volume 40, pp. 40-69.
Ootes, L., Harris, J., Jackson, V.A., Azar, B., and Corriveau, L., 2013. Uranium-enriched bedrock in the central Wopmay orogen: implications for uranium mineralization. Exploration and Mining Geology, Volume 21, pp. 85-103.
Williamson, N., Bedard, J., Ootes, L., Rainbird, R., Cousens, B., Zagorevski, A., 2013. Volcano-stratigraphy and significance of the Southern Lobe of the Natkusiak Formation flood basalts, Victoria Island, Arctic Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2013-16, 15 p.
Hadlari, T., Davis, W.J., Dewing, K., Heaman, L.M., Lemieux, Y., Ootes, L., Pratt, B.R., and Pyle, L.J., 2012. Two detrital zircon signatures for the Cambrian passive margin of Laurentia highlighted by new U-Pb results from northern Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Volume 124, pp. 1155-1168, doi: 10.1130/B30530.1.
Jackson, V.A., and Ootes, L., 2012. Preliminary geologic map of the south-central Wopmay orogen (parts of NTS 86B, 86C, and 86D); results from 2009 to 2011. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2012-004, 2 sheets, 1:100,000 scale.
Acosta Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Ootes, L., Jackson, V.A., Lee, M., and Samson, I., 2011. Preliminary observations on the IOCG mineralogy at the DAMP, FAB, and Nori showings and Terra-Norex mines, Great Bear magmatic zone. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2011-001, 12 p.
Hewton, M., Marshall, D., Ootes, L., Martel, E., 2011. Geochemical constraints on the origin of emeralds at Mountain River, Mackenzie Mountains, NT, Canada. NWT Open Report 2011-005, 28 p.
Jackson, V.A. and Ootes, L., 2011. Preliminary geologic map of the south-central Wopmay orogen (parts of NTS 86B, 86C, and 86D); results from 2009 and 2010. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2011-007.
Ootes, L., Fischer, B.J., Rasmussen, K.L., Borkovic, B., Long, D.G.F., and Gordey, S.P., 2011. Chapter 7. Mineral Deposits and Porspects. In: Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (Eds.), Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories. NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, pp. 255-268.
Ootes, L., Morelli, R., Lentz, D.R., Falck, H., Creaser, R.A., and Davis, W.J., 2011. The timing of Yellowknife gold mineralization: a temporal relationship with crustal anatexis? Economic Geology, Volume 106, pp. 713-720.
Rasmussen, K.L., Leslie, C.D., and Ootes, L., 2011. Chapter 4. Igneous Rocks. In: Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (Eds.), Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories. NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, pp. 193-214.
Jackson, V.A., and Ootes, L., 2010. Preliminary geologic map of the south-central Wopmay orogen (parts of NTS 86B, 86C, and 86D); results from 2009. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2010-004.
Mumin, H., Somarin, A., Jones, B., Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., and Camier, J., 2010. The IOCG – Porphyry – Epithermal continuum in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geological Association of Canada, Short Course Notes 20, pp. 57-75.
Ootes, L., and Martel, E., 2010. Assay results from the Sekwi Mountain mapping project (2007 and 2008 field seasons). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2010-001, 13 p.
Ootes, L., Goff, S., Jackson, V., Gleeson, S., Creaser, R., Samson, I.M., Evensen, N., Corriveau, L., and Mumin, H., 2010. Timing and thermochemical constraints on multi-element mineralization at the Nori/RA Cu-Mo-U prospect, Great Bear magmatic zone, Northwest Territories, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, Volume 45, number 6, pp. 549-566. DOI: 10.1007/s00126-010-0291-x.
Ootes, L., Davis, W.J., Bleeker, W., and Jackson, V.A., 2009. Two distinct ages of Neoarchean turbidites in the western Slave craton: further evidence and implications for a possible back-arc model. The Journal of Geology, Volume 117, pp. 15-36.
Ootes, L., Davis, W.J., Bleeker, W., and Jackson, V.A., 2008. Geologic overview of greywacke samples collected from the western Slave craton. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2008-012, 13 p.
Ootes, L., Jackson, V., and Corriveau, L., 2008. Assay results from the South Wopmay Bedrock Mapping Project (2006-2007 field seasons). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report, 2008-008, 13 p.
Ootes, L., Sandeman, H., Lemieux, Y., and Leslie, C., 2008. The 780 Ma Tsezotene Sills, Mackenzie Mountains: a field, petrographical, and geochemical study. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2008-011, 21 p.
Bleeker, W., LeCheminant, T., Davis, W.J., Buchan, K., Ketchum, J. Sircombe, K., Snyder, D., van Breemen, O., and Ootes, L., 2007. Transect across the southwestern Slave craton: from Phanerozoic platform edge to the core of the Yellowknife Supracrustal Domain. Geological Association of Canada, Field Trip Guide Book A1, 232 p.
Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., Mumin, H., Jackson, V., Bennett, V., Cremer, J.-F., Rivard, B., McMartin, I., and Beaudoin, G., 2007. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada. In: Mine site exploration and ore delineation & ore deposits and exploration technology; Proceedings of Exploration 07: Fifth decennial international conference on mineral exploration; Milkereit, B, Number 115, pp. 1171-1177.
Mumin, A.H., Corriveau, L., Somarin, A.K., and Ootes, L., 2007. Iron oxide copper-gold-type polymetallic mineralization in the Contact Lake Belt, Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada; Exploration and Mining Geology, Volume 16, pp. 187-208.
Ootes, L., Lentz, D.R., Creaser, R.A., Ketchum, J.W.F., and Falck, H., 2007. Re-Os molybdenite ages from the Archean Yellowknife greenstone belt: comparison to U-Pb ages and evidence for metal introduction at ca. 2675 Ma. Economic Geology, Volume 102, pp. 511-518.
Ootes, L., Martel, E., and Roots, C.F., 2007. Assay results from the Sekwi Mapping Project (2006 field season). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2007-006, 17 p.
Sandeman, H.A.I., Ootes, L., and Jackson, V.A., 2007. Field, petrographic, and petrochemical data for the Faber Sill: insights into the petrogenesis of a Gunbarrel event intrusion in the Wopmay Orogen, NWT, Canada. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report 2007-007, 25 p.
Cousens, B.L., Falck, H., Ootes, L., Jackson, V.A., Mueller, W., Corcoran, P., Finnigan, C., van Hees, E., Facey, C., and Alcazar, A., 2006. Chapter 7: Bedrock geochemistry of the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt and adjacent areas: regional correlations, tectonic settings, and stratigraphic solutions. In: Anglin, L., Falck, H., Wright, D.F., and Ambrose, E.J. (Eds.), Gold in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories: Results of the EXTECH III Multidisciplinary Research Project, Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division, Special Paper, pp. 70-94.
Cousens, B.L., Falck, H., van Hees, E., Farrell, S., and Ootes, L., 2006. Chapter 19: Pb Isotope compositions of sulphide minerals from the Yellowknife Gold Camp: metal sources and timing of mineralization. In Anglin, L., Falck, H., Wright, D.F., and Ambrose, E.J. (Eds.), Gold in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories: Results of the EXTECH III Multidisciplinary Research Project, Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division, Special Paper, pp. 286-300.
Dewing, K., Sharp, R., Ootes, L., Turner, E., and Gleeson, S., 2006. Geological assessment of known Zn-Pb showings, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories (NTS (105, 106). Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2006-A4, 12 p.
Mwenifumbo, C.J., Kerswill, J., Elliott, B.E., Falck, H., Thompson, P., and Ootes, L., 2006. Chapter 22: Geophysical characteristics of shear-hosted gold deposits in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, NWT. In: Anglin, L., Falck, H., Wright, D.F., and Ambrose, E.J. (Eds.), Gold in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories: Results of the EXTECH III Multidisciplinary Research Project, Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division, Special Paper, pp. 340-354.
Ootes, L., Davis, W.J., and Jackson, V.A., 2006. Two turbidite sequences in the Russell Lake-Mosher Lake area: SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon evidence and correlations in the southwestern Slave craton, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2006-A7, 15 p.
Ootes, L., Jackson, V.A., Landry, J-Y., Brzozowski, T., and Corriveau, L., 2006. Assay results from the South Wopmay Bedrock Mapping project (2004 – 2005 field seasons). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report, 2006-002, 28 p.
Ootes, L., Lentz, D.R., Cabri, L.J., and Hall, D.C., 2006. Chapter 17: Geology and gold mineralization in the Crestaurum Mine area, northern Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, NWT. In: Anglin, L., Falck, H., Wright, D.F., and Ambrose, E.J. (Eds.), Gold in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories: Results of the EXTECH III Multidisciplinary Research Project, Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division, Special Paper, pp. 249-269.
Ootes, L., 2005. Geology of the southern Wecho River area; parts of NTS 85O/01, 02, 03, 07, and 08. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open Report, 2005-001, 1:100,000 scale.
Ootes, L., and Pierce, K., 2005. Geological compilation and digital atlas of the Wecho River area, NTS 85O (eastern half). Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open File 2005-03, 1:100,000 scale.
Ootes, L., Buse, S., Davis, W.J., and Cousens, B., 2005. U-Pb ages from the northern Wecho River area, southwestern Slave Province, NWT: constraints on late Archean plutonism and metamorphism. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2005-F2, 15 p.
Ootes, L., 2004. Geology of the northern part of the Wecho River Area, NTS 85O-9, 10, 15, and 16. C.S. Lord Northern Geoscience Centre, NWT Open File 2004-003, 2 maps, 1:100,000 scale.
Ootes, L., 2002. Geology of the Crestaurum Mine area, Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, NWT. DIAND NWT Geology Division, Yellowknife, NWT, NWT Open File 2002-01, 1:2,500 scale.
Ootes, L., and Lentz, D.R. 2002. Occurrence of bleached mafic flows and their association to stockwork sulphides and BIF in the Crestaurum Formation of the late Archean Yellowknife Greenstone Belt. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-E5, 12 p.
Ootes, L., Falck, H., and Lentz, D.R. 2002. The Crestaurum Mine area. In: Falck, H. (Eds.), EXTECH III: The Yellowknife Mining Camp – Over 60 Years of Mining; Geological Association of Canada, Field Trip Guide Book B4, pp. 168-183.