Offshore Map Gallery

Last updated on November 14, 2019

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Queen Charlotte Basin Oil and Gas Wells (PDF, 1.36 MB)

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Generalized Map of Sedimentary Basins, Offshore BC (PDF, 5.82 MB)

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Existing & Proposed Marine Protected Areas Inventory 2004 (PDF, 620 KB or JPG, 5 MB)

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Petroleum Generation Potential (Cenozoic Units) (PDF, 769 KB) Figure I in Whiticar et. al.

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British Columbia Oil and Gas Resources (PDF, 2.4 MB)

map image

Offshore Petroleum Tenure (PDF, 670 KB)

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Eastern Pacific Sedimentary Basins (PDF, 2.4 MB)

map image

British Columbia Marine Transportation (PDF, 1.4 MB)

map image

Exploratory Wells and Oil and Gas Seeps of the Queen Charlotte Basin (PDF, 50 KB)


Downloadable Shape Files

Downloadable Shape Files in Geographic Projection
Layer Name Source
Exploratory wells MEM/PTB
Offshore tenure - BC MEM/PTB
BC offshore petroleum grid MEM/PTB
Cruise ship routes MEM/OOGT: Alaska Cruise
Oil and Gas Play (QCB) MEM
Tanker exclusion zone CCG;DFO
Territorial limit MEM/OOGT;NRCan
Offshore tenure - Canada NRCan
Offshore basins NRCan
Seismic lines NRCan
Sponge reefs NRCan
Sponge reef buffer zone DFO

Abbreviations: NRCan - Natural Resources Canada; MEM - BC Ministry of Energy and Mines, PTB - Petroleum Titles Branch; OOGT - former MEM Offshore Oil and Gas Team; DFO=Fisheries and Oceans Canada; CCG=Canadian Coast Guard

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