Mineral and placer titles forms

Last updated on February 28, 2025

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Assessment report title page and summary form

Title Page and Summary Form (ZIP, 1.2MB)

More information:  The report must include the Title Page and Summary Form and must include a detailed cost statement that breaks down all associated expenditures.


Builders lien forms

Builder's Lien Form (PDF, 618KB)

Release of Builders Lien Form (PDF, 340KB)

More information: How to file a claim of lien (builders lien).


Free Miner Certificate (FMC) applications

More information: Information Update No. 1 - Free Miner Certificate


Landowner notification form

Landowner notification form (PDF, 464KB)

More information: Notice requirements for mining activities on private land and Land Act Leases.


Notice of work form and schedules

Notice of work form 

More information: A permit under the Mines Act is required for exploration activities involving mechanical disturbance. The application is called a "Notice of Work" (NoW)


Physical work report form

Physical work report form (SOW Event) (PDF, 681KB)

More Information:

Sample physical work report form (PDF, 1.2KB)

Quick guide to generating a map to be submitted with a physical work report (PDF, 2.5MB)

Information Update No. 8 - Guide to Submission of Physical Exploration and Development Work for Assessment Credit on Claims (PDF, 197KB)


Reserve request form

Reserve request form (PDF, 357KB)

More information: Request Forms, maps and Spatial files can be submitted for review by the Ministry.


Surface Rights Board of BC

Right of Entry, Terms and Compensation - Mining form

More information:  The Board assists in resolving disputes between landowners and companies that require access to private land to explore for, develop, or produce Crown-owned subsurface resources such as oil, gas, coal, minerals and geothermal.


Title complaint form

Complaint form (PDF, 403KB)

More information:  Under section 40 of the Mineral Tenure Act an interested person, or an employee of the ministry may register a complaint to the chief gold commissioner.