It is important for people who live in B.C. to know what to expect if they ever need to evacuate their home due to hazards like floods, wildfires and tsunamis. This includes understanding how evacuations work, and what supports are available once evacuated.
Most home and tenant’s insurance policies cover living expenses during evacuations. If people don't have insurance or need help to meet basic needs during an evacuation, Emergency Support Services (ESS) can help.
Educate your social media followers about these topics with our easy-to-use, pre-written social media content and graphics. Post this content directly to your own social media channels or follow @PreparedBC on Facebook, Instagram and X to share our posts.
In addition to these graphics, we've created an ESS branding guide (PDF, 294KB) which provides instructions for using the program logo. Download the ESS logos zip folder for various file types that are available.
Evacuation alerts and orders
Do you know the difference between an #Evacuation Alert & Order?
ALERT: Be ready to leave on short notice.
ORDER: Leave the area immediately.
RESCIND: The threat to life and safety has passed.
More info on what to expect during an evacuation:
If you are under an #Evacuation Alert, be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Remember to park your vehicle forward-facing in case you need to evacuate quickly. Learn more:
If you receive an #Evacuation Order, keep yourself and your community safe by following it.
Choosing to remain in an area under Evacuation Order puts yourself, your loved ones, and first responders in danger. It’s not worth the risk:
Accessing support for basic needs
If you receive an Evacuation Order, follow all instructions & evacuate. Contact your home insurance provider about supports. If you don’t have insurance, or need help to meet your needs, go to Attend a reception centre if you need support in person.
Preparedness tip: know where to find support if evacuated
#EmergencySupportServices (#ESS) provide accommodation, food & other supports for evacuees that need them most. But homeowner/tenant insurance may provide greater support than ESS if you have it:
You may need #EmergencySupportServices (#ESS) during an emergency. Create a profile before you need help:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click 'Create Profile'
Step 3: Follow the BC Services Card login & registration instructions
#EmergencySupportServices provide emergency supports to evacuees who need them most. Questions to expect:
• Do you have homeowners/tenant insurance?
• Do you have friends/family to stay with?
• Do you have enough food & emergency supplies to get by?
Prepare for an emergency:
1. Download the BC Services Card App at & validate your identity
2. Visit & create a profile for Emergency Support Services (ESS) using the BC Services Card App
If you are evacuated, you may be able to access support online, by phone or at a reception centre
• Create a profile for Emergency Support Services at
• Call the BC Evacuee Helpline 1-800-387-4258
• Or visit reception centre on your Evacuation Order
If you are evacuated and need help with online registration for Emergency Support Services (ESS) supports like accommodation and food, call the BC Evacuee Helpline at 1-800-387-4258
If online self-service is activated, you can also use the following message:
If you are evacuated & need Emergency Support Services (ESS) supports like accommodation and food, you may be able to access help via Interac e-Transfer by online self-service. Visit & create a profile using your BC Services Card App.
What is ERA? The Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA) tool is a digital platform for Emergency Support Services (ESS).
Create a profile before you need help at
Evacuation alerts and orders
Do you know the difference between an Evacuation Alert & Order?
ALERT: Be ready to leave on short notice
ORDER: Leave the area immediately
RESCIND: The threat to life and safety has passed
More info on what to expect during an evacuation:
If you are under an Evacuation Alert, be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Have grab-and-go bags packed for all members of your home, including pets, and remember to park your vehicle forward-facing in case you need to evacuate quickly. Learn more:
If you receive an Evacuation Order, keep yourself and your community safe by following it.
Choosing to remain in an area under Evacuation Order puts yourself, your loved ones, and first responders in danger. It’s not worth the risk.
Accessing support for basic needs
If Evacuation is required during an emergency, evacuees should follow all instructions and evacuate. Contact your insurance; most home and tenant insurance covers living expenses in evacuations.
If you don’t have insurance, or need help to meet your basic needs during an evacuation, create a profile for Emergency Support Services (ESS). You may be eligible for help by Interac e-Transfer when you create a profile for ESS with the BC Services Card App.
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click 'Create Profile'
Step 3: Follow the BC Services Card login and registration instructions
Step 4: Once you have created a profile, you will receive instructions on how to receive supports if eligible
If you need help with online registration for ESS, call the BC Evacuee Helpline at 1-800-387-4258
An important emergency preparedness tip: know where you can turn to for support if you are evacuated from your home during emergencies like wildfires, floods or tsunamis.
Emergency Support Services (ESS) provides accommodation, food and other supports for evacuees that need them most. Keep in mind that homeowner or tenant insurance may provide greater support than ESS if you have it.
Emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Check your home or tenant insurance policy for supports available if you are evacuated.
If you will need help to meet your basic needs if evacuated, create a profile for Emergency Support Services (ESS). Creating a profile for ESS ahead of time will make it easier to access support. You may be eligible for help by Interac e-Transfer when you create a profile for ESS with the BC Services Card App. Here’s how:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click 'Create Profile'
Step 3: Follow the BC Services Card login and registration instructions
Step 4: If you’re evacuated, follow all instructions and evacuate. Follow the steps listed in your Evacuation Order
If you need help with online registration for ESS, call the BC Evacuee Helpline at 1-800-387-4258
Emergency Support Services (ESS) provide emergency supports to evacuees who need them most. Some of the questions you may be asked to determine eligibility include:
• Do you have homeowners or tenant insurance?
• Do you have friends or family to stay with?
• Do you have enough food, clothing or incidentals to support you for the duration of your evacuation?
• Do you have a plan for your pets?
If you continue to follow PreparedBC’s emergency planning advice, you should eventually be able to answer “yes” to all of these questions! But if you ever require ESS support during an emergency, here’s what you need to know:
An important part of emergency preparedness is knowing what takes place at a reception centre for evacuees:
• A reception centre is a safe gathering place where evacuees can register for Emergency Support Services (ESS) supports like accommodation and food and receive information about the emergency situation
• If you are self-sufficient, and you don’t need assistance to meet your basic needs, you are NOT required to attend an evacuee reception centre
If you will need help meeting your basic needs if evacuated, prepare now and create a profile for ESS at
For more info about the ESS program, visit:
If online self-service is activated, you can also use the following message:
If you are on an Evacuation Order, follow all instructions and evacuate. Contact your insurance; most home and tenant insurance covers living expenses in evacuations.
If you don’t have insurance or you need help to meet your basic needs during an evacuation, create a profile for Emergency Support Services (ESS). You may be able to access supports via Interac e-Transfer through online self-service registration for ESS if you are eligible.
To start, create a profile for ESS with the BC Services Card App/Account. Here’s how:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click “Create Profile”
Step 3: Follow the BC Services Card login and registration instructions. You will need to set up a BC Services Card App/Account if you don’t have one yet.
Step 4: Once you have created a profile for ESS, you will receive instructions on how to receive supports if eligible.
If you need help with online self-service registration for ESS, call the BC Evacuee Helpline at 1-800-387-4258
What is ERA? The Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA) tool is a digital platform for Emergency Support Services (ESS). ESS is a program that provides basic supports like accommodation and food to evacuees during emergency events.
If evacuation is required during an emergency, you should evacuate and follow all instructions in your Evacuation Order.
ERA is designed to increase the efficiency and speed of service delivery for evacuees. Create a profile before you need help to make the process smoother at