This multi-language information page is designed with newcomers in mind, aiming to provide essential resources and support in more languages. You will find information about services that you will need to access when you first move to the province such as health care, driving and taxes.
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The B.C. Newcomers' Guide is a helpful resource that will make your move to British Columbia a smooth and easy process. The guide is available to download in multiple languages.
Service BC is the main support for a variety of government programs and services offered to residents, businesses, and visitors. It has offices in many communities and staff to help navigate these programs and services. The Service BC call centres have interpreters available who provide service in more than 220 languages.
In British Columbia, the Ministry of Health, health authorities, and many partner organizations work together to deliver health care programs and services. Find out how you can access these services when you are new to the province.
B.C.’s driving rules and processes may be different from other provinces, territories or countries. Learn about how to get your driver's licence and insurance, road safety and driving laws, emergency contacts, and more.
Explore emergency guides and resources in multiple languages, including downloadable guides and fill-in-the-blank plans to help you get ready for emergencies that you may encounter when you come to B.C.
Racism can take many forms and is often implicit in our attitudes, behaviours, beliefs and values. It's up to all of us to take a collaborative approach to challenge and prevent racism and hate in the community.
B.C. is a great place to live, but many people are facing big challenges from high interest rates and global inflation squeezing family budgets. That’s why we’re taking action to ease the pressures of everyday costs. Find out how you can save.
When you file your income taxes, you may get direct payments for various types of benefits and refunds.
B.C. is tackling the challenges people face every day, and helping more people find a home they can afford in a community they love. Learn about household supports for you, and for those who build and provide homes.