Apply for Electric Vehicles in HOV Lanes on B.C. Highways

Decal for electric vehicles to access HOV lanes on B.C. highways


If you own a qualifying low-emission vehicle, you can apply for a decal that allows you to drive your vehicle in HOV lanes on B.C. highways.

Eligible vehicle criteria

  • Fuel types:
    • Battery electric vehicle (BEV)
    • Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV)
    • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)
    • Extended-range electric vehicle (E-REV)
  • Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS) certified
  • Covered or deemed covered by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certificate in accordance with the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations (ORVEER)
  • The vehicle must be:
    • Highway capable
    • B.C.-registered
    • Original equipped manufactured (OEM) vehicle. Post-production conversions are not eligible
    • Gross vehicle weight < 5,500 kg


HOV lanes in B.C.

Electric Vehicle OK sign

EVs displaying an official decal are allowed in these HOV lanes. 

Lower Mainland

  • Highway 1: Westbound from east of 202 Street to Gilmore Way overpass
  • Highway 1: Eastbound from Gilmore Way overpass to 208 Street overpass
  • Highway 7: Westbound HOV lane starts past (West of) Golden Ears Way and ends just ahead (East) of Old Dewdney Trunk Road
  • Highway 7: Eastbound HOV lane starts past (East of) Old Dewdney Trunk Road and ends just ahead (West) of Golden Ears Way
  • Highway 17A: Northbound only Ladner Trunk Road to Highway 99
  • Highway 99: Northbound south of Highway 17 to north of Highway 17A
  • Highway 99: Southbound south of Westminster Highway to north of Steveston Highway


  • Highway 97: Northbound Pandosy Street to Sexsmith Rd/Old Vernon Road
  • Highway 97: Southbound Sexsmith Rd/Old Vernon Road to Pandosy Street

Learn more about how to use HOV lanes.

Tips for applying

If you receive an error message, it may be because:

  • ICBC entered the incorrect fuel type for your vehicle: If the fuel type entered on the Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence is gasoline, contact us to complete the application for you. For all other incorrect fuel type entries, contact ICBC to have it corrected

Contact us if you need help submitting the application. Send a full-page picture of your Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence by email. Please make sure the image is legible before sending.

Replacement decals

If the HOV decal is lost, damaged or stolen you must apply for a replacement decal before you use HOV lanes.

If you did not apply for your decal using our online application system you will need to submit a new application.

Note: Auto body shops are not responsible for replacing decals removed during paint or bodywork.

Mailing address

Make sure the address on the Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence is where you would like us to mail your decal. If the address is for the lease company, please provide your mailing address in the body of the email.


Apply for an HOV decal or a replacement decal

If you have just purchased and insured your vehicle, please wait ten days for the information to reach our system. If you apply sooner, you may receive an error message.

Please allow approximately six to eight weeks for your decal to arrive by mail.

To apply, you will need to:

  • Provide the vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Scan (or take a photo) and upload a copy of the Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence. 
  • If this fails online, email a copy of the Certificate to

Contact information

Contact us by email: