You are responsible for making decisions in the best interests of the BC public service and the citizens of BC. Conflicts of interest raise doubts about the integrity of the BC public service and the neutrality of our decisions and actions.
Your decisions and actions must not be influenced by an interest that would benefit you, a family member, or someone with whom you have a close personal relationship. According to the Standards of Conduct, you must disclose all possible conflicts of interest for review.
If you engage in an activity or have a personal or financial interest that would cause a reasonable person to question your neutrality at work, you might be in a real, perceived or potential conflict of interest. It’s not possible to list everything that might be a possible conflict of interest but the old saying “When in doubt, ask” makes a great deal of sense in this area and ensures you are complying with your obligations under the Standards of Conduct.
You should feel comfortable talking to your supervisor/manager or ethics advisor about any questions you may have.
Learn about the three types of conflict of interest (real, perceived and potential), and how to tell whether you might be in a conflict.
Identify a conflict
If you think you may be in a conflict of interest, you are obligated to report it. Find out what information you will need, who to contact, and what to expect.
The responsibility of resolving a conflict of interest starts with the supervisor or manager. In this role, you are responsible for supporting your employees through the disclosure process.
Guidelines to help supervisors/managers to properly assess the severity of conflicts of interest, draw on appropriate resources, and resolve conflicts of interest both formally and informally.
Under the Standards of Conduct for Political Staff, employees must avoid any conflicts of interest. To learn more about avoiding conflicts of interest, consult the guidelines below developed for political staff.
Guidelines for Political Staff
For more information, see Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Political Staff.