Conflict of interest commissioner

Last updated on February 24, 2025

The conflict of interest commissioner is an independent officer of the legislative assembly.

The commissioner:

  1. Acts as an advisor to members of the legislative assembly. Members need to know what their obligations are and that the steps they have taken or propose to take will fulfill those obligations
  2. Meets with each member at least annually to review the disclosure of the member's interests and general obligations imposed by the Members' Conflict of Interest Act
  3. Undertakes investigations and inquiries into alleged contraventions of the Members' Conflict of Interest Act or Section 25 of the Constitution Act

The commissioner may provide written opinions on application by any individual member, by executive council, by the legislative assembly or by a member of the public.

They may also at the request of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, or of the Legislative Assembly, undertake such special assignments as the commissioner considers appropriate.

Applicable job codes
  Officers of the legislature
Job code 023010
Salary plan VAR
Grade CIC
Bargaining unit code 0
Salary NFS
Rates Effective 2024


Rates effective April 1, 2024

Step Annual Monthly Bi-weekly Hourly