The current salary rates for your classification can be found on the Salary look-up tool.
Download current and past pay statements through Employee Self Service.
Buying a house or condo? Your financial institution will need to verify your salary. Here's what to do:
Need help?
Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request using the categories Myself (or) My Team or Organization > HR Software Systems Support > Employee Self Serve (ESS).
Most non-management positions have a set schedule for incremental salary increases.
If you've been over or underpaid, contact AskMyHR (IDIR restricted).
Submit a service request using the categories Myself (or) My Team or Organization > Pay > Over/Under Payments.
Your salary is protected in the case of an involuntary demotion. You could be demoted if your job is reclassified downward or if you’re assigned to a lower position due to workforce restructuring.
If you temporarily have to take on the principle duties of a higher-classified position, you may be eligible for substitution pay.
Hiring managers use temporary market adjustments (TMAs) or recruitment and retention adjustments (RRAs) to attract employees during skill shortages.
Once a shortage ends, they return to their regular pay structure.
Fully qualified applicants are not always available for every position.
This creates unique opportunities for employees in some jobs to learn as they go.