Job seekers

Last updated: September 24, 2021

Services and information topics

Current job postings

We're hiring. This is your opportunity to join an award-winning employer.

Featured careers

With over 38,000 employees, the BC Public Service makes positive impacts on the lives of British Columbians every day. Explore more than 200 different career options available for any stage of your career.

Internships and co-op opportunities

Learn about paid internships, co-op placements and youth employment hiring programs.

About competencies

Competencies describe the behaviours and attributes that you demonstrate when doing your job. Find out how they're used in our hiring process.

Hiring process for applicants

Hiring decisions in the BC Public Service must be based on merit. Our application and hiring processes are non-partisan, fair, consistent and transparent.

Indigenous Applicant Advisory Service

Who can use the service?

Canadian Indigenous (First Nations [status or non-status], Métis or Inuit) applicants seeking work or already employed in the BC Public Service can receive personalized advice and guidance on the hiring process.