Find and manage APIs

Last updated on June 24, 2024

Learn how Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can help share your data and what government APIs are available.

Open API Services Portal

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About Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 

APIs are an efficient and secure way to share data. APIs are code that help different applications talk to each other and share information. APIs work behind the scenes to collect, verify and update data.


Everyday API uses

When online you likely enjoy APIs everyday without knowing it. If you have completed one of the tasks below an API has improved your experience:

  • Used a travel website to compare various airlines flights
  • Made an online payment
  • Logging into another website using one of your existing social media accounts to create a profile

API benefits for developers

For developers, using APIs means they can use features or data from a service without knowing all the technical details behind it. They can create applications that are: 

  • Modern
  • Adaptable and ready for growth
  • Cost effective
  • Easy to connect with various services

API benefits for governments

APIs help to ensure a modern, responsive, cost-effective, and efficient way of working. Connecting services is a key mission of the B.C. Government's:

Provincial API Services Portal

Our API Services Portal is a one-stop-shop for sharing and managing B.C. Government APIs. Our goal is to help everyone in B.C. who wants to connect to applications, systems, or services, within the B.C. Government.

We offer a secure and stable API gateway that handles upwards of 10 million API requests daily. To manage services in the API gateway, our API Service Portal has an easy-to-use interface that helps you get started quickly when you want to use it.  

API gateways

API gateways are tools that developers use to manage their APIs. API gateways act as a connection point between different software systems.

These gateways can restrict the flow of data, enforce rules, and distribute requests to avoid overwhelming any one area of the system. They also give software developers the tools they need to monitor API usage to help:

  • Spot problems
  • Boost performance
  • Understand how people are using the API

API Directory

Our API Directory includes B.C. Government APIs. This directory is a resource for software developers, digital teams, and businesses. 

The API Directory includes: 

  • API Descriptions: API Functionality, purpose and use cases
  • Documentation Links: information on how to use the API, available endpoints, parameters, and response formats
  • Provider Information: details about who owns the API and contact information

Technical resources

Access common technical documentation, community knowledge bases, code samples and APIs on DevHub

Get API support  

We can help you:

  • Learn about API services, tools and resources
  • Access APIs 
  • Connect with an API services expert 
  • Report an API outage 

For government teams, we can support with managing your API gateway.