Find data in the BC Data Catalogue

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Explore our extensive collection of datasets. Learn how to find and access data in the BC Data Catalogue.

On this page

Search options

You can search the BC Data Catalogue using keywords or acronyms. Enter your search terms on the main landing page, dataset list page, or use the magnifier icon on the page header.

If you can't find your dataset, try being more specific with your search terms. Use the filter on the dataset list page to narrow down your search results. You can apply filters like:

  • Licence type
  • Data or resource format
  • Download or export permissions
  • Group
  • Organization

Access open or restricted datasets

Open datasets

Many datasets are available in the Catalogue are licensed under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia or other open data licences. These datasets are free for personal or commercial use.

Restricted datasets

Some datasets are published with restricted permissions. You will need authorization by the data custodian to share, reproduce and redistribute this data. Authorization requirements may include:

If you have questions about a dataset or want to request access, review the contact section for a data custodian or data manager, or use the Contact Data Expert button at the top of the dataset record.

Use API to search the Catalogue

You can use the BC Data Catalogue API to find the information you are looking for.

  • For example: How to query a word:

Technical resources

BC Data Catalogue technical resources are available on GitHub to help you explore and access Catalogue data.

Contact us

Submit feedback, request more information, or get help through the Data Systems and Services request system.